Zero no Tsukaima

Volume 19 7

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Chapter 7 - Louise’s Decision and Romalia’s Choice[]

It happened five days before Saito met Bidashal in Kasbah.

"There is no rescue party? How is this possible?"

Louise desperately pressed Henrietta. They were in Tristain Palace. Three days had passed since Saito’s kidnapping.

Louise’s numbness had finally passed and she could try to rescue Saito. She went to the palace first...

"An emissary from Romalia brought this letter."

Louise took the letter. It had the Pope’s seal on it and just said "Please leave this matter to us."

"Then, please let me help them!" said Louise, but Henrietta shook her head.

"They want you to stay here."

"And Your Majesty accepted it?"

Henrietta nodded painfully.

"We are organizing an expedition army; our hands are tied... we can’t send people to escort you."

Louise saw that Henrietta’s decision was final.

"They likely kidnapped Tiffania too. Frankly, we know very little about elves. Romalia is much better prepared for it. They were observing elves for quite some time."

After these words Louise was just about to say something really harsh, like where would the Princess be without Saito?

But she didn’t. She had learned to control herself recently, and she understood Henrietta’s position.

The Queen has to make sacrifices sometimes... no matter how painful they are.

"I understand. It must be difficult for you to say this, right?"


"I apologize for my unreasonable expectations. I will take my leave then."

Louise bowed stiffly. Seeing this attitude Henrietta realized Louise’s intentions. Once her childhood friend made her decision no one could ever talk her out of it.

So, Henrietta didn’t say anything as usual.

"Be careful, Louise."

Louise left the palace sitting astride a horse. Newly organized regiments were marching on the street. They probably were going to Chan De Mars training camp. Recruitment posters were plastered everywhere on the walls. Regiments frantically tried to replenish in preparation for the Crusade.

The city folk didn’t seem to be concerned much, and city life went as usual. Probably people didn’t understand what "continent rise" actually meant? Maybe they thought it was a problem somewhere far away, like Albion or the Fire Dragon Mountains. Or they just expected nobles to deal with it somehow...

The road led her out of the city. It was getting dark, and Louise lighted a magic lantern hanging from the neck of her horse. Hazy light illuminated the road.

She looked at the moons shining between the clouds and began to cry.

Is Saito safe?

What horrible things have the elves done to him?

This is what she didn’t say to Henrietta.

Elves wouldn’t kill Saito. They really fear the resurrection of the Void... But they could use this horrible potion that they almost made Tabitha drink a while ago...

Then Saito would forget about her.

Even worse then that...

He wouldn’t be himself anymore.

This would be unbearable. The only thing she cared about in this world would disappear. This thought scared her, and Louise cried.

Crying didn’t help at all but she just couldn’t stop.

When she arrived at Des Ornieres everyone surrounded her looking worried.

"How did it go, Louise?" Asked Guiche.

She shook her head.

"Tristain will not try to rescue them."

"Unbelievable! The guy is a national hero!" Malicorne lamented.

"Romalia will handle it."

"To rely on Romalia like that! They basically abandoned him!" Guiche exclaimed.

Eleonore folded her hands and declared. "Well, if amateurs rushed blindly into the elves’ country they would never return."

"What are you saying?" Yelled Guiche.

But Eleonore remained calm. "Any objections? This place was full of mages yet the kidnapping went smoothly. If a rescue group was sent without a plan it just would be obliterated."

Louise responded soberly.

Everyone tensed expecting a furious fight between the sisters. Eleonore had said the truth, but it wasn’t the right moment to say it in front of Louise.

But Louise replied frankly "You are right. It’s just as Eleonore said. There is no point. Leave it to Romalia."

Then she left and everyone, including Eleonore, stared at each other in disappointment.

Louise came to her room and wiped away the tears. She looked down for about ten seconds. Then she raised her chin and she didn’t cry anymore. Determination sparkled in her eyes, lips turned into a straight line.

She started to pack a bag. A purse and underwear change, there wasn’t much to pack. She would buy food on the way.

She would need to cross the borders somehow.

From Tristain to Gallia. And from Gallia to Sahara.

However, it wasn’t an immediate problem. She took a document from her pocket.

It was a transit pass with Henrietta’s seal.

The seal was real but the pass itself was forged. During her visit to the palace she had teleported into Henrietta’s office and stamped the document.

Louise didn’t count on help from Henrietta from the start because she realized that the Queen is not free in her actions.

Not so long ago she would just ask Henrietta for this permit but now she felt that it wouldn’t work...

Louise didn’t want to involve the others in the mansion because this was a personal matter...

Considering the current situation in Halkeginia her actions were unacceptable. As a Void mage she should have been following the instructions from Romalia.

But she was anxious.

It was like a premonition.

The elves will force Saito to drink this potion...

Romalia doesn’t care about Saito. But I do.

They may even be right. Choosing between the fate of Saito and the future of Halkeginia shouldn’t be difficult for them.

Even if Saito did lose heart, it still could be reverted. Tabitha’s mother recovered. Romalia may consider it to be a mere "inconvenience". It may make their choice to avoid immediate actions even easier.

Considering the recent actions of Romalia it seemed to be very plausible...

That was the main reason Louise refused to rely on Romalia.

Absolutely unacceptable.

When her backpack was ready, she opened a window and cast a teleportation spell.

Louise jumped across the street to the stables. Trying to keep the Horse calm and silent she put a saddle on it.

When she was about to depart, there was a rustle in the bushes. Louise immediately raised her wand. Elves again?

A maid with luggage emerged from the bushes.

"Siesta?" Louise exclaimed

"Yes, it’s me."

"What are you doing here?"

"The same thing as you. Please take me with you."

Apparently Siesta had guessed Louise’s intentions and was waiting for her.

Louise sighed and said "Impossible. Forget it."

Louise tried to leave but Siesta blocked her way.

"I can’t. I will go too."

"Listen, this time I can’t. It’s not like that time in Albion."

"I know it. You are going to the elves, right?"

"Yes. The scary elves, you know?"

"I know. I still want to go."

Apparently Siesta decided to go no matter what.

"I am not joking! You are not even a mage. It’s dangerous for a commoner. Do you understand?"

"I understand. But..."

Siesta started to cry.

"I can’t just stay here and wait. If something happens... to mister Saito... and miss Valliere... life wouldn’t be worth living. So I beg you, please take me with you."

Louise was deeply touched by Siesta’s words.

"But this is impossible."

"Then I will yell! Everyone will know that miss Valliere is leaving!"


Siesta opened her mouth and breathed in deeply. Louise jumped to her and covered her mouth.

"Ok! All right! I am taking you with me, so please be quiet!"

Triumphant Siesta quickly tied her luggage to the saddle and climbed on the horse.


Well, Louise gave up. But at the same time she was somehow glad. Whoever your companion is, not being alone is reassuring.

They started to move and went out of the gate but were stopped by a blue-haired girl with a cane.

"Tabitha? What are you..."

Louise started to ask but, surprisingly, Tabitha interrupted her.

"I will go too. I can’t let you go like that. Elves are dangerous. I fought one once. With Sylphid we can fly there."

Louise was speechless. Then Sylphid descended suddenly and sat in front of her.

"Right. Get off this slow creature. Climb on Sylphy."

Louise and Siesta were stunned. Sylphid grabbed Louise and put her on her back.

"Me too! Me too!" Cried Siesta and Sylphid loaded her too.

Then Tabitha joined them.

Louise stared at Tabitha, stunned. She wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words...

Then she did. "Thank you."

Louise nearly cried. Naturally. Everyone was worried about Saito, not just her.

They flew on Sylphid’s back in the night sky for a while... Then from behind came a strange sound.

Louise looked back. A huge winged shadow was gaining on them.

"Hey! Miss Valliere! No matter how light you gals are, Sylphid will get tired carrying you to Sahara!"

It was the magically enhanced voice of Colbert.

Sylphid happily yelled kyui kyui and flew toward Orient.

Everyone from the mansion was on the deck of Orient; Kirche, Malicorne, Colbert, Guiche and even, surprisingly, Eleonore.

When Sylphid landed, Eleonore approached, folded her arms and yelled at Louise.

"Again, doing whatever you want! Why don’t you ever consult with me!"

Louise trembled.

"Sorry! But if I told you about it you would never agree..."

"Are you saying that I am unable to understand you?"


"Then talk to me. It’s not like I reject everything, I am not a demon."

Malicorne shook his head. "You are scarier then a demon. You are the elder sister."

Eleonore kicked Malicorne.

"You can’t call me elder sister!"

Malicorne hit the wall spectacularly.

Louise looked around with tears in her eyes and quickly bowed.

"Thank you, guys."

Kirche put her hands on Louise’s shoulders and narrowed her eyes.

"Why did you try to do it alone?"

"Because... I just... I didn’t want to bother..."

Amazed, Kirche replied.

"Bother? idiot. One that can’t be bothered to help a friend is not much of a friend."

Some time later everyone was fast asleep in the cabin...

Louise was alone on the deck looking at the night sky. Blue and red moons shone in a gap in the clouds.

"Hey, Saito" she said toward the moons.

"Do you also see the moons in the desert?"

It would be nice, thought Louise. She wanted to feel a connection.

"Saito, they are beautiful."

"Lets look at them together in Des Ornieres again."

Her wish flew into the night sky with the sound of the steam engines of Orient.

Next morning...

A single-horse carriage stopped in front of the "religious agency" in the center of the Holy Romalian Empire. A tall noble came out out of it, his blue eyes shining under long gray hair. A beautiful woman with sharp eyes followed him.

It was Wardes and Fouquet.

A girl, about fifteen yeas old, greeted them with a curtsy.

"My master is waiting" she said simply.

"Mikaela, why did the Pope summon us?"

This religious agency... Last month Mikaela, a maiden in the Pope’s service, led Wardes and Fouquet here to introduce them to the Pope.

They were nervous and curious about this meeting but the Pope, Vittorio Cervale, didn’t say anything interesting. It was just a meaningless small talk.

So, forced to work for the Pope, they hadn’t the faintest idea what would he want from them.

"There is no reason for me to know it."

Replied Mikaela worriedly.

"I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

Wardes smiled. Fouquet poked him.

"Don’t tease the shrine maiden."

They were immediately invited into the Pope’s office. Vittorio had just finished morning prayers and was sitting in a chair drinking tea.

When they came in, Vittorio stood up and invited them to sit.

"Please. Would you like some tea?"

Without waiting for their answer, Mikaela went to an anteroom and brought tea.


The Pope sipped his tea.

"Ok, what do you want from us?" Wardes asked bluntly.

"Did you hear what happened at the Fire Dragons Mountains?" Asked Vittorio.

Wardes nodded. "Yes."

"This is what your mother was afraid of."

Wardes’ eyes glinted. "You know it, huh?"

"We keep an eye on Halkeginia. It appears that your mother had a foresight."

Wardes silently waited. Fouquet was looking at Wardes and the Pope. She couldn’t grasp the intentions of this young man. The most powerful man in Halkeginia invited them, two criminals, into his office without any concern.

She couldn’t feel even a trace of greed in him. Indeed, his modesty was in stark contrast with the previous Popes.

She now understood the reason behind the jokes about humility of the new Pope.

Yet Fouquet couldn’t help but feel something ominous behind this mask of innocence. If she told Wardes about it, he would brush it away like woman’s silly premonition...

"It made her loose her mind. She wasn’t a very strong person and just couldn’t handle it."

"Simply put, I want you to help to resolve this problem."

"Me? What can I do about it?"

"Powerful magic equipment is hidden in the Holy Land. It belonged to the Founder Brimir. To get it back we need to gather four of four, the bearers of the Void."

"Bearers of the Void?"

"People to whom Founder Brimir passed his power."

Wardes remembered the faces of Louise and Saito.

"I am not one of them."

"Indeed. Two of them were kidnapped by elves. I want you to rescue them."

"Oh. Who are they?"

"Gandálfr and miss Tiffania, descendant of the Albion Royal Family."

Wardes smiled.

"I know Gandálfr."

"I am aware of the animosity between you two."

"In other words, you are sending us to the country of elves?"

"Basically, yes."

"What if the rescue is problematic?"

"In that case I want you to eliminate them."

Wardes smiled.

"You found the right man for this job."

"In that case the force will be passed to someone else. Rescue them if you can. Otherwise greater good requires the sacrifice. Do you understand?"

"I see. When do we depart?"

"Immediately. We have several ways into the elvish country. You will pretend to be a peddler."

When Wardes and Fouquet left, a handsome teenager shifted a curtain and entered the room. His eyes were different colors. It was Julio.

"Indeed, elves are resourceful. It will be difficult to gather four of four."

"What do you think about them?"

"It went well. Together they are among the best hitmen. Viscount Wardes is unlikely to fail. It will be a hassle to raise the new Gandálfr" said Julio. Vittorio nodded.

"It will take time... Frankly, it is unfortunate that fate made ’brothers’ disposable."

Julio sadly smiled.

"I prefer the word ’martyr’."

"I agree. And I am getting tired of this ’there is a magic device yadda-yadda’ story."

Julio didn’t respond. He also knew the truth.

That device protected by the elves never existed...

Mikaela was in the room all this time. Vittorio ordered her "Please bring it."

Mikaela nodded and brought an ancient-looking mirror from Vittorio’s study.

It seemed to be a usual round mirror. However faded words written on the frame suggested that it was a very old item.

"The round mirror of the Founder... How much history was reflected in this mirror?"

This pocket mirror once belonged to the Founder.

"It reflected everything. Regrettable and cruel events. Along with the life of Founder Brimir."

Vittorio mentioned the "life" of Brimir.

"You shouldn’t say it. It’s a blasphemy."

"He was a person. With his own worries, suffering and free will."

An outline appeared in the mirror, "life" written in ancient runes.

It was a spell of Void that Vittorio learned recently.

It was a terrifying spell. Four mages could use it to put four treasures into resonance for the first time...

Four familiars had to be there too.

Gandálfr, protecting the chanters.

Myoznitnirn who makes the four treasures resonate.

Vindálfr, the "vessel" of the spell that turns into "eye of the four".

The fourth familiar’s name also was written there indifferently.

"Lifsrasil," the heart of God.

"You said that you don’t want to remember this name in the song, right?" Vittorio asked the small mirror.

"Was it because of the guilt? Did you feel remorse because you were killing people of the same race as this familiar?"

There was no answer. The man who could answer these questions had died six thousand years ago.

But he left them the "mission"...

Staring at the rune of spell "life", Vittorio shook his head.

Did my mother refuse to give this mission to me? Was it the reason she ran away with the ring?

Vittorio wiped his eyes. Julio gently put a hand on his shoulder. Mikaela also put her hand on her masters shoulder.

The round mirror of the Founder glimmered faintly.

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