A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 220: New aliases

Chapter 220: New aliases

"Alright" The palace-spirit said.

Then the Power of Space shot out as a focused massive beam from the palace's roof.

Shooting into the sky, it made a large hole there.

When the large hole which was a portal to another region was made into the sky by the fired beam possessing space-laceration power, the palace immediately shot into it before it could heal up. Then when it came out of the spatial hole, it appeared in Nailah's village.

A few moments after it appeared in this region, Alex and Olivia appeared. They had been teleported away from the palace which was a request of Alex.

"We are back" Alex said to Olivia with a smile. Then he continued "Time to bring the villagers out"

Olivia nodded.

Then producing a treasure which looked like a miniaturized apartment building in one of his hands, he projected a thought command into it. And this command was that it should teleport the villagers it contained outside.

As soon as the apartment-treasure received Alex's thought-instruction, it glowed brightly for a brief period of time before rapidly dimming.

When the apartment-treasure first produced the brilliant resplendent light, space distorted around the both of them. Then when the emitted resplendent light abated, hundreds of people suddenly appeared around them.

These were the villagers.

They had been teleported away from the hundreds of massive rooms possessed by the treasure-apartment that they were in.

Once they appeared, they looked around and then at Alex and Olivia. Then very quickly, they fell on their knees and began to thank the both of them.

Although they saw how the land of their village now looked, they just couldn't be saddened by it. They would manage it new form for the rest of their lives. And since he had brought them out of the building-treasure that he initially kept them, then that meant he had wiped their enemies away.

They knew of course that he wouldn't bring them out even if just one of the people that were after them was still around.

So, since he had brought them out, he had killed and disposed off their adversaries.

They knew this and so fell to thee knees to thank him with all of their hearts.

Alex smiled at what they did. Then he shook his head.

"Hey folks, what's this you are doing? Please, get up" He said.

Although he said that, no one got up.

It was like they hadn't thanked him enough.

"Folks, come on. I said stand up!" He said with a loud voice.

Then it was only now that the people stood to their feet.

Alex looked at them and grinned.

"You shouldn't do that. It was nothing." He said. Then he continued "I believe you know why I have brought you all out? That's because I have eliminated your foes. They are all dead now. So you can all go back and continue to do the things that you all loved to do."

Hearing that which was a confirmation to what they initially thought, the men nodded their heads with gladness. While the women and girls began to dance happily.

After Alex said that, he looked at the land and shook his head.

"Don't worry about your land. I would do something to fix it bad shape. Even if I can't bring it back to it previous form, it would still manageable for your various needs. Then about your homes which have been destroyed in the numerous fights, together with me, we can all fix that too." He said.

"No need to join us to do such dirty jobs. We would create a new home for ourselves." one of the villagers said. Then the others agreed.

Alex smiled.

"Okay, if you say so. But I would still participate in it a bit" He said assuredly.

"Anything you say" Another said. Then he asked "We don't even know your name?"

"Oh, my name's not important. But you can call me by my alias, The Punisher" Alex replied with a smile.

"The Punisher? What a tyrannical name." One person said adoringly.

"Yes. He would punish thousands of gods and infernals. Nothing can withstand his power of punishment" Another said.

"Since you are the punisher of gods, and have abilities that would definitely match that of true gods in cultivation in the nearest future, can we call you... 'The Godly Punisher'?" one of the villagers who was a matured woman asked with twinkling eyes. She was also trying with all of her heart to contribute to the name-giving session that had suddenly initiated.

Once the woman asked Alex that, Alex's eyes glittered.

The name sounded more powerful than the Punisher that he gave himself. Although it was a powerful and frightening alias, it was one that would bring a lot of trouble and calamity his way.

"Trouble and calamity, huh?" He asked inwardly.

"Then I shall devastate you with my Way of Peerless Divine Punishment" He said with an unyielding resoluteness within.

Once he decided that in his heart, he looked at the excited villagers and said "Sure. You can call me The Godly Punisher."

The woman then became exceedingly happy that she had just given a name that Alex liked. She had actually just giving a name that Alex would continue to use in future. And just thinking about that made her blood heat up in tremendous excitement.

From the unbridled joyful expression in her face, one would think that she had just accomplished a great thing that she hadn't been able to accomplish since she was born.

Then unexpectedly, they all fell to one knee like they were telepathically connected to each other and shouted "Woe to the ones that The Godly Punisher would come after, for their lives in this world would come to an end on that day. Before The Godly Punisher who is a divine slayer of deities and fiendgods, all storms shall cease or settle, and all darkness shall turn to light."

"Hmm" Alex who was very surprised at their sudden, unanticipated actions uttered with a wide smile.

Then he looked at Olivia and said "I like these people"

Olivia nodded with a smile that a sense of envy could be perceived from.

She was actually jealous of Alex. But what could she do? It was basically his shine. It was he who fought the numerous deadly battles alone and ended them with the many revelations of strange destructive powers that she never knew existed.

Then she became like 'Why am I even jealous? He's my husband. I should applaud him instead. He deserves it'

After the villagers finished saying that, they turned to look at Olivia who also looked back at them with a smile.

Then one of the villagers who was at the front said 'We know that you are friends with The Godly Punisher, but we would love to see you guys become a thing. What I meant by that is we would love to see you guys get married and give birth to kids. To be sincere, you two should marry. I and the entire community feel like you are made for one another"

Alex grinned while Olivia smiled.

"Well, even before you could think about this, we both have decided to get married. We are friends, but we have decided to upgrade our relationship status. So we would definitely marry. But our marriage wouldn't happen anytime soon as we still have a lot of individual goals and objectives to achieve. But anytime in the future, after we have settled a lot of things, we would definitely get married. I can't wait to be with the love of my life" Olivia said to them and looking at Alex affectionately.

The villagers smiled happily.

It was good that their two protectors have fallen for each other and would get married to one another. Even though they wouldn't live to see that wonderful day as they were mortals with a very short lifespan of about 100 to 200 years, just knowing that they would get married brought happiness to their hearts.

Then the villager that asked Olivia that question spoke again as he asked "What should we call you?"

Olivia shook her head.

"Anything" She said with a smile.

The woman that gave Alex the moniker which he gladly accepted, excitedly jumped to her feet. Then she asked "Can I be given the opportunity to give an alias to the dazzling future wife of The Godly Punisher?"

Olivia shook her head with a smile hung in it.

"Sure, you can. I would be fine with just any name" She said.

The woman nodded her blissfully.

Then she said "I give you 'Mistress of Punishment'"

"Hmm!" Alex couldn't help but utter that, while Olivia eyes glowed fantastically.

"That's one beautiful nickname. Thank you ma'am. I gladly accept that." She said with an endearing smile. 

Olivia really loved the name because it had the word 'Punishment' in it. Another reason was because the word used to form hers was also a part of Alex's alias. 

"No, don't thank this mortal. I should be the one to thank you instead for giving me the opportunity to talk." The woman said.

"It's okay" Olivia responded. Then she continued "I love the name very much. Matches that of my husband"

The villagers all nodded.

"Alright. Naming session is over. Men, let's get to work. We have things to build" Alex said.

The men nodded their heads and then stood to their feet.

Then they left with Alex to rebuild their homes that had vanished from the destructive floods of energies that washed through their entire village during the deadly battles that occurred many hours ago.

"We would have to go into the forest to get woods to use for the fences and roofs of our homes." A villager said.

"Don't worry about that. Let's us erect a large mud home for you people" Alex said.

The villagers became astonished.

"But how are we going to do that?" One of them asked.

"You don't really need to do anything folks. Just watch and see" Alex said with a smile.

Then he closed his eyes and focused on numerous past incidents and scenes that began to replay in his mind. In these short scenes that quickly changed as they replayed, he saw things that caused anger to swell up excessively from within him.

And as soon as this intense wrath shrouded the entire length and width of his heart, a pulse of power that belonged to the Saint stage burst out from within him. Then this power that rippled out from him, caused the earth around him and for many miles away to tremble slightly...

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