A Cultivation Tale: The Godly Punisher

Chapter 221: Nailah's intention

Chapter 221: Nailah's intention

Everyone that were gathered around Olivia, felt the sudden intense trembling of the earth. Then they looked around to know what caused that.

After looking around for sometime, a child in their midst saw Alex and then shouted "Everyone, look!"

Then they all quickly turned their heads in the direction that the child pointed to. And when they saw Alex, a great awe surfaced in their hearts.

Olivia smiled, while the villagers couldn't help but have their eyes glitter like diamonds. The form that Alex's body had taken was simply massive and frightening at the same time. He looked like a large rock that was in the shape of a human and possessed life and awareness.

Immediately after Alex transformed, he placed his two large rock-like hands on the ground. Then he sent the Power of Earth deep into the ground which began to cause the earth to tremble more.

From the intensity of the trembling, one would think that colossal beasts wanted to burst out from deep within the earth.

Not long, the ground tore apart as solid and thick structures of earth shot out from within the earth.

The structures that had shot out from the earth then began to to fuse with each other, becoming large apartments that the villagers could stay in.

When the villagers looked at the structures, they couldn't help but have their minds spin in awe at their sizes. The buildings that had formed from the fused massive structures of earth simply towered to the sky.

After a while of doing that, Alex started to feel a great strain on his soul, and an intense pain racking his entire body, so he stopped.

Immediately he finished doing that, the villagers couldn't help but hail him.

Alex tried to stop them, but he couldn't stop their praises. So he accepted their praises like that.

"Alright. Those are your new homes, go check them out and take the rooms that you like. No fighting, there are absolutely enough rooms for everyone and they are of the same space. Okay? You can all go now"

The villagers happily nodded their heads and then rushed excitedly into the numerous tall buildings that were formed from solid earth.

When they entered the rooms that they chose, they just couldn't help but have their eyes glitter again in astonishment.

The rooms were really massive in size, and they were thick and solid. It was like they were formed from concrete, sand, cement and gravel, just like the ones that could be found in the city. The floors of the rooms which they felt would be very rough, was surprisingly smooth. It was like it was tiled. Same with the wall which was very smooth in appearance.


They all laughed happily in the various rooms that they were. Then the ones that chose the highest rooms and were hit by currents of fresh, cool air smiled joyfully and enjoyably.

After Alex reverted to his human form, he6 produced a soul invigorating pill which he swallowed.

Once the pill got to his stomach and dissolved, it turned into a large amount of soulforce energy that rushed into his soul-dwelling region. Once it entered there, it engulfed his soul and eliminated the strains that had appeared, and then energized his soul.

Feeling refreshed and energetic, Alex summoned another physique.

Now looking massive in size, leaf-green and wood-brown in color, then possessing numerous branches that grew out from his body, he placed his hand on his hands on the ground.

Then he directed the Power of Wood of the physique deep into the earth.

Immediately he did so, a power which was in the form of bright green light, totally encompassed the land of the entire region that the village was in. This power circled it like a ring.

Then suddenly, the outer boundaries of the land experienced the rapid appearances and the accelerated growth of trees.

The trees developed so fast that they grew extremely tall in a very short time. Then with extremely large, luxuriant green canopies and long branches, they were the type that would be found in rainforests or jungles.

The huge forest that Alex created was made to circle the village. Then right at the center of this enormous forest that stretched into the far distance was the village.

When Alex finished making the circular encompassing jungle, he reverted to his normal form and took soul invigorating pills to heal and energize his strained and weakened soul.

Then moving golden swordforce energy to a hand from his energyhouse, he created an energy-weapon which was a solid construct of energy and was in the shape of a large curved sword.



Alex swung the curved, golden energy-sword in his hand to cut away the tightly-packed branches. He was trying to make a path for the villagers if they wanted to leave the village and go somewhere else.

After doing all this, the solid sword of golden swordforce energy in his hand decomposed as it lost it form and returned to the realmverse as slivers of energy.

After he did so, he headed to where Olivia stood.

"Olivia, why are you still here? Why don't you go take your own room?" Alex asked.

"Take my room? Why would I do that? I would stay in the room that you take" Olivia said.

"Oh. Alright. Let's go then" Alex said.

Then he grabbed Olivia by the hands and went into one of the towering buildings that he made.

He chose the highest floor because of the scenic view and fresh air.

"We can stay here." He said.

"It's nice." Olivia said. Then she continued "You have built a better place for the villagers. They would always remember you in all their lives"

Alex smiled.

"So, when are you going to leave here?" Olivia asked.

"Tomorrow" Alex replied.

"Alright" Olivia said.

Then she produced a bed from her spatial ring and sat on it in the cross-legged position to cultivate.

When Alex saw that Olivia had produced a bed, he became surprised.

Still standing, he asked "You carry a bed around with you?"

Olivia grinned.

"Shocked? Of course I do. Just about everything that can be found in a apartment is in my spatial ring"

"Oh" Alex exclaimed.

Then he looked into his dad's spatial necklace to see if there would be a bed or chair in there. But he saw nothing like that. Then he directed a sliver of his mind into his mom's spatial ring to see if there would be a chair or bed in there. He felt that his mom's spatial ring should have beds, as his mom wanted him to be comfortable.

But to his surprise, he saw nothing like that.

"Come on" Alex uttered.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"I wasn't talking to you. Go back to your cultivation" Alex said.

Olivia grinned.

"Can't find a bed? I can give you one" Olivia said.

"What? You still have more beds?" Alex questioned in a surprised tone.

"Yes. Anything bad with that?" Olivia asked.

"No. Nothing bad. It's really cool" Alex said.

Olivia shook her head. Then with a thought, a large bed shot out of her spatial ring and landed beside Alex.

"Thank you ma'am" Alex said.

Olivia just ignored him and resumed her cultivation.

Now sitting in the cross-legged position on the bed, Alex immersed himself into a world of comprehension. What he was trying to do was to comprehend many of the battle-methods that he didn't quite understand how to utilize.

- Many hours later -

As they were comprehending, someone came to knock on the door of their room.

Alex's and Olivia's eyes snapped open.

Then Alex stood to open the door for the person. As soon as he did so, he saw Nailah.

He was surprised.

"Nailah, what's up?" He asked.

"Nothing. I just want The Godly Punisher and Mistress of Punishment to teach me how to cultivate." Nailah said shyly.

Then she continued "I know that you seniors would leave soon, if not tomorrow as you both are done here. And if I don't take the opportunity now to request for battle methods and training on cultivation, I believe that I would never come across such an opportunity again. I don't want to depend on anyone ever again for my safety. I want to grow strong too and protect my people from harm."

"That's a great intention coming from you. Come in" Alex said with an amiable smile.

Nailah nodded. Then she went in.

"You were actually right that we would leave tomorrow. But I was thinking of asking you later in the evening if you would want to leave with us. You have special gifts that should be put to a great use. Besides, there is something I want you to do for me. So with proper training, you can develop that gift and use it for something that would amaze gods when you reach a certain stage." Alex said.

When Alex asked if she would love to come with them, Nailah's eyes glittered.

She didn't even think twice about it as she hurriedly said "Yes". The way that she quickly said it was like if she didn't say yes in the next moment, Alex might possibly change his mind.

Alex laughed at her behavior.

"No. I don't want that kind of answer. Think very well about it before you respond. You know, this is your place. The place where you grew in with all these nice folks. If you leave with me, you would leave these people behind who are your people, as your father was their chief before he was killed. They would definitely be sad about you leaving with me. And I don't want it to seem like I am forcing you to go with me because of your special abilities. So, if you don't want to come with me again, I would respect you decision. But I can make you into the powerful cultivator that you have dreams of becoming. With many A-grade battle and cultivation methods to choose from, you would grow up to become a powerful cultivator that can pluck the sun and tear apart the sky." Alex said and winked at her.

Nailah nodded.

Then she asked "But there is something that you want me to do for you. If I don't come with you, how would I be able to do it?"

"Oh, about that. Well, your powers haven't really developed. I can say that they are still at the foetal stage. You wouldn't be able to do really much about the thing that I want you to do for me. However, since you would be in this village, and would be cultivating, I am sure your light-based healing ability would grow very quickly. Then when I come back for your help, you would be able to use your powers." Alex replied.

"No. I want to come with the both of you. I have made up my mind" Nailah said pleadingly.

She was hoping Alex would grant her request.

Alex smiled.

'So adamant and persistent' He said within.

Then trying to frighten her so that he would waver her unyielding resolution, he said "My life and hers are full of things that you don't want to experience"

"Like what?" Nailah asked.

"Just constant battles that could result in one's death if one wasn't powerful and strong enough." He replied.

Then he continued "Imagine this scenario. Let's say I was faced with many powerful and wicked cultivators that would do anything to obliterate me, their adversary. Then if they later discover that you are related to me, you could simply die because I wouldn't be able to protect you and myself"

Nailah smiled.

"I know that you are trying to frighten me so that I would change my mind in going with you. Anyways, to your question, if such ever happens and I am eventually killed. Well, it was my fate all along. To end there." Nailah replied. Then she continued with an intensely serious expression in her face. "Sir, nothing you would say would make me change my mind. And if you eventually don't take me along with you, I will be become extremely unhappy and purposeless."

Alex shook his head, while Olivia gave a smile.

She was liking this little girl the more.

She was not even afraid of death. Saying that if death ever came like a storm and that she was eventually washed away by it, it was her destiny all along.

"Nailah, come here. Don't worry, you would come with us" Olivia said.

Nailah's eyes glowed with joy. Then she rushed to where Olivia was.

Alex looked at Olivia and smirked, then he said "Olivia, I was going to take her with us when we are about to leave. Why would I reject someone that wants to become a cultivator? That alone can become a heart demon for me. I just wanted her to know the kind of hardships and travails that we pass through as cultivators. I want her to know about the unending battles that we fight everyday and that she should be prepared for it. And from the resolution radiating from her, I can tell that she's ready." Alex said.

When Alex said this, Nailah became very glad.

"Thank you." She said.

"No need for that" Alex replied.

Nailah nodded.

"Give her a cultivation manual, Alex" Olivia said.

"Yea. So about that. Since you can control light to bring about healing, I can say that you have a strong affinity for light, for luminiforce energy which would bestow you with the power to control and create light. Therefore, I would give you a battle and cultivation methodology related to light." Alex said.

Then he continued "Since you have a great affinity for light, your cultivation should progress very quickly. Then if you want, I can give you a few other cultivation manuals to study so that you would have other energies to draw upon during a battle" Alex said.

Nailah nodded her head with sparkling eyes.

"Alright." Alex said.

Then he produced a large manual titled 'Great Heavenlight Methodology' which he gave to Nailah who accepted it with hands that trembled due to her excitement.

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