A Gorgeous White

Chapter 225: Darkness Is A Relief

Chapter 225: Darkness Is A Relief

He could see the mouth moving. But Moulin doesn't hear any words.

However, the shock on his face greatly expressed his emotions. Silver eyes wide, thoughts confused, Moulin blinked with furrowed brows as he watched the soundless man standing beyond the glass door.

'Alsander? Why? How did he get here?!'

It was when Alsander tilted his head in confusion did Moulin snap out of his thoughts and hurriedly signaled that he could not hear Alsander's words. Amber eyes squinted. The Vernallian young master sighed hopelessly as he scratched at the back of his head. It would be hard to communicate if Moulin wouldn't be able to hear him.

Alsander roamed his eyes all over the glass doors. He could touch the doors with ease, but he knew Moulin couldn't. As a master wielder who studies and manipulates barriers, he was impressed at the foundation of the barrier. It was incredibly strong and threatening.

Truly built to capture and restrain maeruthans. It was hard to create a barrier like this, and he didn't expect he could personally witness one detain his friend.

While Alsander watched Moulin observe him patiently, he rubbed his chin as he knocked on the glass twice. If he were to break it, there would be no doubt a particularly terrifying person would hunt him down within a heartbeat. Alsander shuddered at the thought. The fierce ocean wind also swirled around him and he shivered again.

'This is why I hate the South' he silently complained. Even though he was wearing a mystic cloak to hide his presence, he still felt cold!

Shaking his head, he exhaled on the cool surface of the glass and wrote on its fogged area. 'Hang in there'

He breathes out again, almost choking, 'I'll be back. Soon, you'll be out'

Moulin blinked with narrowed eyes as he set his eyes away on the poorly reversed words and nodded in understanding. He fumbled with his fingers patiently. Hope sparked in his chest and he could almost hear the loud pounding of his heart. Thank goodness, there was someone here to help him'.

Alsander grinned cheekily and winked at him. His poor dear friend looked exceptionally pitiful and adorable than the last time he saw him. 'Sigh' Why did he have to be so enchanting to attract the cold ruthless eyes of the Golden Lion? Truly, Moulin's beauty is indeed incomparable.

He smirked, and when Moulin saw him do this, the youth glared at him.

Seeing that ruthless glower, Alsander flinched, 'Geez, How terrifying.'

With a frown, Moulin watched as Alsander waved his hand before swiftly jumping down the banister. When the man was gone from his sight, the youth hurriedly approaches the bed. He knew Hadrian was perhaps watching him, and he could not risk his only way out to be discovered. Silver eyes darkened. 'Wait until I am released. I will show you what pain really feels like'


"Hah" Alsander exhales as he tossed his cloak on the luxurious chaise couch. He sat on the rug beside the table as he reached out his hand to accept the glass of water offered to him. Alsander finished the water in one gulp and breathes heavily. '

"I couldn't directly shatter the barrier. The mana is too strong, and the Lord would be able to detect me if I even at least touch it. However, I met Moulin. But he could not hear anything beyond the barrier. Utter confinement indeed." The man rubbed his black hair with a fatigued sigh. He lifted his amber eyes, "Remind me again why my friend is being held in captivity by his own lover?"

Approaching Alsander's collapsed form was a woman with dazzling crimson hair. Amber eyes, identical to his, stares at Alsander as she took away the glass from Alsander's grasp. Delicate fingers elegantly placed the glass beside a crystal pitcher. Her eyebrows furrowed as she turned around and she met his eyes once again.

"It's a long story Cousin" Lady Heizea rolls her tongue at the word. Her amber gaze dropped as she picked up the stealth cloak and threw it at Alsander. "Go, report to Lord Aedion. He is expecting you and make sure no one else sees you."

Alsander groaned, "Honestly, you are as shameless as ever. I have just arrived and you don't even let me stay to rest. Climbing the walls was exhausting! Do you know how many times I almost fell to my death?"

"Hm, I know. How pitiful," Heizea raised an eyebrow. "Now, go,"

"Augh" Alsander sneered as he stood up and slipped on the cloak. When he was finished, he looks at her again.

"I don't understand. You know Moulin is the Lord's beloved. How are you so calm? Even helping you rival escape?" The corner of his lips curved up.

"" The young woman spun away from him. She peered at the vast horizon beyond the windows of her room.

"The young master is a very kind person." Her lashes fluttered. "And I would hate it if his freedom is taken away."

Heizea turned to face her cousin with a serious expression. "The Lord doesn't see how lucky he to meet a person like the young master. He should learn how to treasure him properly or he will regret it. Lord Aedion has decided to help Moulin escape. Perhaps, it would be better to separate them. They need time." She sighed and narrowed her eyes at Alsander, making the young man flinch in his place, "One wrong move and the Lord have our heads. So make no mistake"

Alsander blinked. He swallowed and then sighed. 'Still, why do I have to do the work?'

Once again, he left the room with a troubled expression, but this time, he went through the doors and through ominously silent hallways. Sneaking stealthily and avoiding servants' eyes. As he struggles to avoid wandering eyes, his mind reels to think. His thoughts drifted to his dear friend trapped in the confines of the Lord's chambers.

He was astounded when Heizea abruptly sent him a message about Moulin. The shock burrowed so deep into his soul when he heard that Moulin was Lord Hercullio's lover. He could not believe it. But reason soon came back crashing when they told him that his help was needed to free Moulin from captivity.

With a sigh, he slips into a corridor.


Night came. The light was dim as a man stood before his desk. The shadows overwhelming his solitary figure. Like a powerful emperor, the highest of beings yet driven by loneliness, a price for his power. He was used to it. It no longer bothered him. And his golden pupils never left the slumbering form he watched within the image of the mirror.

Soft silky hair of pure moonlight spreads out all over the pillows. There was fatigue in the youth's delicate feature. It made him look paler and feebler. The exhaustion had finally overtaken and cast sleep upon him. His body was curled, back bent, and he drew his slender arms towards his chest. Moulin breathes peacefully but the crease between his eyebrows never faded away as he slept. It looked like he was having a bad dream.

Hadrian's hands lifted, and he caressed Moulin's figure in the mirror.

He had imprisoned Moulin. Did as he always wanted to. He could do anything to him. He wanted to.

However, he couldn't do it. This was enough torment he supposed.

Suddenly, a whine sounded. It was faint but noticeable given the deadly silence of the room. Hadrian turns his gaze away and spots two little pups sitting on the couch, staring at him pitifully. Snow had become awfully silent ever since Hadrian refused to return him to his master. Keir felt distressed for his friend and he was one to choose between the two masters.

Snow stares at Hadrian with pitiful eyes. There was sorrow and hopelessness within them. Watching those eyes, it felt as though Hadrian was staring at Moulin. For some reason, there was fear and hesitance emerging in his chest. He looked away and puts the mirror down.

"Wuwu" Snow curled his body pitifully. The black wolf pup by his side could only comfort him with his warm body.

Hadrian stopped.

After a moment of silence, he turned his head and approaches the couch. When he moved to pick up Snow, the fox struggled in confusion. Hadrian slightly squinted his eyes. "Be still if you want to see him again"

With those words, Snow became obedient. He lets himself be carried silently.

Hadrian also bent down to pick up the expectant Keir. Happily, the wolf wagged his tail.

And with a flash, they disappeared.


A long rough finger slowly caressing the youth's pale cheek. A long silvery strand fell over Moulin's eyes and the man watching him carefully tucks the hair behind the delicate ear.

Moulin moaned uncomfortably as he drew the blankets closer to his body. The side of his head gently sank onto the soft pillows. The hand hovering over his face ceased momentarily. Hadrian withdrew his hand and watches Moulin's slumbering expression silently.

Indeed, Moulin had thinned. He was pale, almost sickly. Vulnerable. The toll on losing mana frequently was great. Moulin knew fighting the barrier was useless. However, he still continued. The young man's stubbornness was at an impossible degree. With deep eyes, Hadrian glanced at the snow-white fox sleeping quietly near Moulin's arms. Keir, however, remained beside the edge of the bed where Hadrian sat.

The pup sat close to Hadrian with curious eyes of gold, but the latter didn't spare him a glance.

The moonlight could scarcely enter the room. The light was faint. It was dim, but the darkness could devour one whole. The man sitting at the edge of the bed closes his eyes, elbows resting on his lap as he covered his face with his hand. The vulnerable-looking posture would make anyone speechless. But the darkness was a great relief sometimes. With no eyes watching him, he could let himself go.

However, there was one person he wished to see him like this, but he could not disturb his sleep.

Silver eyes opened. Although drowsy, Moulin slowly rose from the pillows. Snow was sleeping snuggly in his arms and because of his sleepiness, he couldn't react firmly. Silver eyes swept across the room.

He subconsciously spoke out a name, "Hadrian?"

But there was no one but him and Snow as well as the mild darkness of the room. ""

Strange he thought he felt Hadrian's presence

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