A Gorgeous White

Chapter 226: There Is No Escape

Chapter 226: There Is No Escape

From the moment he woke up, Moulin couldn't sleep.

Until dawn broke into the night sky. He is awake and staring at the little furry beast of white in his arms. His fingers stroked the sleeping Snow's fur gently. Silver eyes lowered as the faint ethereal light of the sunrise struggled to enter the room. However, Moulin calmly admired the horizon's beauty. Someone came to bring Snow to him last night. Moulin didn't have to think hard about who did it. The answer was clear and easy.

However, he didn't know what to feel about it.

It would have been better if Moulin could have met him. But Moulin knew even if he had awoken earlier Hadrian would still not see him.

'Coward' Moulin thought as he lowered his head. He pressed her lips together. There was disappointment and writhing anger. However, deep inside, Moulin could not deny how he missed his warmth. As stupid as it sounds, he will not deny it. What was the point of hiding and lying to himself? He had enough of it.

Right now, all he wanted was to go home. He wanted things to be better again, but he knows one should not expect eternal happiness. No matter how much you crave for it it would not last forever. You must bleed, be betrayed, sweat, shed tears, ache inside, and sometimes live the most gut wrenching experience in your life to attain it. But it would still not last forever

A sigh escaped the youth's lips. Moulin raised his head and realized that dawn had passed and the bright sun was glaring through the glass windows. He felt the little fox shift on his lap. Letting out a faint yawn, Snow sluggishly stretched his small limbs on his master's lap. Moulin watched as Snow blinked dazedly and lifted his small head to meet Moulin's eyes.

It was when after a few seconds have passed did those beady silver eyes brighten and widen in surprise. Moulin restrained a smile. The little brat instantly jumped on his master's chest, knocking Moulin down on the pillows with a surprised yelp. Snow began licking Moulin's cheek. His pink tongue lapping on the smooth rosy cheek.

Moulin chuckled before he lifted the small fox by his scruff. He sat up once again and smiled as he cradled the little fox in his arms. "How have you been?"

"Ao!!" Snow barked loudly as he nuzzled his snout on Moulin's stomach. He whimpered, showing how wronged and sad he was feeling. The sight was almost pitiful. But Moulin couldn't sympathize. Snow looked absolutely adorable trying his best to be comforted.

He chuckled again and caressed the fox's furry head of white.

Not long after, Moulin carried Snow as he moved to the edge of the wide bed. His bare feet met the furred carpet, and he sat still. It was another day of trying to escape. He internally mocked himself for his stubbornness but he could not give up. Yesterday, Alsander came to help him find a way to escape. There was hope. But how would they do it? Stuck inside this room like a prisoner, Moulin had tried everything to disable the barrier. But it only resulted in exhausting his energy.

How were they going to help him escape?

He shakes his head. The messy waves of his silver hair swayed. He was impatient, but he needed to wait. Alsander would be back and hopefully they have already thought of a plan. Moulin slightly nods his head, and he continued to stroke Snow's fur as he sat quietly.

'The chambermaids are late' Moulin furrows his eyes as he looked at the closed balcony.

Knock! Knock!

Moulin flinched.

He immediately turned his head to the doors. He narrowed in eyes suspiciously. The knock wasn't gentle and polite like how the servants would. It was loud and urgent.



This time, Moulin rose from the bed and placed Snow on the ground. He strode towards the doors. He was unarmed and his mana wasn't replenished. He was as weak and as vulnerable as a child. His eyes turned fierce the moment he stopped a step before the door. The ferocious presence of mana on the barrier almost made him want to retreat. The knocking has stopped and silence engulfed the room.

'Was this person stupid?' Moulin drew his brows together. He was sure word had spread about his captivity and under Hadrian's watch, he was certain there was no brave soul bold enough to go near the hallways of the bedchambers, even knocking on it so loudly. Did they think-

Out of the blue, a piercing sound filled his ears!

The ringing noise was so strong it felt as though a bomb had exploded beside his ears.

Moulin's eyes widened as he instantly covered his ears with his hands. However, it seems that only he could hear the noise when he saw Snow tilting his head towards him confusingly. Moulin hissed in pain and his back bent as he clenched his jaw. His nails scraped at the side of his head, but he was too in pain to realize it.

"Augh!!" Moulin gritted his teeth as he shut his eyes tight. Expression contorting.


Alsander's familiar voice shouted in his ear. Moulin could hear it clearly, however, it only added to the noise in his ear. He lets out a pained groaned.

'Endure it! Listen to me! This is the only way I can speak to you.'

"Stop shouting inside my head!" Moulin shouted.

Alsander continued guiltily.

'Hurry and get yourself on an elevated area. Avoid the floor at all costs! I am going to destroy the barrier. We must hurry!'

"This is your plan?!" Moulin widened his eyes and yelled.

'Just hurry if don't want to get burned alive!'

"Stop fucking shouting!" Moulin shouted again.

When the ringing finally ceased, his knees almost crashed to the ground. Thankfully, he balanced himself before he could. Moulin glanced at the door and hurriedly picked up Snow from the ground. His movements were swift as he hurried towards the bed. With a serious face, Moulin hopped on the bed and threw the blankets on the floor. He had a guess in his mind, and he chose to follow his instincts.

Not a moment later, the surrounding air started to become restless. It was prickly in his throat, and Moulin covered his nose and held Snow tightly.

In the next second, he witnessed a faint layer of gold appearing on the walls, the doors, and the windows. Like a hidden golden film of violent energy finally revealing itself. It spreads outwards, enclosing the entire room. Even the floor wasn't spared. Loud crackles of energy could be heard. Moulin squinted eyes when the barrier began to glow brightly.

The temperature began to rise to an extreme degree. It felt like the air would burn his skin. Smoke rose from the floor and it wasn't long before fire began to devour the carpets. Flames erupting beneath the furnitures and the blanket Moulin threw away was quickly burned into cinders. A sea of fire was reflected in his eyes. The bed instantly collapsed on the floor as its legs were devoured by the flames. Heat swirled around Moulin's figure, and the youth held Snow even tighter.

The barrier grew brighter and brighter until Moulin closed his eyes shut, in fear of being blinded. Amidst the noise in the room, Snow's whimpers reached his ears. With narrowed eyes, Moulin activated his mana one last time. A shell of ice enclosed them before-


A loud explosion took place.

Then all is still.

The indestructible barrier finally fell. The scent of mana was rich, along with the powerful smell of burnt wood and fabric. Glass turned black. Shattered into fragments. It looked as if a boulder was thrown at each glass door and window.

Moulin heard mutterings, but he couldn't completely determine the words. His ears were ringing painfully. He felt the warm air, which faded, replaced by the cold wind, brushing his skin. Then he realized that the shell of ice had shattered.

A tight grip on his arm and he was pulled forward. He struggled to adjust his vision. Someone was shouting at him.

"Moulin! Moulin! Come on!"

At last, Moulin could finally see.

It was Alsander. A sheen of sweat covered the young man's face and a stain of crimson could be seen beneath his nose and at the corner of his lips. The red stain on his shirt was visible. He had coughed blood.

Moulin was dragged forward, forced on his feet. They ran through the burnt doors of the chambers. Glass and wood pricked the fragile soles of his feet, but he kept running. His hold on Snow didn't loosen even a bit.

"We have made sure that no one would enter this part of the hallways. We have plenty of time, but the lord would no doubt be heading here already. Destroying the barrier was the only way I can save you."

Once they reached the halls, Moulin panted heavily. He twisted his wrist out of Alsander's grasp and glared at him. "Hadrian will come for us. We can't escape him."

Alsander stopped. He turned to him with tired eyes, "Yes, so we must hurry. Don't waste the chance that we are giving you."

"If you help me. Hadrian will hunt you down. Do you understand what you are doing?"

"Yes, I do." Alsander wiped his bloodied mouth with the back of his gloved hand. "That's why you need to treat me better in the future. So, can we stop talking and start moving? I'm VERY hurt and troubled." He cocked an eyebrow, directly ending the conversation. He beckoned Moulin to follow him as he continued to lead the way.

Moulin stared at the man's back incredulously before his feet moved.

The hallways were indeed empty. Only their footsteps could be heard echoing. They turned to another empty corridor. Moulin almost stumbled forward as he ran. With scratches on his feet, his clothes torn and filthy like rags, the third young master looked absolutely pitiful. Perhaps, in different circumstances, Alsander would be laughing his head off.

"Who are your accomplices, young master Alsander?" Moulin asked.

Alsander smirked, "Knight Commander Lord Aedion and Lady Heizea, young master Moulin."

"What?" Moulin's brows knitted. Aedion and Heizea were helping him escape? Moulin wasn't sure why they would do this for him, but he was very grateful. He only hoped Hadrian would spare them for him.

Suddenly, Alsander's steps abruptly stopped. The young man's heart thundered inside his chest as he panted heavily. Amber eyes wide and fearful.

Moulin stopped a step before he would collide with Alsander's back. Confusion etched his expression. He lifted his gaze and froze, realizing the reason for Alsander's shock.




Dark crimson dripped on pure marbled floors. A man was hanging in the air, a strong grip on his throat was holding him in place. He looked absolutely battered, bleeding from his forehead to his chest. The side of his face was purple, painfully bruising, almost making his face disfigured. Aedion was struggling to breathe, legs kicking. On the other hand, there was not a stain of blood on the man choking him.

Ruthless golden eyes calmly found the two figures standing farther from him. A black sword glinted under the morning light, held by his other hand. Lord Hadrian reeked of burning wrath. Eyes smoldering cruelly as he threw Aedion with brute strength.

The man was sent flying towards a pillar and crashing loudly.

Stones cracked and blood splattered on the ground. His body fell like a lifeless doll.

Aedion coughed out blood.

Shock gripped Moulin's heart, and when those eyes fall to meet his, the youth froze.

A cruel smile graced Hadrian's lips as he flicked the blood off his sword with ease.

"Where are you going, my love?"

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