A Gorgeous White

Chapter 227: I Will Wait For You

Chapter 227: I Will Wait For You

"Do you have to hurt others?" Was Moulin said first. His voice trembling.

He finally saw him. Met his eyes, heard his voice. Perhaps it would have been a beautiful reunion if things weren't as they were. But as the man in front of him held his blade, blood dripping on the floor, a ruthless red Moulin felt lost.

Hearing his shaking voice, Hadrian slightly narrowed his eyes. "They want to take you away from me"

"Just stop"

Moulin covers his face his with a hand. He bent his head, expression unknown. "Fucking stop already"

Hadrian's eyes deepened as he stared at Moulin. His expression neutral as if he couldn't understand what Moulin was trying to say. A moment later, he turned his expression to Alsander, who flinched when he met the lord's terrifying gaze. He froze on the spot. A bead of sweat slowly dripped down his forehead. With a wavering heart, he swallowed. But he did not retreat. He had come this far. He couldn't just give up now.


A loud shout echoed from his right. Alsander quickly averted his gaze and saw the bleeding Aedion struggling to use his elbows to lift himself up. One of his sea-green eyes was half-closed. Swelling and bruising. His right hand clenched around the object held within and without a second thought, he hurled the object towards Alsander.

There was a brief shine in air, curving in the air as it was thrown. A ring. A teleportation ring. It bounced on the ground with a sharp sound and rolled towards Alsander.

Hadrian's eyes narrowed fiercely. He lifted his blade and slashed a violent wave of energy towards Alsander who was hurrying to catch the ring, rolling on the floor. Silver eyes flashed. A slender body shot forward. His feet light on the floor as he grasped the hilt of Alsander's sword and draw it towards the incoming wave.

Determination filled his eyes, and he blocked the attack unyieldingly. However, confronting the violent wave of energy with a plain sword and exhausted of mana, Moulin could barely stay on his feet when the sword collided with the attack. When the energy dispersed, Moulin tasted iron in his mouth. But his eyes are fierce and unmoving. He lowered the sword with a swish and face Hadrian.

The man's golden eyes slightly narrowed. His jaw clenched.

Moulin dropped the little fox on the floor, who was growling angrily at Hadrian.

"Got it." Alsander muttered in relief as he gripped the ring. However, his anxiety returned the moment he turned back and saw Lord Hadrian slowly walking towards them.

He glanced at Moulin, who was wielding his sword fearlessly. The youth looked pale and weak. The hand holding his sword trembled, his knees faintly shaking, but he still kept a strong determined expression as if he wouldn't let the world get their way with him.

"You would fight me to leave me?" Hadrian spoke in a low voice.

"If I have to." Moulin said. "I will do what ever it takes to make you realize how wrong you are."

He gripped the sword tightly before he draw it in front of his face. The blade glinting against the light of the humongous windows.

"You will not win in your state"

"I don't have to win" Moulin narrowed his eyes.

Hadrian stared at him silently. He glanced at Alsander, who grew courage. Facing him with unyielding eyes yet slightly wavering. He scoffed. Mocking their useless attempt. Finally, his steps ceased.

"Be good, Moulin. If you come to me, no one will be hurt anymore." Hadrian's voice was comforting, however, the threat within it was as clear as crystal water. Eyes glowing with hidden intent, he lifted his chin as he watched Moulin's expression.

Moulin stopped at his words. But he was no longer surprised. He had already predicted Hadrian would say these words. Nevertheless, he could not help but be intimidated by the threat.

His brows furrowed.

What should he do?


A hand suddenly holds his shoulder. Moulin turned and Alsander glanced at Hadrian. "Take the ring, I'll buy you some time"

"Don't be stupid. I can see that you've injured yourself from breaking the barrier," Moulin snapped with a glare. He turned to face Hadrian. "Activate the ring. I'll distract him. We are leaving together."

Alsander looks at him with a grimace. 'Damn it, I was trying to be heroic!'

"You cannot leave." Hadrian declared with a wrathful gaze. He slashed the air with another terrifying wave, rapidly flying towards them.

Moulin didn't hesitate to charge towards it. The wave met his blade and fierce mana scattered around them. This time he was flung backwards, but he was quick to regain his footing. Moulin lifted his head. Strands of his hair fell over his face. The vibration caused by the collision almost shattered his sword and broke his skin along with it.

Hadrian narrowed his eyes. His expression grew grave as he continued to throw slash after slash. Awaiting the intense exhaustion that would fall upon Moulin later. Moulin wouldn't be able to last under his blade. He was certain of it. No matter how stubborn his little doll was, he would give in and submit. He hoped.


The body of Moulin's sword cracked. A small fragment, like a tiny piece of a puzzle, had already fallen. Moulin panted, yet his eyes remained sharp. His weapon was broken. An hour hadn't even passed yet. When he lifted his gaze, he froze. Hadrian's figure had disappeared. Moulin held his breath and felt air move around him.

His eyes flashed, and he quickly turned to swing his sword. Hadrian moved his head to evade the blade in time. He then grabbed Moulin's wrist. the tight grip was so strong Moulin gasped in pain. He felt as though the man was trying to crush his his bones. "Aah!"

His fingers loosened, and the sword fell with a clang. It shattered into small fragments, sparkling under the morning light. Moulin gritted his teeth as he struggled to yank his hand away. However, Hadrian's hold was like indestructible metal clamps. His fingers coiled tightly around his thin wrist, threatening to break. Moulin glowered at him. Eyes burning. It hurts.

"Let Me Go" Moulin snapped.

Hadrian tugged him close, "Never."

A chill ran down Moulin's spine as he looked into those deep golden eyes. They were cold and cruel.


A loud voice called. Three figures appeared at the end of the hallways. Hadrian narrowed his eyes in contempt.

Estuvian, together with Lord Hendrick and Lady Heizea, hustled to the area. A couple of confused guards accompanied them. Seeing the situation, Estuvian widened his eyes in shock. The walls and the floors were wrecked. It appeared as though a giant beast came to destroy the fortress. There was a half-lifeless body that laid on the smashed floors. Blood pooled underneath it. Lord Hendrick froze on the spot when he recognized who it was.

Heizea swallowed, "Aedion"

Estuvian's eyes glowed an ethereal color. "Stop this at once!" His voice roared throughout the hallways. It sounded like a god's command. Louder than thunder and compelling. Moulin felt the vibration caress his heart. It was shocking.

"Good morning Guardian" Hadrian nonchalantly spoke before he stared at Moulin who still struggled in his grasp. "Aren't you supposed to be finishing a meal?"

"Don't play games with me, boy. This is as far as you go. Enough of this." Said Estuvian as he glanced at Moulin. "You are hurting him."

Hadrian paused briefly. Afterwards, a dark chuckle escaped his mouth. His eyes flashed, and he grinned, "If he was obedient in the first place, this never would have happened." A sinister glare crossed his eyes as he met Moulin's eyes. "Not a drop of blood would spill if he remained obedient."


A sting settles on his cheeks. Golden eyes widened.

Moulin panted while he winced. He lowered his unrestrained hand and hissed, "I am not something that would follow your every whim. Why do you want to suffocate me so much?" Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, but they didn't fell. "Don't be so fucking selfish! There were better ways of convincing me. Does imprisoning me solve everything? Open your eyes! I am not a fucking plaything that will do everything you want!" Moulin's voice cracked before he coughed. blood dripped down his lips, spluttering on his clothes.

Hadrian froze at the sight, "Moulin"

Seizing the chance, Moulin yanked his bruised wrist away and hurried towards Alsander despite his weak knees. Alsander had finished the incantation, and the ring was activated. A round portal flashed before them. They were one step closer to escape. Alsander collapsed on one knee while panting. Moulin helps him up, hooking Alsander's arm around his neck so he can carry him. Moulin turns to beckon his little fox friend.

Hadrian finally snaps out and clenches his jaw as he chased them. His hand gripped his sword tightly.

However, a powerful gust of wind stopped him from moving forward. His eyes turned blood shot as he turned his head to look back. Massive wings, the color of sunset, spreads out. Large feathers, a gradient from yellow, orange to purple, glistened. A layer of mana encased them, allowing them to manipulate the air as the bearer pleases. Revealing his the sign of his bloodline, Estuvian calmly stares at the man he had raised. His eyes glowed a similar color to his wings. Heizea hurried to Aedion's side, while Lord Hendrick watches silently.

"You dare"

"" A crease appears between Estuvian's brows. He turns to meet Moulin's gaze, who turned before he could step inside the portal. Emotions ran chaotically in his eyes. In the end, he could only nod at the lad.

Moulin wavers.

Silver eyes slowly met Hadrian's gaze. Those golden pupils burning in desperation. For a moment, sadness bit into his heart.

His lips pressed together. Silver eyes softened.

"I'll come back to you "He whispered, unsure if Hadrian hear his words or read his lips. "Wait for me"

Lord Hadrian stiffened. When he raised his hand towards the young man, Moulin had already turned his head. Light engulfed the two men and the little beast until they disappeared into the brightness.

The portal closed.

The ring fell and broke once it hit the floor.

A dreadful yet calm silence then surrounded the hallways.

Moulin was gone.

"Hadrian" The Beastman called as he folded his wings behind him. He did not withdraw them, dreading the outburst of Hadrian's emotions.


Lord Hendrick furrowed his brows as he glanced at Estuvian.

They watched silently. Raising their guards. Hadrian's silence seemed to haunt the air. It was threatening and terrifying. No one dared to move.

After a few minutes, they heard a whisper. It was faint, and only those nearer could hear it.

Hadrian exhales heavily. His back was turned to the onlookers, so his expression was unknown.

'I will wait for you'

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