A Gorgeous White

Chapter 260: Explaining Is Tiring

Chapter 260: Explaining Is Tiring

"My Lord..." Varick bowed. His actions triggered the others to do the same. They bent their heads, and reverence filled the air. It was intense and almost visible. The silver-eyed youth who walked to the side of the High Lord was slightly surprised by the loyal gesture. Moulin sensed the powerful auras emitted by the people within the room. He could feel it even before he stepped into the room. 

He was oblivious of the curious gaze the people around were giving him. Truthfully, it was the first time they had seen the Golden Lord walk in with someone else aside from his trusted aid, Lord Varick. The young man didn't look as mighty as Varick, nor did he look intimidating. However, his eyes had a fierce light. The young man was observing the room with innocent eyes. But it didn't appear that way to the rest. In their eyes, Moulin looked like he was assessing the value of the people within the room.

With his exquisite appearance, fierce eyes, and the strange ambiance wrapping around him, he was intimidating. 

Moulin's eyes caught the familiar figures of his two brothers who were watching him. Surprise and alarm filled their faces.

"How satisfying..." Hadrian suddenly spoke. His golden eyes were appraising the people within the hall. "It seems all are present."

"Yes, My Lord. We are almost finished disseminating the reports." Said Varick, still bowing.

"Very well, I will hear it all before we end this assembly." Hadrian declared.

The leaders almost sweated all of the water in their bodies. This is the longest time the High Lord had spoken to them. It was somewhat shocking. Other times he would only look at them with an indescribable look. Even a nod was his highest acknowledgment. 

Hadrian gestured his arm to lead Moulin to his seat. But there wasn't one extra seat on the table. Moulin looked at him in confusion, but still, he followed his lead. In the end, Moulin found himself sitting on the central seat of the table where the High Lord was supposed to be seated. And Hadrian? The man gave no qualms about having his lover sitting on his chair. There was a satisfied look in his eyes as he returned his gaze to his people.

The leaders and the rest wore dumbfounded looks. As if a raw egg had fallen on their heads, and they were too shocked to react. What were they seeing? High Lord Hadrian was acting like a respectable husband to the young man with silver eyes. There was no mistake... it seems their Lord is possessed. 

No one knew of the aphrodite's identity. Well, except a particular group of people...

"This..." Lord Hendrick ceased his breath. His eyes were wide and open in disbelief. 'How is this possible? Is it... really Moulin? He knew illusions and lies didn't easily tempt his grandson. So... this young man must be him. It is really him.

The three Leonile members were frozen on the spot as their eyes unceasingly stared at Moulin intensely. Varick gave his friends a pitiful look before he returned his attention to the ongoing meeting. 

Moulin stayed silent as the meeting proceeded. There was a strange awkwardness in the air, but Moulin was oblivious to it. He ignored their curious eyes, their whispers and intense gazes, and their expressions. However, he did felt quite annoyed with the attention he was having. He only threw a frown at the respected man beside him, who returned him a warm smile.

"!!!" The people witnessing the scene could no longer contain their shock.

"My Lord, If you don't mind me asking..." The leader of the Sairens, the merfolk clan, hesitantly spoke as he glanced at Moulin. "Who is this young man?"

Hadrian stopped and gave the merman a stern look. The leader felt fear, but he doesn't shrink back. His eyes were darting between the young man and the High Lord. He knew that he wasn't the only one curious about this situation. The rest of the souls within the room unconsciously braced themselves for no reason. 

Hadrian stopped, and his head turned. Golden eyes lowered to meet Moulin's eyes, who was already staring at him. Suddenly, Moulin perceived an opportunistic look on Hadrian's gaze. Silver eyes flashed, and his heart pounded. Before he could speak up, Hadrian had already replied.

"He is my lover." 


Silence engulfed the entire hall. It was so silent that even a dropping pin could be heard. 


Hadrian appeared oblivious to the sudden silence. More like he didn't really care about their reactions. 

A groan noised within the stillness of the area. It was Moulin who was turning away with a disapproving expression. Oh, how much he wanted to yank the hair from Hadrian's head until golden strands would litter the floor. Irritation filled his eyes. An embarrassed flush pigmented his delicate ears. What the hell was Hadrian thinking?

It took too long for the people to recover from their shock. It was as if they didn't hear a declaration but a big joke. However, the High Lord doesn't joke. He never smiles at anyone until now. Even if the leaders were to present their sons and daughters to him, he would not care. He wouldn't even look at them.

Now, they heard it. The open declaration. A shameless yet proud confession. 

No words could describe how they were internally feeling. There was shock and disbelief. However, there was also anger and sorrow. There were a few children of the leaders within the room. Specifically, one of the Sairen leader's sons had just rose in rank. His eyes were stabbing Moulin's face with his hateful glare.

"I see." At last, the leader of the Sairens choked out. 

Hadrian looks at him expressionlessly. "I overheard your dispute about this... origin of the ice forest beyond the rift."

"Yes, your excellency." The Dwarven chief spoke, still affected by Lord Hadrian's declaration. "We are currently searching for the cause. However, we will find it soon."


He only hummed a syllable, and it instantly made the entire room pause, stifling in anticipation. Golden eyes turned to Moulin. 

Finally, there was one person who was unable to accept the current event. It was the son of the Sairen clan. His eyes were arrogant and stubborn as he lowered his head to Lord Hadrian. 

"My Lord, Forgive me, but should we allow someone unknowledgeable of the circumstances of Helios to join us as we discuss." He restrained himself from glancing at Moulin. This silver-eyed person looked so doted and cared for. He probably doesn't even know how hard it is to trade food nowadaysspoiled brat. Yes, the High Lord must have kept him as a pet. 

At his sudden statement, murmurs began to noised in. The merfolk Lord threw his son a glare. Confusion swirling within his eyes. 

Hadrian's eyes narrowed, and Moulin lifted his gaze to observe the person refusing to address him. Meanwhile, Emlen was seething, and Maxille had to hold his hand to stop him from saying anything reckless. The twins and Fhorg furrowed their brows as they glanced at their Lord.

"I advise you to shut your mouth, boy." Hadrian's eyes gleamed. A dead air rose from him. 

"Forgive my son's impudence, Your Excellence." The Leader of the Sairens apologized as he stepped forward to shield his son's paling expression. 

Hadrian doesn't relent. He did not want anyone to look down upon his lover. However, under the gazes of his people and the solemn Moulin who was studying the young merman carefully, he remained calm. "Although I do not want to, I brought my person here for the reason-"

"I am the creator of the White Forest." Moulin suddenly announced. His eyes were sharp, and he was expressionless.


Unrest instantly bursts around the table. Their eyes widened in surprise. So, he is the onethe origin. 

"Is... it really you?" One of the Veresyah's warriors asked. They needed confirmation. If it were indeed him, then they would have one problem solved. Everything would be easier for them. 

They all turned to Varick, who had kept his silence throughout. When the man realized the attention, he nodded to them. "Yes, it is him..." He began to explain what he witnessed on the other side of the rift and the experience of the two witnesses who accompanied Moulin. When Varick was finished, silence once again filled the hall. This time, there was relief.

"If this is so... Then good... This is very convenient." The leader of the Veresyahs spoke. "There is hope. I believe... if the young Lord wishes to aid us..." He furrows his brows as he looks at Moulin. 

There was a brief silence. Moulin needed to consider this carefully. No man of little importance was allowed to step in the Three Towers. Although Moulin was aware of how the leader had taken advantage of this fact against Moulin without mentioning it, Moulin perfectly determined his intentions. 'If you refuse, you will be kicked out. You have not shown your worth yet.' Truthfully, the Veresyah's Lord didn't want to resolve the situation like this, but it was much quicker. 

If Moulin gave his answer now, everyone in the room would know.

Moulin suddenly smiled. He glanced at his brothers and revealed to them a comforting look. Afterward, he returned his attention to the watching men and women, "Of course, we need all the help we can get."

The Veresyah's Lord sighed in relief. The curves of his antlers glinted under the light of the chandelier as he slightly lowered his head to Moulin. The other leaders nodded in agreement. Somewhere among the Sairens, the merfolk Lord's son gritted his teeth. 

Hadrian nodded, and he placed his hand on Moulin's shoulder, earning him the youth's attention. Moulin gave him a fierce 'We-Need-To-Talk' look before he turned his gaze away. 

The assembly proceeded to shift the subject to inquiring Moulin's and Lord Hadrian's permission to have Moulin aid the Veresyahs and warriors. When it came to taking quests, Maxille suddenly speaks up.

"No, he will remain here. He is not ready to venture out of the walls. Not just yet." Maxille glanced at Hadrian with a hard look.

Finally, the Sairen Lord questioned with a raised eyebrow, "Why is that, Lord Maxille?"

"Because..." Emlen abruptly interrupted, raising his cold gaze. His jaw clenched, "He is our brother. If you even dare to think he has no connections here in the Tower, you are dead wrong. If even one of you is bold enough to take advantage of him, you will go through us."

'It seems 'His Excellence' is not the only person who can support him' was the thought of most people when they heard Emlen's words. 

An hour later, as the rest of the issues had been relayed in the presence of the Golden Lord, Hadrian and the rest of the leaders pressed their palms on the smooth surface of the smooth table. Moulin witnessed a faint golden glow beneath their hands. When the light faded, Hadrian dismissed the lords, ladies, and their people. 

Moulin lifted his gaze and saw Hadrian stretching out his palm to him. The corner of Moulin's lip twitched, but he took Hadrian's hand and let the man lead him away. As they walked, Moulin's eyes wandered to his brothers, and he quickly mouths to meet him in his room. He felt that he needed to explain some things to them.

Hadrian, who paused briefly to let his lover roam his eyes around, spotted his grandfather and the people of his guild. Expressionlessly, he gestured them with a tilt of his head to follow him. 

With deep eyes, he whispers to Moulin that Hendrick, the twins, and Fhorg will be meeting him. Moulin was nervous, but he nodded while masking his expression calmly.

It seems he earned an explanation to many people. Perhaps, it is just the beginning of his reveal. 

However, there was one thing he anticipated about. 

When will he meet his father?

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