A Gorgeous White

Chapter 261: Your Father...

Chapter 261: Your Father...

"My Lord..." 

Both Tyve and Troid spoke as they ceased pacing across the rug. Unable to bear with their anticipation, they finally confronted Lord Hendrick, who silently sitting at the corner of the couch. He clasped his hands together as he rested his elbows on his knees. His gaze lifted, meeting the eyes of the two brothers.

"Be patient." He only said before he lowered his head.


Fhorg removed his gaze from the window and watched the two brothers pestering Lord Hendrick. His eyes narrowed. "You two, stop troubling him." He chided. Hearing his scolding, Tyve and Troid silenced themselves and resorted to suppress their impatience, and they brought themselves to stand next to a wall to calm their nerves. 

They have been waiting for five long minutes, and they couldn't sense anyone approaching the door. Could it be that something happened? 

"Is it really Moulin?" Tyve mumbled as a crease appeared between his brows. He rubbed his chin while in deep thought.

Seeing his twin's curiosity, Troid glanced at Lord Hendrick and Fhorg before he whispered. "Lord Hadrian isn't one to be easily fooled. No one could make him change his personality as easily as young master Moulin. Perhaps, it is really him..." 

"But how can that be? He died. The Lord told us himself. No magical relic or power has ever been discovered to revive the living. Soul rebirth is possible. However, a rebirth with his true growing body is unimaginable. Necromancy is the deed of demons. Could a demon bewitch the Lord?"

"No. I'm sure there is an explanation." Troid shook his head.

Glancing at his brother, Tyve sighed. "If he really is alive. I'm sure he would be the subject of the magus experiments. And it would be impossible for everyone to believe he has revived from the dead."


Suddenly, they heard a yip and the quick tiny padding of paws. It came from behind the closed door. Afterward, there was a faint pitiful whimper and the sound of scratches on the door. 

Fhorg's expression fell. His brows knitted as he walked across the room and reached for the doors. Without a thought, he slowly pulled the door open. 


"Ao! Ao! Ao!" 

A particular snow-white fox was noisily standing on all fours on top of Fhorg's chest. The man was groaning as he had knocked his head back on the cold floor. The twins couldn't react in time as they saw their leader get knocked down by a small beast ten times smaller than him. Troid was blankly staring as Tyve scoffed out a laugh. Lord Hendrick abruptly raised his head and saw the little beast jump down Fhorg's chest and began to run around energetically.

Tyve, who was stifling his laughter, suddenly froze in realization. "Wait a minute... this beast..."

Before his mind could spit out the answer, a loud growl unexpectedly interrupted them. It was low and frightening. The twins and Lord Hendrick yanked their gaze away from snow and looked at the door.

Stepping into the room was a large midnight black wolf. Its golden eyes were glowing as he swept his gaze throughout the area until it landed on the surprised little fox. 

Tyve and Troid subconsciously stepped away, not even sparing Fhorg a glance. The latter abruptly rose from the floor, avoiding blocking the large creature's path. They recognized the beast greatly. There was only one wolf that shared similar eyes to their High Lord. 

Kier huffed as he stared at Snow. The fox blinked and turned away, ignoring the deep gaze the massive beast was giving him. Exhaling deeply, Kier walked towards Snow, and with his mouth, he caught Snow by his scruff just in time before the little fox could get away. Snow struggled as Keir lets out a low growl while carrying the stubborn fox towards the door.

At the same time, a slender individual waited by the entrance. His silver eyes unblinkingly stared at the two beasts. Moulin watched as Kier huffed while he carried Snow away. 

Moulin furrowed his brows. He wondered why he wasn't the one scolding Snow so much these days. So its turns out it was Kier keeping the little brat in check. Moulin chuckled when he recalled how Snow was always leading Kier to trouble before. It is an adorable sight.


Moulin paused. He lifted his gaze and stopped as he met the eyes of Hadrian's grandfather, Lord Hendrick. During the meeting, they didn't have the chance to meet properly. Silver eyes quivered slightly as he noticed the anticipating looks the three people in the room were giving him. 

Moulin took a deep breath and smiled faintly. "Yes, it is me."

Their eyes widened. 

"This..." Lord Hendrick slowly stood up from his seat. He gradually approached the youth. His arms are reaching towards him. "H-How is this possible?"

"A long story..." 

A voice replied for Moulin. It came from behind the youth. Lord Hendrick ceased his steps in front of Moulin. Along with the others, they looked at the person behind the slender young man. Lord Hadrian was expressionlessly walking to Moulin. When he met the youth's surprised silver eyes, Hadrian's gaze softened. 

Moulin smiled when he felt Hadrian held his shoulder. He leaned on Hadrian's touch as he returned his gaze to Grandfather Hercullio.

Lord Hendrick observed his grandson's expression. He could no longer sense the despair he used to see every time he faced Hadrian. It felt as if his grandson finally found peace. The torn man he had known for several years vanished. The Hadrian before him was gentle and warm as he pulled the young man to his side. For the first time, it felt as though an enormous boulder was lifted from Lord Hendrick's heart. 

As Lord Hendrick returned his attention to Moulin, he could not help but feel relief flood his soul, washing away the worry and sorrow in his heart. The old man reached for Moulin's fingers and grasped them tightly between his two hands. "Thank the gods. They have returned you to us... Thank you..." His voice faded as he lost himself in relief.

Moulin hurriedly supported Lord Hendrick when he felt the man's knees grow weak. He quickly helped Hadrian's grandfather to the sofa. His silver eyes washed with concern. 

The twins and Fhorg rushed towards them. Tyve and Troid, despite under Lord Hadrian's watch, rained down questions on Moulin. This lasted for several minutes before Fhorg finally silenced them with a fierce glare.

"Varick already knows about this? And that idiot didn't even say anything to us!" Tyve gritted his teeth. That man has really changed. Before, Varick couldn't even wait to spread the word about the third young master of the Fraunces family. How is he so quiet now?  "Wait till I get my hands on that bastard." He glared.

"Maybe it's because you wouldn't shut up about t if he told you." Troid rolled his eyes. 

Once again, Fhorg gave them a third warning glance, and they were silent in the next instant.

"Moulin..." Lord Hendrick turned to Moulin with soft eyes. The youth was sitting beside him with a gentle gaze. This child has grown well. His eyes are still as wondrous as ever. Somehow, his heart ached.

"Moulin... You should go and visit your father... He will be so happy when he sees you..."

At the mention of his father, Moulin smiled. "Yes, I'm planning on visiting him soon."

"Mn, you should. He will be well when he sees you..." Lord Hendrick nods. 

Moulin didn't know why but he sensed something off from the patriarch's words. However, it didn't matter. Soon, he will see his father. And they will reunite. 

After a couple of exchanges of words, Hadrian finally escorted Moulin out as he told Fhorg and the twins to accompany his grandfather. Hadrian didn't want to tell them the whole truth of Moulin's revival. He didn't want to risk having Moulin's secret exposed. 

"My father..." Moulin finally says when they reached their room. The barrier activated as soon as they stepped inside. 

Hadrian watched as Moulin walked towards him. His lover raised his fragile hand to unbutton the collar on Hadrian's clothes slowly. Golden eyes deepened. "What is it?"

"..." Moulin was bothered by the way Lord Hendrick spoke about his father. His brows furrowed. 

"You are confused." Hadrian stopped Moulin hands and held the youth's cheek. His voice was entrancing as he leaned forward. "What is troubling you?"

Lifting his head, Moulin sighed. He gazed into Hadrian's eyes and started. "My father... is... is he alright?"

The thumb resting on Moulin's cheek moved. Gently, it drew circles on the young man's smooth skin. Hadrian's eyelids drooped. The calmness on his face faded, and he spoke. "He isn't well..."


Moulin raised his brows. His eyes widened, and anxiety began to grip him. "Is... Is he alright?" He paled.

Hadrian's eyes wandered all over Moulin's nervous expression. He stroked Moulin's back, soothing the youth slightly. "I heard he is... ill."

"He's sick?" Moulin rapidly blinked. His hand clutched Hadrian's chest tightly. "Wh-... Why didn't you tell me sooner? I have to see him! Where is he?" His heart pounded.

Hadrian furrowed his brows as he held Moulin. "I don't know. It is only your brothers who know about your father's location. They planned to tell you about this themselves."

Moulin blanked. His father is sick? When did it start? What is the cause? During these times, getting sick is dreadfully dangerous. If other people knew about this, they would hunt his father down. How is his father faring right now?


Hadrian's voice instantly yanked Moulin away from his thoughts. The youth stared at the man before him.

"They are waiting for you..."

Moulin breathes. He felt as if he was running endlessly, never stopping. His heart was drumming. "Who?"

Knock! Knock!

The pair turned their gaze to the door. Hadrian smiled faintly. "Your brothers. They will tell you everything you want to know."

Moulin gripped Hadrian's hand. His silver eyes swirled with anxiety. Hadrian's gaze dipped into his. A strange connection seemed to flood Moulin's soul warmly. A comforting feeling. 

Hadrian caressed Moulin's cheek. "Don't worry. It will be okay..."

"..." Moulin pressed his lips together. 

He nodded. 

Hadrian gradually released Moulin from his hold, and he stood and watched as the youth walked towards the door. The warmth in his arms faded. But the softness in his eyes remained as he kept his eyes on his lover. 

Moulin held the door handles, and he looked back at Hadrian. The man was comforting him with his still yet gentle gaze. It felt strange to witness Hadrian let him go so easily. The feeling was somewhat fresh and... foreign. However, he didn't feel any discomfort from it. 

Moulin exhaled a breath, and he pulled the door open.

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