A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 144 White Dragon Vs An Old Nemesis.

Ella and Teuila got to their feet without an issue but when Archer tried to stand up he couldn't due to all the injuries that riddled his body. 

But it wouldn't be an issue for long as his Regeneration kicked in and started healing his body.

He sat up and looked in the direction they came from as they all felt a rumbling sound, but he couldn't do anything but wait and hoped he healed enough b the time the thing gets here.

Archer felt his bones snap back into place and the slices that covered his body started closing shocking the two girls.

He stretched his body as it healed, he was still hurting but it wasn't as bad, when he felt the rumbling getting closer he spoke to the two girls as he pointed at a massive tree.

''Move over to that big tree, it's going to be dangerous so be careful and only attack when you know you'll be safe.''

Both girls hesitated but ended up nodding and made their way to the tree as he watched them.

The rumbling came to a stop, Archer looked over and his eyes opened wide when he saw what was standing there with a look of anger on its face.

In front of him was a 15-meter-tall giant. Its muscular form was covered in rugged, weathered skin, resembling aged stone.

Thick, gnarled hair cascaded down its back, resembling tangled vines hanging from a mighty tree.

The giant's features were weathered and fierce, with deep-set red eyes that glowed with an untamed intensity.

Its nostrils flared as it breathed, releasing hot gusts of air that carried the scent of earth and wilderness.

Massive arms, resembling ancient tree trunks, swung at its sides, each ending in formidable, calloused hands adorned with sharp, dirty nails.

The giant's heavy footsteps shook the ground, leaving deep imprints in its wake.

Adorned with crude, makeshift garments and primitive jewelry crafted from bones and rough-hewn stones, the giant appeared untamed and primal.

The giant's thunderous voice boomed with an intense fury. "You, wretched dragon! Today, you shall meet your end!" the enraged giant roared, his voice filled with deep-seated hatred as he glared down at Archer.

The giant's shout reverberated so fiercely that it caused discomfort to Archer and the girls' ears. However, before the giant could take any action, he whispered a single word.


A bright light lit up the surrounding jungle as Archer turned into his dragon form, he was smaller than the giant but not by much.

The jungle went quiet as an epic fight was about to take place as they faced off.

In a breathtaking confrontation, Archer and the colossal giant locked gazes, the very air vibrating with electric anticipation.

With a deafening roar, the giant unleashed its mighty fists, seeking to pulverize Archer. Yet, Archer's unparalleled agility allowed him to effortlessly evade the onslaught, swiftly countering with his lethal claws and formidable tail.

With a daring swipe, Archer's claws grazed the giant's arm, leaving behind a shallow but noticeable wound.

Enraged by the attack, the giant seized Archer and hurled him with immense strength, hurtling him forcefully through the dense jungle.

As he crashed through the trees, Archer's colossal form wreaked havoc, causing the mighty trunks to splinter and shatter in his path.

Finally, he collided with a small pond, creating a resounding boom that echoed through the jungle.

Ignoring the pain from the impact, Archer swiftly regained his footing, his violet eyes ablaze with anger.

In the meantime, the giant, driven by an overwhelming rage, stormed towards him with earth-shaking steps and a deafening roar.

In response, Archer let loose a deafening roar of his own, unleashing a torrent of scorching flames that enveloped the giant in a blazing inferno.

The intense heat and flames licked at the giant's towering figure, testing its resilience.

Undeterred by the searing flames, the giant retaliated with an angry rush, delivering heavy punches that reverberated through the battlefield, sending shockwaves in their wake.

The sheer force behind each blow was enough to cause the very ground to tremble beneath their feet.

Archer's scales shimmered as he deflected the giant's powerful strikes, countering with razor-sharp claws and a thrashing tail.

The clash of their formidable forces echoed through the air, each clash a testament to their strength.

As the battle raged on, their primal roars filled the sky as they pushed their limits. His jaws snapped shut around the giant's arm, his teeth sinking into the tough flesh.

With a roar filled with agony, the giant vented its rage, landing powerful punches upon Archer's scaled body, forcefully propelling him through the air.

But Archer, undeterred, spread his wings to stop flying through the air and conjured a powerful gust of wind that staggered the giant, disrupting its advance.

Seizing the moment, he lunged forward, his claws slashing and his teeth gnashing, targeting the giant's vulnerable points with unrelenting savagery.

In a desperate move, the giant clenched his front limbs and aimed a forceful headbutt at Archer.

The punch connected, leaving Archer feeling lightheaded for a moment. However, he quickly shook off the sensation and retaliated with a torrent of fiery Dragon's breath.

The giant's face became engulfed in violet flames, scorching and blazing with intense heat.

Releasing its grip, the giant recoiled in agony as Archer swiftly struck out with his tail, propelling the behemoth aside.

With unwavering determination, Archer pounced on the giant, his razor-sharp claws slashing across the giant's chest, leaving a deep, visceral wound in his wake.

In their relentless clash, they engaged in a thunderous dance of power the very ground shook beneath their colossal bodies, and the surrounding trees trembled in response.

With each passing moment, they pushed themselves to the limits, drawing upon their raw strength.

Archer lunged at the giant once again, his razor-sharp claws tearing into its flesh, while his powerful jaws clamped down on its neck.

Despite the giant's counterattack of powerful punches and knee strikes, Archer's sturdy scales minimized the damage, allowing him to endure the relentless onslaught.

However, the giant seized one of Archer's wings, snapping it with a vicious force that elicited a roar of pain from him.

In response, Archer unleashed an Eldritch Blast, aiming it directly at the giant's charred face.

Their battle raged on for hours, each blow leaving its mark. Blood painted the battlefield, bearing witness to the violence unfolding.

However, it became clear that while he sustained really bad injuries, the giant bore the brunt of their brutal encounter.

In a moment of desperation, it delivered a devastating blow to his head, momentarily stunning him.

Seizing the moment, the giant grabbed hold of him, unleashing a relentless barrage of powerful hammer punches. 

The giant pinned Archer down and wouldn't slow down with the attacks it just sped up. The constant impact sent waves of pain surging through his body, shattering his white scales.

With a surge of strength, Archer forcefully pushed the giant aside and sank his sharp teeth into its arm, biting deep into the flesh.

With a tremendous show of strength, he forcefully tore the arm from its socket, completely severing it.

The giant's anguished cry echoed through the air, but it persisted in its struggle, desperately trying to break free from Archer's grip.

With a swift flick of his tail, Archer impaled the giant's other arm and also tore it off, leaving it armless and at his mercy. Still, the giant refused to surrender, undeterred by its grievous injuries.

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Archer swiftly jumped back, unleashing a flurry of Eldritch Blasts and Plasma Missiles.

The onslaught of magic rained down upon the weakening giant, intensifying its suffering and draining its life.

Finally, the giant knelt, crimson streams of blood flowing from its stumps. Archer, battered but triumphant, stood tall, sensing victory within reach.

With a slow, deliberate stride, he approached the fallen giant, barely clinging to life. his jaws closed around its head, tearing it from its body.

The lifeless form of the giant crashed to the ground, while Archer, overcome with exhaustion and pain, could no longer resist the weariness that consumed him.

His eyes closed as he collapsed to the floor, his body sprawled out, blood seeping from his shattered scales.

[Ella's and Teuila's POV]

The girls were watching the fight from a distance but could still feel the force of the giant blows.

Once the giant was dead and Archer collapsed unconscious Teuila and Ella sprinted toward him, their hearts pounding with concern as they saw his massive dragon form.

As they drew closer, their eyes widened with shock and worry, for they could see the extent of his injuries.

His scales were cracked and blood-stained as he lay on the ground, his mighty wings hanging limply. Shallow gasps escaped his mouth.

He carried the marks of a fierce battle with the giant. Once pristine, his beautiful white scales now revealed the aftermath of many powerful strikes.

Archer's head, snout, and jaw bore deep, ragged indentations from the giant's powerful punches.

Blood trickled from the corners of his eyes, evidence of internal injuries caused by the impact.

His snout, once sleek and powerful, was now swollen and bruised, distorted from the tremendous force it had endured.

Across his massive chest and shoulders,  Huge bruises bloomed like dark blossoms, accompanied by raw, open wounds that seeped crimson trails down his scales.

Deep gouges and gashes adorned Archer's flanks, evidence of the giant's attempts to bring him down.

Teuila and Ella were panicking when they saw the condition he was in but soon calmed down when they saw him slowly healing.

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