A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 145 Let One Of Them Live!

The girls ensured that the area was secure, while remnants of violet flames from the battle cast flickering shadows over the sleeping Archer.

While sleeping, Teuila and Ella protected him and defeated numerous beasts that emerged after the fight.

As the sun set, darkness fell upon the jungle, accompanied by eerie howls, roars, and unfamiliar sounds.

Perched on Archer's head, Ella maintained a watchful eye, while Teuila patrolled the area with her sword at the ready, prepared to confront any approaching danger.

After a while, nothing else approached, so Teuila approached the sleeping Archer and examined him before speaking to Ella, who had now joined her on the ground.

"El, it looks like no other beasts will be coming around for now, and Arch has finally healed. I wonder when he will wake up."

Ella looked at the boy who had been by her side for a long time, now transformed into a massive white dragon. She smiled and said, "He'll wake up soon."

As time passed, Ella's ears twitched, and she heard a noise approaching. She quickly alerted Teuila, "Teuila, something's coming this way."

The two girls and the sleeping dragon stood in front of Archer. Soon, a group of rough-looking soldiers emerged from the other side of the clearing where the intense battle had taken place.

The soldiers approached the girls and the dragon, stopping at a short distance. The man at the front stepped forward and began to speak.

"In the name of the king of Kagia, surrender that monstrous creature so that justice can be served."

Ella was unsure about the soldiers' identity, but Teuila recognized them and swiftly retrieved her sword from her storage ring.

Seeing this, Ella immediately readied her bow, preparing to shoot a piercing arrow. Teuila stepped forward, her voice filled with authority, and declared,

"You Kagian dogs will never touch him! You won't leave this jungle alive!"

The man turned to another soldier and ordered, "Sound the horn and let them know we've found it."

A soldier took out a horn and blew it, the loud noise catching the attention of nearby soldiers who began heading in their direction.

With the situation worsening, Teuila turned to Ella and instructed, "El, focus on the ones at the back. I'll take care of the ones getting closer."

Ella nodded, preparing herself as Teuila swiftly unleashed a powerful Deep Sea Blast at the man who appeared to be their commander.

The blast caught the soldier by surprise, tearing open his chest and sending him flying backward.

The other soldiers, shocked but quickly recovering, charged Teuila with a vengeance fueled by their fallen commander.

Teuila fearlessly charged into the enemy ranks, engaging them in a fierce and agile battle. Her sword skillfully parried their attacks and swiftly counterattacked with decisive slashes.

Simultaneously, Ella showcased her archery skills. With each arrow she released, some soldiers managed to evade, but a few were struck down.

The battlefield erupted into a chaotic symphony of clashes, grunts, and the whooshing sound of arrows flying through the air.

Ella fired mana arrows at the soldiers, but more kept appearing after the horn was blown. Teuila took down many adversaries but was gradually being pushed back.

Amidst the ongoing battle, a Kagian mage unleashed a powerful spell that struck Teuila directly, sending her flying backward.

Ella saw what was happening and quickly ran to Teuila's side, filled with worry. When she reached her, she noticed Teuila trying to stand up despite her injured arm and blood at the corner of her lips.

The soldiers approached the two girls with smiles but neither girl could do anything as Teuila was injured and Ella was a long-range fighter.

Suddenly, a powerful gust of wind swept through the battlefield, causing both the girls and the group of soldiers to feel its force.

Startled, they turned around simultaneously, only to be met with the piercing gaze of violet dragon eyes fixated upon them.

The atmosphere grew tense as the immense presence of Archer made himself known, leaving everyone frozen in awe and anticipation.

[Back to Archer]

When he collapsed he drifted off into a deep sleep and started dreaming of a time that seemed long ago.

Archer and his older sister Ellie sat side by side in their cozy living room, they were playing Left 4 Dead.

The flickering TV screen cast a soft glow on their faces, adding to the excitement in the air as they slaughtered the waves of screaming zombies.

During a momentary break in the game, Ellie turned to Archer, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, little bro, do you like Alexa? You know, your childhood friend?"

Archer's cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and excitement. He nodded sheepishly, unable to meet his sister's gaze directly.

Ellie grinned knowingly and patted his shoulder gently. "Aww, that's sweet, Archer. If you're interested in her, you should take good care of her. Girls appreciate thoughtfulness and attention."

Archer's curiosity sparked, and he leaned closer to listen intently as Ellie shared her advice.

She spoke in a gentle and reassuring tone, guiding him on the importance of open communication, showing genuine interest, and being supportive.

"Remember, Archer," Ellie concluded, her voice filled with sisterly affection, "honesty and kindness go a long way. Just be yourself, and let your actions show how much you care."

Archer smiled, gratitude shining in his eyes. "Thanks, Ellie. I'll keep that in mind."

With newfound confidence and a heart full of warmth, he resumed the game. But the scene changed to one he never experienced but the old Archer did.

Archer closed the book, his mind buzzing with knowledge about the incredible beasts in the world. Excited, he headed back to his room, ready to explore more.

As he entered his room, he settled on his bed, book in hand, ready to dive into the pages. But his peace was short-lived.

Without warning, Aldwulf, Hyara, and Keia burst into the room, their faces twisted with malice.

Aldwulf sneered, "Look who we've got here, the little bookworm. Always hiding in your books. You're weak and useless, you know that?"

Archer tried to defend himself, his voice trembling. "I have a right to my interests. Learning about beasts and discovering new things is important to me."

Hyara's voice dripped with venom. "Important? More like pathetic! What good is your knowledge if you can't even defend yourself in a real fight?"

Keia chimed in, mocking him. "You're a coward, hiding behind books. You'll never amount to anything."

Though his voice quivered, Archer mustered his courage. "Strength isn't only about physical power. Knowledge is its own strength. I believe in the power of understanding and learning."

Hyara scoffed and laughed. "No one cares about your useless facts. You're just wasting your time."

Archer's confidence wavered, but he refused to give in. "Maybe you don't understand now, but knowledge will open doors for me. I won't let your words put out my passion."

Keia added, holding back her laughter. "You're just obsessed. A laughingstock."

Their taunts pierced his spirit, but Archer held onto his inner strength. He wouldn't let their cruelty define him.

Archer gathered himself and spoke firmly. "You can mock me, but I won't let your words affect me. Bullying won't change that."

Aldwulf shouted, "Dream on, loser! You're living in a fantasy world!"

Taking a deep breath, Archer's voice grew steadier. "I may not be as physically strong as you, but I have my own strengths. And one day, I'll prove it to myself and the world."

As Hyara closed in, she delivered a cutting final taunt. "Keep dreaming, bookworm. You'll always be beneath us."

But she didn't stop there. Her words grew even harsher. "You couldn't even defeat a simple beast! What good are you to our family? You're useless, and you've only gotten worse since the test."

The trio proceeded to unleash their physical aggression upon Archer, subjecting him to a relentless onslaught.

However, he had grown accustomed to the pain, enduring the daily torment inflicted upon his body.

They continued their assault, landing blows upon his bruised body. Each strike brought pain, but he gritted his teeth and endured, refusing to let their cruelty break him.

After what felt like an eternity, they finally stopped their relentless assault and departed, leaving Archer alone in the room with his battered body and wounded spirit.

Struggling to rise from the floor, Archer managed to crawl into bed. Suddenly, his awareness shifted, and he found himself back in his dragon form.

As he opened his eyes, he witnessed soldiers closing in on Teuila and Ella. While Ella seemed unharmed, Teuila bore the signs of injury.

A surge of anger coursed through him as he observed the soldiers drawing nearer. With a powerful exhale, he released a forceful huff that halted everyone in their tracks.

All eyes turned towards him as Archer's claws dug into the earth, propelling him to stand tall. His white scales shimmered under the moonlight, and his violet eyes blazed with intensity.

In a voice that rumbled with fury and echoed through the air, he spoke. "Let one of them live!"

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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