A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 149 Meeting Again.

He turned around to leave but remembered the spell books. He took out the four books and handed them to the girls.

Archer passed the books titled "Water Jet" and "Water Volley" to Teuila, a skilled user of Aquarian Magic which also specialized in water spells.

He  handed Ella the books "Stone Wardens" and "Magic Stones." The girls examined the books and redirected their attention to Archer.

Teuila asked, "Are these the spells from that shop we visited?"

Archer nodded and replied, "Yes, the 'Water Jet' spell releases a powerful stream of water that can piece various types of armor, while the 'Water Volley' spell launches multiple water bombs."

Turning to Ella, he explained, "The 'Stone Warden's are golems that act as protectors. You need to cast the spell in advance to activate them. And the 'Magic Stones' allow you to summon small stones around you. With your thoughts, you can use them to attack your target."

Both girls smiled upon hearing his explanation. They thanked him and sat down on the balcony, engaging in conversation.

Standing there, Archer closed his eyes and imagined the girl's bracelets alerting him when they wanted to teleport to him.

He sensed a faint presence, ensuring that the dragon tokens remained exclusive to the Dragon-kin by implementing a security measure.

Archer summoned a brownie named Tion, who promptly appeared. Tion bowed and asked, "Master Archer, how can I assist you?"

Handing over a paper, Archer replied, "Could you please deliver this to Jethro and inform him that I will be visiting soon?"

Tion nodded, took the paper, and vanished. Before he tried to leave Sera flew over to him and landed on his shoulder.

With a smile, Archer opened a portal to the location where he had battled the giant. Stepping through the portal while stroking Sera, he emerged to find smaller creatures scurrying away from the giant's lifeless body upon spotting him.

As he stood there, he thought about his choices, pondering what to do with the massive corpse. Various ideas raced through his head, considering the possibility of selling it to the guild.

Amused by the potential trouble it would cause, he decided to store the giant's body in his Item Box. As he did so, he felt a weird sensation, realizing that most of the space within the box was now occupied.

After shrugging at the new discovery he continued his journey, walking northward. He became aware of various beast sounds coming from all around him.

After an hour of wandering, Archer came across a road and decided to follow it. In the distance, he noticed a large caravan moving along the same path.

Continuing his journey, he activated his Aura Detector, which alerted him to numerous nearby signals.

Looking around, he sniffed the air and caught a whiff of a repugnant scent. Reacting swiftly, he covered his nose to shield himself from the unpleasant odor.

The pings got closer to him and within a minute they ran out of the road and stopped but many more were still coming. 

A group of eerie creatures ghastly and pale, they were ghouls emerged from the darkness of the jungle with hunger in their eyes.

They had sunken, rotting flesh clinging tightly to their emaciated frames. Their elongated limbs ended in sharp, claw-like appendages, perfect for rending flesh.

Their faces contorted into a grotesque fusion of hunger and malice, their teeth jagged and menacing. The eerie glow of their red eyes emitted an unsettling, otherworldly light, a reflection of their insatiable craving for fresh sustenance.

A putrid stench permeated the air around them, a mixture of decay and death that sent shivers down his spine.

Archer made eye contact with one of the ghouls, it let out a spine-chilling hiss, revealing a forked tongue flickering between its decaying lips.

The remaining ghouls joined in, their hissing creating an eerie chorus that echoed through the jungle, sending a shiver down his spine.

A surge of dread washed over him, but he mustered his courage, fully aware that he had to confront these unsettling creatures.

Thoughts raced through his mind. 'These are ghouls, beings born from death and dark magic. I wonder why they're lingering near the road and why they didn't attack the caravan.'

Reacting swiftly, Archer quickly cast Crown of Stars. In an instant, seven radiant motes materialized around him, casting a radiant glow in the surrounding darkness.

The ghouls became hostile at the sight, their hunger intensifying as they charged toward him, their limbs skittering on all fours.

Amidst their menacing hisses and eerie noises, Archer conjured elemental bolts made of water.

He unleashed the bolts, propelling them toward the incoming ghouls. Each bolt struck its target with lethal accuracy, piercing through their decaying flesh.

Archer continued his assault, some of the ghouls fell to the ground, their bodies incapacitated.

At that moment, the power of the Crown of Stars activated, causing two of its motes to swiftly dart behind him, eliminating two ghouls that had attempted to sneak up from behind.

Despite his continuous barrage of water bolts, Archer grew frustrated with the repetitive action.

He whispered under his breath, "Draconis."

In response to his command, Archer's Draconis features manifested, and with a mighty flap of his wings, he soared into the air.

From his elevated position, he observed more creatures pouring out of the jungle, gathering beneath him in a mindless frenzy.

Amusement sparkled in Archer's eyes as he surveyed the scene below. "They're like zombies, mindless and driven by their insatiable hunger," he said to himself.

Gazing down at the group of ghouls and thinking about his next move, Archer's face lit up with a gleeful smile.

Taking a deep breath,  Archer unleashed a powerful stream of violet dragon flames, engulfing the ghouls in the scorching heat.

The intense flames swiftly reduced the ghouls to mere ashes, obliterating the once formidable horde within seconds.

The only remnants of the fierce battle were the charred imprints that marked the road in every direction.

Content with his triumph, Archer gracefully descended to the ground and resumed his journey as he returned to his humanoid form.

He walked along the road for a couple of hours, basking in the warmth of the sun's rays and relishing the breeze on his face.

Taking a moment to satisfy his craving, Archer retrieved a piece of chocolate and started to eat as he walked along.

The trade route road cut through the Howling jungle, forming a narrow path amidst the dense foliage, leading toward the Zenia Empire.

Towering trees stood sentinel on either side, their branches forming a leafy canopy overhead, filtering the sunlight that filtered through in scattered beams.

The road itself was a mixture of compacted earth and worn stone, evidence of the countless caravans and travelers that had traversed its length.

Though somewhat overgrown with creeping vines and tangled roots, the path remained visible, marked by the imprints of countless footsteps and the occasional cart track.

Vibrant and exotic flora lined the road, their colorful petals and fragrant blooms adding a touch of natural beauty to the untamed surroundings.

Colorful jungle birds fluttered among the branches, their enchanting melodies blending harmoniously with the faint rustling of hidden wildlife.

As Archer pressed on, he eventually reached a large caravan train that had stopped in a clearing to tend to the animals pulling the carriages and wagons.

Pausing for a moment, he looked at the scene, observing the number of caravan guards idly waiting for the journey to resume.

Amidst the crowd, his attention was drawn to a guard who seemed strangely familiar. avoiding any encounters, he simply continued on his way, passing by without much interest.

The man's eyes widened upon catching sight of Archer's distinctive features his long ears and white hair.

Ignoring the guard's hasty retreat, he brushed off any concerns, determined not to let potential trouble bother him.

He pressed on, Archer paid no heed to the lingering gazes of the other guards. Just as he was about to exit the clearing, a voice called out from behind him.

"I never thought I'd cross paths with you again. I've heard about what you've done. The Kagian people were innocent," the voice accused.

Archer turned around and recognized the angry husband from years ago standing there like a fool.

The man's name, Najee Khalili, resurfaced in Archer's memory, along with the recollection that his wife was named Sarwana.

He smirked and retorted, "Oh, fuck off will you. You should be grateful that Sarwana provided me with valuable information. Otherwise, you wouldn't be standing here alive."

He continued walking while ignoring the man's angry face, but Najee fucked up and marched toward Archer like a male Karen.

Archer pondered the man's behavior, it reminded him of the funny Karan videos he watched on Earth, causing him to burst into laughter.

Najee's anger grew stronger as he witnessed the boy's laughter, prompting him to hasten his steps. However, Sarwana stepped in just in time, speaking up from behind.

"Leave it dear. He's not worth your anger. We don't know what he might do if we linger near him." Sarwana cautioned, her eyes narrowing as she glanced at Archer.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

[Do I create an interactive map on world anvil or regular maps for the book? Comment and let me know]

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