A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 150 Scared Some Humans.

Archer locked eyes with the woman who stood by her husband, her unwavering gaze fixed on him.

Returning her stare, he spoke with a hint of mischief, "Indeed, he should be careful. One wrong word, and he might find himself in a situation similar to the Kagian soldiers."

Their faces fell, and without a word, they turned on their heels and retreated to their carriage.

As he observed their departure, Archer chuckled to himself, his mind shifting to the Kagian camp he planned to visit.

"Draconis," he whispered.

His draconic features materialized, but he chose to dismiss his teeth and sharp claws. With a mighty flap of his wings, he ascended into the sky, soaring towards the east in pursuit of the camp.

As he flew, he took a moment to check his status, realizing he had forgotten to do so after fighting the giant.


[Experience: 14600/15000]

[Level Up: 143>145]

[SP: 0>4]

[Element Bolts: 5>6]

[Regeneration: 8>9]

Having defeated the giant, ghouls, and Kagian soldiers, Archer gained 36,150 experience points.

Feeling happy with his progress, he stopped looking at his current status, pleased with the level-ups he had achieved in his spells and skills.

Continuing his journey, he glided gracefully over the shimmering Everflow River.

Scanning the surroundings, he searched for the Kagian Camp. After an hour of flying, he noticed a plume of smoke in the distance, indicating its location.

Archer sped up and arrived above the camp and started hovering in place, his eyes fixed on the sprawling Kagian Camp below.

With a clear sense of purpose, thousands of soldiers diligently carried out their tasks, their efforts evident in the construction of fortifications and the efficient organization of various duties.

Among the bustling activity, his gaze settled on a grand tent, noticeable by its size and the number of men guarding it.

It was undoubtedly the abode of the king. With curiosity piqued, Archer hovered closer, maintaining a safe distance.

From his vantage point, he observed the soldiers stationed around the royal tent, their eyes constantly scanning the surroundings.

The camp was abuzz with energy and a sense of anticipation. Archer thought to himself what might be happening within the king's tent.

'Strategizing? Celebrating a victory? Or perhaps discussing plans for their next campaign?'

He didn't bother any more as he flew down to the edge of the camp to grab a hold of a guard to interrogate him.

Archer dove down and stopped when he was closer to the ground, he looked around and spotted a group of guards leaving the camp.

With a grin on his face, he accelerated towards the guards, summoning his razor-sharp claws as he swiftly flew past, eliminating two of them.

Casting his Blink spell, he appeared in front of the remaining three guards. His smile widened as he unleashed two Wind Bolts at the two men, obliterating their skulls.

The lone survivor stood frozen, his face etched with fear, shock, and pure terror. His gaze locked onto the smiling boy who had effortlessly dispatched his comrades in the blink of an eye.

Archer used his tail to stab the man in his thigh, causing him to drop to the ground, and went to scream but Archer quickly covered his mouth before he could.

Standing above the panicking guard, Archer asked in a calm tone, "Is the king's wealth stored here?"

Frightened and shitting himself, the guard looked at him as if he were a bandit. he noticed his reluctance to speak.

Maintaining his smile, he slowly raised his claw towards the man's eyes and warned, "You'd be wise to talk. I won't kill you, but I can make your existence a living nightmare."

Fear overtook the guard, and he quickly divulged all the information Archer sought. The king kept all his wealth that was taken when they fled the capital when it was besieged by the Zenian army.

The king kept his treasure under tight guard near his tent. After disposing of the guard, Archer extracted all five of the guard's hearts.

After completing his previous task, Archer pondered on a strategy to infiltrate the camp without triggering a full-blown battle.

Recalling a game he had played on Earth called Assassin's Creed, he drew inspiration and devised a plan to navigate the camp silently, relying on stealth.

Swiftly dismissing his Draconic Form, he lowered himself into a crouched position and cautiously advanced toward the entrance.

However, an obstacle awaited him in the form of a heavily guarded gate that blocked his path.

Abandoning his initial stealth plan, he cast Blink to teleport himself atop the wall and swiftly navigate to the other side.

Casting it once more, he seamlessly moved through the camp, teleporting from one hiding place to another.

From his vantage point atop the storehouse roof, Archer's keen eyes swiftly identified the tent that housed his treasure.

With a quick teleportation, he materialized inside the tent, a wide grin illuminating his face.

With nimble and swift movements, his greedy hands eagerly grabbed everything within reach, even taking the Kagian's shelves for a mysterious purpose known only to himself.

Gathering all the loot, he stored it away in his Item Box. Once the tent was emptied, he promptly teleported back outside to his previous hiding spot.

Once again, he utilized Blink to return to the camp walls. With a jump from the wall, he landed on the ground and swiftly sprinted through the jungle.

In a quiet tone, he murmured, "Draconis."

Archer assumed his Draconic Form. He spread his wings, taking to the air, and couldn't help but smile as he raised his hand toward the sky above the camp.

Summoning the power of nature, he unleashed Call Lightning directly above the camp. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered above the camp, crackling with electric energy.

Thunder roared through the air as bolts of lightning descended upon the unsuspecting Kagians. The camp erupted into chaos as the lightning struck with precision, causing panic and sparking fires all around.

Archer couldn't help but laugh as he watched the flames dance and the Kagians scramble to extinguish them.

But he wasn't done yet. With a touch of mischief, he decided to troll them even further. Pointing his finger, creating the image of a fearsome lightning beast circling above the camp.

The Kagians, already in a state of panic, looked up in terror, believing that a legendary creature was about to descend upon them.

Their movements became more frantic as they desperately tried to defend themselves against the imaginary threat.

Archer chuckled to himself, thoroughly enjoying the spectacle he had created. It was a lesson they would not soon forget.

With one final burst of lightning, he vanished into the shadows, leaving the Kagians bewildered and shaken in his wake.

He flew further north and started to look for the road again, after a little flying he started following the road.

That's when a buzzing sensation for coming for a bracelet he created for himself to match the girls.

Teuila and Ella appeared out of nowhere, they started panicking as they started to fall but were grabbed by Archer and pulled close to him.

Ella turned to him with wide eyes and spoke. ''Arch, what happened?''

Before responding, he glanced at Teuila. To his surprise, she appeared completely unfazed; instead, her eyes were wide with excitement, taking in the breathtaking view as they soared above the jungle.

Turning back to Ella with a smile. ''Just had some fun, got some treasure, and scared some humans, oh and I burned some ghouls but that's all.''

Ella finally calmed down and snuggled in closer just as Teuila did and took in the beautiful views they could see.

Hours passed as the three were flying, Archer felt something on his chest and he looked down to see Sera's little head pop out of his shirt.

She looked at the two girls who were hanging onto Archer, she then looked back to him and started licking his neck.

Archer grinned, enjoying the exhilarating sensation of flying. However, his focus was interrupted by Ella's urgent plea. "Arch, there's a caravan under attack! We have to help them."

Teuila nodded in agreement, causing Archer to adjust his course. He flapped his wings heavier and sped up, closing the distance rapidly. As they neared the caravan, he quickly cast Blink.

In an instant, the three of them materialized on the ground, their feet firmly planted. Without wasting any time, they swiftly made their way toward the besieged caravan.

As they approached, Archer summoned his claws while the girls prepared their weapons. Sera emerged from his shirt and took flight.

She circled around him while he saw the attackers, causing him to gag in disgust at their smell.

A swarm of zombies and ghouls descended upon the caravan guards with savage ferocity, their twisted forms illuminated by the flickering torchlight.

Gasps escaped their lips as they watched the guards, outnumbered and caught off guard, desperately forming a defensive line.

Swords clashed against decaying flesh, arrows whistled through the air, and spells crackled with power.

The sound of swords clashing and the eerie growls of the undead blended together in the chaos of the battle.

Archer swiftly advanced alongside Teuila, while Ella conjured mana arrows infused with the power of light to eliminate both zombies and ghouls.

Teuila confronted a group of enemies, unleashing her newly acquired spell, Water Volley. Projectiles of water shot forth, crashing into multiple creatures with force.

Taking advantage of the weakened foes, Teuila swiftly dispatched them. Meanwhile, Archer cast bolts of light, bombarding the horde.

Upon contact, the light bolts reduced the ghouls and zombies to mere ashes.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

[Do I create an interactive map on world anvil or regular maps for the book? Comment and let me know]

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