A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 154 Shadows Of Nekhen.

After searching for a little while, Archer finally came across a quest that caught his attention. He picked it up and began reading the details.

[The Town of Nekhen, located to the north of Akhetemhat, is plagued by a series of mysterious disappearances. Disturbing reports suggest the presence of eerie shadows that haunt the night, instilling fear and unease among the villagers. They are desperately seeking assistance to uncover the truth and put an end to this growing threat.]

[Reward: 100 gold coins for investigating and resolving the mysterious disappearances.]

Archer choose this and pulled it off the board and when he did Teuila spoke up. ''What's that Arch?''

He looked at her. ''A quest that is in the north, people seem to be vanishing from a town, they want someone to find out what's going on.''

They agreed to take it and took it to the counter to be assigned to them. After submitting the quest notice and completing the registration process with Rania, the trio bid farewell to her and began their journey north.

As they walked through the bustling streets, they stumbled upon a lively marketplace filled with an array of food stalls.

The delightful smells tickled Archer's senses, making his stomach growl audibly.

Unable to resist the temptation, he followed his curiosity to one of the stalls. He scanned the mouthwatering selection of dishes, his eyes dancing across the options on display.

To his surprise, his eyes fell upon a nearby sign and realized that he could actually read it. Intrigued, he began perusing the list of items being offered.

[Kofta Skewers: Succulent grilled meat skewers seasoned with aromatic Zenian spices and served with a dipping Stormberry sauce]

[Falafel Wraps: Crispy and flavorful falafel balls stuffed into warm pita bread, accompanied by a variety of fresh Dreamroot and Emberthorn]

[Kushari Bowls: A hearty and satisfying dish consisting of a mix of rice, Soulstalk, and macaroni, topped with Glowroot]

[Foul Medames: A traditional Zenian dish made from slow-cooked beans, seasoned with Silvervine, Firepetal juice, and spices, served with warm bread]

[Hawawshi: A savory meat-filled pastry, typically made with a mixture of minced meat, onions, herbs, and Thornfruit spices baked inside a flaky bread dough]

[Umm Ali: A deliciously indulgent Zenian bread pudding, made with layers of puff pastry, milk, Moonstone nuts, raisins, and aromatic spices, then baked to perfection]

[Basbousa: A sweet and moist semolina cake soaked in a fragrant syrup made with rosewater and topped with a sprinkling of chopped nuts]

[Sambusak: Crispy and golden triangular pastries filled with a savory mixture of spiced ground meat, Sunfire  onions, and herbs]

[Baklava: A delectable pastry made with layers of flaky phyllo dough, honey, and a rich filling of nuts, such as Frostfall Nut or walnuts, and scented with aromatic spices]

As his eyes scanned the various dishes, his stomach couldn't help but rumble in response.

The girls noticed his reaction and burst into laughter. Ella, still laughing, remarked, "Seems like he's not just greedy for gold but also treasures food as another delight."

Turning his attention to the stall owner, Archer inquired, "How much for everything?"

The man, taken aback by such a request, took a moment to think before responding. "I'll offer you everything for 60 gold coins, and if you wish, I can whip up an assortment of other dishes as well."

Archer was curious and asked what deserts he could cook. The man passed over a menu-looking thing that he started reading.

[Nileberry Delight: A decadent dessert made with succulent Nileberries, rich chocolate, and a hint of exotic spices]

[Pharaoh's Delight: A regal dessert fit for a ruler, featuring layers of golden phyllo pastry filled with honeyed figs, Moonberry, and Starfruit]

[Sphinx's Secret: A mysterious dessert with a flaky crust, filled with a luscious blend of creamy tahini, roasted Dreamberries, and hints of rosewater]

[Oasis Oasis: A refreshing dessert reminiscent of an oasis in the desert, combining chilled Pixie milk, juicy Melosweet cubes, and a sprinkle of toasted Moonberry flakes]

[Pyramid Parfait: A visually stunning dessert resembling the iconic shape of a pyramid, composed of layers of Ethermelon, passion Berry, and Chocolate cream, topped with a golden Mystifruit drizzle]

[Scarab Sundae: An indulgent sundae featuring swirls of rich chocolate and caramel ice cream, adorned with crunchy Thornbark nuts]

[Pharaoh's Treasure: A sweet and sticky baklava-like treat made with layers of flaky pastry, honey, and a generous filling of chopped Silvercrest nuts and dried fruits]

[Lotus Flower Cake: A fragrant and delicate cake infused with the essence of lotus flowers, layered with silky lotus cream, and adorned with Stardustberry sauce]

[Desert Rose Pudding: A velvety pudding made with rose-infused milk, delicately flavored with aurora plum]

[Anubis' Chocolate Pyramid: A divine chocolate dessert shaped like a pyramid, filled with a velvety dark chocolate mousse]

When he finished reading he turned his attention to the older man. "I'll take 100 of each. How long will it take?"

The man looked at Archer and shook his head. "A few hours, young man. I'll close up the stall and get to work on your order."

Archer nodded and retrieved a pouch containing 65 gold coins. He handed it to the grateful stall owner, who counted the coins with a smile.

The girls watched Archer with mischievous grins. Teuila giggled and spoke up, "So, you're a dragon who is also greedy for food?"

Ella joined in the laughter as Archer chuckled and answered, "Yep, I'm a big food lover. You'd understand if you taste some of the food I have."

The three laughed and continued walking through the city, enjoying themselves while the food was being prepared.

As they continued the girls noticed a Zenian clothing store, its vibrant colors and eye-catching displays beckoning to them.

Excitement surged through them, as they turned to him with gleaming eyes. "Archer, we have to check out this clothing store!" Teuila exclaimed, her voice brimming with enthusiasm.

Ella nodded eagerly. "Yes, imagine how amazing you'd look in some Zenian clothes. Let's give it a try!"

Archer was also curious so he followed the girls into the store. Upon entering, they found themselves surrounded by an array of soft fabrics and racks filled with clothing.

A woman behind the counter looked at them and spoke. ''Morning customers, how can I help you today?''

Ella walked over to the woman and started a conversation, while the other two stood nearby.

Archer glanced around and couldn't help but notice the shop's spaciousness. Its entrance beckoned with an ornate archway adorned with mystical symbols.

Inside, the air was infused with the scent of fine fabrics and enchanting perfumes.

The store boasted racks of expensive garments, from flowing gowns woven with shimmering threads to elaborate suits embellished with intricate embroidery.

Magical accessories, such as sparkling amulets and ornamental crowns, adorned display cases, capturing the imagination of those who ventured within.

At that moment, Teuila's attention was caught by a rack of loose-fitting shirts in different shades of blue.

"Arch, these shirts are really comfy and ideal for adventures. Let's find one for you."

Ella joined in the search, her attention drawn to a display of lightweight pants in vibrant earth tones. "Look at these pants! They'll keep you comfortable all day long."

Appreciating their concern for his comfort, Archer watched them choose out clothes.

Together, they sifted through the racks, selecting shirts in soothing blues, cool greens, and warm oranges.

The pants they chose ranged from earthy browns to sandy beiges, offering a variety of options for Archer to mix and match.

After choosing various clothes, Archer headed to the fitting room to try them on. When he emerged, he wore a sky-blue shirt that perfectly complemented his violet eyes.

Paired with relaxed khaki pants, he exuded a laid-back and stylish vibe. The girls couldn't help but smile, pleased with their choices.

"You look great! The colors suit you really well," Teuila exclaimed, her excitement was contagious.

The trio then proceeded to the counter to pay for the clothes, which came to a total of five gold pieces. He felt happy about the reasonable price.

They left the shop, and Archer decided to buy some potions for the girls and search for new spells.

Before proceeding, he opened a small portal and called out, "Sera!" After a few seconds, a streak of red was spotted, and clung onto him.

He affectionately stroked his mischievous girl, causing the two girls to smile as they witnessed the dragons enjoying each other's company.

Ella leaned in and whispered to Teuila, "Want to bet that Sera has a humanoid form like Arch? And they'll become a couple once she obtains it?"

Teuila agreed, saying, "I've always thought the same. She acts like a clingy wife, and it's clear they love each other. He spoils her whenever he can, and she absolutely adores it."

The two gossiped about the two dragons while Archer continued to pamper Sera, causing her to purr and cling to him even tighter.

Eventually, Archer ceased the pampering and contemplated which direction to take. The trio stood there, unsure of their next move, until an older woman noticed them and chuckled before speaking.

"Hey, young ones, why do you all look so lost?"

Archer turned his head toward the woman, observing her light brown skin, grey hair, and piercing green eyes.

It seemed she was in her early forties. He nodded in acknowledgment, and she responded with a warm smile as she introduced herself.

''I'm Safiya. Where do you four need to go?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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