A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 155 Holiday (1) & Training. [Bonus]

[Archer (Earth) - 3 years before Archer's death]

Archer stood outside his house in the afternoon sun, waiting for Alexa and her family. They were taking him to France for a week, and he couldn't contain his excitement.

His parents had already said their goodbyes and his siblings had gone their separate ways for the day. It was just a matter of time before Alexa and her family were ready.

Before long, she appeared by his side, her face beaming with a bright smile. "Hey, Arch, Mum and Dad will be ready soon. They're just waiting for Emma and Amelia to finish getting ready."

He nodded, his brown hair gently swaying in the breeze. "So, how long is the drive to France?"

She tilted her head, contemplating. "Amelia told me it'll take around nine hours."

Alexa's voice overflowed with joy as she continued, "I'm so glad you're coming with us, Arch.  I can't wait for you to meet my family, see the beautiful landscapes, and of course, try Auntie Madeleine's delicious cooking."

The two teens excitedly discussed their plans, and their anticipation grew. They couldn't help but imagine the moments they would share in France.

When they were talking Alexa's mum Pamela walked out of the house with a suitcase followed by her dad.

Pamela stepped out of the house, a wide smile adorning her face, as she carried her suitcase towards the car. The sun shone brightly, casting a warm glow on the scene.

With a light skip in her step, Pamela placed her suitcase in the trunk, ensuring everything was securely packed.

She turned around and spotted Alexa and Archer standing side by side, their faces radiant with joy.

"Are you both ready?" Pamela exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

The two nodded, their smiles stretching across their faces. Archer placed his suitcase in the car as prompted by Harry.

Once the door was closed, they settled into the car and patiently waited for the sisters Pamela and her dad were already seated in the car.

After a short while, the sisters emerged, each carrying a few bags. "These girls are so silly. I told them not to pack so much." Pamela remarked, her tone tinged with irritation.

They got in the car after saying sorry and Harry started driving once they were in. As the car cruised along the highway, Archer and Alexa were engaged in an animated conversation.

Their laughter filled the vehicle, creating an atmosphere of warmth and joy. They shared stories, exchanged jokes, and reminisced about their childhood adventures together.

The passing scenery outside the windows became a blur as their focus remained on each other.

When the car entered the Channel Tunnel, a wave of unease engulfed Alexa. The confined space and the darkness enveloping them stirred feelings of claustrophobia, causing her breath to hasten and her heart to pound in her chest.

Sensing her distress, Archer turned his gaze toward her and noticed the subtle change in her mood.

With a gentle touch, he placed his hand on hers, offering a comforting reassurance. "Hey, it's okay," Archer whispered softly, his voice filled with warmth and understanding. "We're together, and we'll be out of here before you know it."

His words of comfort calmed her down, easing her anxiety ever so slightly. She looked into Archer's eyes, gratitude and admiration shining through her own.

"Thank you," she whispered back, her voice barely audible. A soft blush crept across her cheeks, a mixture of vulnerability and appreciation.

As they drove through the tunnel, Archer's presence brought comfort to Alexa. Holding her hand, he reassured her, and her panic slowly faded away.

They continued their journey with Archer by her side, providing reassurance and support. Alexa's trust in him grew, and she felt a deep sense of affection growing for the boy.

In that quiet moment, Alexa realized how lucky she was to have someone like Archer. He understood her and stood by her side, especially in vulnerable moments.

The car passed through the tunnel. Archer and Alexa found themselves drifting into a gentle slumber.

They traveled through France, Archer and Alexa unintentionally leaned against each other, finding comfort in their closeness.

Little did they know, Alexa's family shared knowing smiles as they observed the tender scene from the rearview mirror.

Time passed unnoticed as the car continued its steady journey, while Archer and Alexa peacefully slumbered, their dreams intertwining.

As the afternoon sun painted the sky with soft colors, they slowly roused from their slumber, their eyes blinking in the gentle light.

Stretching their limbs and exchanging smiles, they realized that they had unintentionally dozed off for a while.

The car cruised along the winding roads of the countryside, Archer, Alexa, and her family gazed out the windows, admiring the beautiful landscapes.

Rolling hills adorned with vibrant green meadows stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with clusters of charming cottages and quaint villages.

The countryside seemed to come alive with colors, as wildflowers painted the fields with splashes of red, yellow, and purple.

Archer leaned closer to the window, his eyes tracing the outlines of distant forests that whispered ancient tales.

Beside him, Alexa's face lit up with delight, her gaze fixed on a tranquil lake. Its waters mirrored the surrounding trees and fluffy white clouds floating lazily above.

The car weaved through narrow lanes, passing by orchards bursting with ripe fruits, their branches swaying gently in the breeze.

Until they saw a French mansion in the distance, that's when Pamela spoke. ''There's your Uncle's place Lexi.''

[Archer (Thylos) - 3 years before his death]

At the tender age of eight, Archer was dragged away from his tranquil confines in the library and thrust onto the training field.

It was here that he was forced on a journey to learn the art of swordsmanship and combat.

His father, resolute in his decision, commanded the guard commander to take charge of Archer's training, ensuring that he became proficient in wielding a sword.

Day after day, under the scorching sun, Archer endured rigorous training at the hands of the Commander. From dawn until dusk, they sparred relentlessly, honing his skills with the sword.

The man's gruff voice echoed across the training grounds, pushing him to his limits.

Sweat poured down his brow as he parried and thrust, each movement fueled by determination only to meet his father's expectations.

Hour after hour, the training continued. Archer's muscles burned, his little body aching with fatigue. Yet, he pushed through, refusing to yield to exhaustion.

The commander's stern gaze never wavered his instructions ringing in Archer's ears. "Again! Faster! Stronger!"

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the training field, his legs trembled, and his arms grew heavy. He stumbled, his sword slipping from his grasp.

The guard commander surveyed his exhausted form, recognizing the limits the boy had reached. With a nod of approval, he called an end to the grueling session.

Archer collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath, his body covered in a sheen of perspiration. He had given it his all, pushing himself beyond what he thought possible.

As the guard commander walked away, he cast a glance back at Archer, a glimmer of humor in his eyes. 

For the following weeks, Archer dedicated himself to intense training under the guidance of the experienced guard commander.

Every day, from dawn until dusk, they would meet on the training grounds. The commander pushed him to his limits, honing his skills in swordsmanship, agility, and combat techniques.

Archer's muscles ached and his body grew weary, but he persevered, determined to become proficient in the art of warfare.

The commander pushed him harder, challenging him to improve his speed, precision, and endurance. They sparred, with each clash of their swords echoing through the training grounds.

Under the man's watchful eye, Archer learned the importance of discipline, focus, and strategic thinking. He was drilled tirelessly, repeating the same movements until they became second nature.

Through sweat, and bruises his determination never wavered. He wanted to prove himself worthy of his father's expectations.

As the weeks passed, Archer's progress became evident. His strikes grew swifter, his footwork more precise, and his instincts sharper.

The man was impressed by Archer's dedication and progress, began introducing more advanced techniques.

Archer soaked up the knowledge like a sponge, eager to absorb every bit of wisdom the commander had to offer.

Hoping to prove his dedication, Archer trained relentlessly, hoping to gain his father's approval. However, his efforts seemed to only result in further rejection.

Feeling lost and uncertain, he sought solace in the sanctuary of the library. After his exhausting training session, he freshened up and headed to the library.

Finding his familiar hiding place, he reached for the monster manual that had captivated him he immersed himself in the descriptions of creatures inhabiting the vast lands of Pluoria.

From the dangerous Sand Worms dwelling in the south to the mighty Ice Golems guarding the northern realms.

However, there was one entry that caught his attention, the Misty Marshlands, a mystical realm bordering the southern expanse of the Negendra Kingdom.

In this expansive realm, Basilisks, Hydras, and a myriad of other monstrous beings prowled the mist-covered land.

They shared the marshlands with untamed tribes, lizard men, and an array of sinister creatures, creating a treacherous and captivating land.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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