A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 157 Sia Silverthrone. (1) [Bonus]

With a confident stride, a woman with short black hair captivated the attention of those around her on the bustling street. Her fitted Avalon military uniform accentuated her figure, radiating an aura of strength.

With piercing blue eyes, Sia Silverthorne, the General of the Empire's famous Dawnbreaker Cavalry Legion, watched her surroundings.

She walked down the main road. Her destination was the western entrance, where the esteemed College of Magic was not far from.

The headmistress had asked Sia to pay her a visit as she has some information for her, and her curiosity stirred as she wondered what awaited her not knowing it will change her life completely.

As she passed through the western gate she spotted the College of Magic.

The expansive campus sprawled over lush green grounds just outside Starfall City, adorned with meticulously maintained gardens bursting with an array of vibrant flowers.

The entrance gate loomed tall and commanding, its guardians embodied in statues of mythical creatures, seemingly animated by the dancing rays of sunlight.

As she crossed the threshold, Sia found herself immersed in an enchanting world of knowledge and magic.

The main building of the college stood proudly at the heart of the campus, commanding attention with its grandeur and prowess.

Its stone exterior boasted intricate details, featuring gothic windows and soaring turrets that reached towards the heavens.

She walked towards the entrance of the college, where the bustling corridors reverberated with the footsteps of students. Their robes displayed a vibrant array of colors.

Sia caught glimpses of enchanting creatures depicted on the walls, showcasing scenes of adventures and ancient spells.

Continuing her walk, she discovered hidden courtyards adorned with elegant fountains and statues honoring esteemed sorcerers and sorceresses.

Finally, she located the office where the staff worked and approached the man seated at a desk. "Hello, I'm here to see the Headmistress," Sia announced.

The man's eyes widened upon hearing her name, he smiled as he spoke. "General Sia, I'm Sirus Bellafore. Allow me the pleasure of informing her about your arrival."

With a snap of his fingers, he conjured a small fire sprite. He whispered his message to the sprite, and in a burst of flames, the little creature vanished.

As she patiently waited for the headmistress, Sirius approached her with a concerned look on his face. Leaning in closer, he spoke in a hushed tone.

"General, I've heard some troubling rumors coming from someone I know in the church. There's talk of a planned ambush targeting the new White Dragon."

Sia's eyes widened, her interest piqued. "An ambush?" she asked, a mixture of curiosity and concern in her voice.

"Yes," confirmed Sirius, his gaze fixed on her. "There are those who see the White Dragon's growing power and influence as a threat. They want to eliminate him before he becomes too strong."

Just as her attention was captured by Sirius's words, the headmistress materialized before them out of thin air.

She was a sight to behold, adorned in elegant witch robes that flowed around her. Her long, back and purple hair cascaded down her back, complementing her piercing violet eyes that sparkled with wisdom and knowledge.

The woman, Headmistress Ophelia Blackfire, caught Sirius's attention, prompting him to quickly resume his duties.

Sia had always held a deep admiration for the woman, who hailed from the distant continent of Magoria in the far south where the witch kingdoms reside.

She looked at her with a smile, before speaking. ''Ophie! How have you been girl?''

Ophelia smiled at her before greeting her old friend. "Hello Sia. Follow me to my office. I have some worrying yet fascinating news to share with you."

As they walked together, Ophelia's gaze briefly wandered over Sia's figure, particularly noticing her now massive boobs that sat perfectly on her chest.

Shaking her head with a chuckle, she couldn't resist making a playful jab at the General. "Oh my, it seems those assets of yours have grown once again. How do you manage to fit them into that uniform?"

At first, Sia didn't catch the reference, but then realization dawned on her, and she playfully pushed Ophelia before joining in the laughter.

"Yes, they have. It's quite a hassle, I have to get a new uniform every six months to accommodate them."

Sia turned to Ophelia and made her own comment with a chuckle. "Yours are catching up, Ophie. I bet some of the students are head over heels for you."

She laughed as she shook her head at Sia's comments, they continued to walk for a while before reaching an old-looking brown door.

Ophelia opened it, and Sia followed her inside. The office is a haven of enchantment, adorned with beautiful and expensive decorations that shimmer with their own magic.

The walls are covered in rich tapestries depicting mythical creatures and enchanted landscapes.

Delicate mana lights twinkled overhead, casting a soft, ethereal glow that bathes the room in a warm and inviting ambiance.

She motioned for Sia to sit down, and once she had taken her seat, she initiated the conversation. "So, Ophie, how have you been?"

The woman smiled as she replied, "I've been good. We've had many new students join this year, so I've been quite busy attending to them. And how about you? The empire must be keeping you busy with the constant raids happening in the south."

Sia agreed. "Yes, it has been really busy, I just returned from Goldenfield. The Dawnfang Legion has taken over there since their Wildstalker Tigers are better suited for the Duchy than our Dawnbreakers."

Ophelia cleared her throat and shifted the conversation to the main topic at hand. "Sia, I'm curious. What do you know about the new white dragon?"

Sia looked at the woman with violet eyes and shrugged as she spoke. "To be honest, all I know is what traders in the south have been saying. They claim that the white dragon played a significant role in bringing down two kingdoms and uniting the region they refer to as the Southlands."

Ophelia nodded, a smile playing on her face. "That's the basic information, but there's something quite shocking that I recently discovered through Chloe's spy network. You are related to the dragon mentioned in those rumors. And trust me, you would never suspect who it is."

Sia's eyes widened in surprise, and she shook her head in disbelief. "Who is it? Tell me their name."

Ophelia's mischievous grin widened as she playfully shook her head. "Why spoil the surprise? Let me provide you with a clue. He has transformed greatly since your last encounter."

As she continued sharing more details, her smile widened. "I've heard he's incredibly handsome and set to marry Leira Avalon, the second imperial princess."

Sia grew more confused as she considered her male relatives. Most resided in the capital and held important positions within the Empire.

Realizing that none of them could be the one, she recalled her younger sister Larka and her husband, who had several sons.

Turning to Ophelia, Sia asked, "Could it be Pallius, Aldwulf, or Oswyn?"

Ophelia smiled and shook her head. "No, it's little Archer."

Sia's face filled with panic as she jumped up and urgently pleaded, "Ophie, tell me everything you know!"

Observing the great general of the Avalon Empire in a state of panic, she couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and intrigue.

''Calm down Sia, he seems to be fine,'' Ophelia said trying to reassure her, the panicked woman sat back down and calmed down before speaking.

''What's happened to him? I've been gone since the boy was 11.''

Ophelia let out a sorrowful sigh before sharing all the details of what had happened to the boy since she was gone.

Upon learning about the abuse he had endured, Sia's anger surged, and she stormed out of the room without uttering a single word.

Ophelia watched her depart and then approached the window, observing Sia briskly walking away from the college.

Shaking her head, Ophelia whispered, "What makes you different, young one?" With a thoughtful smile, she declared, "Never mind, our paths will cross soon."

Sia exited the College and found that her guards must have arrived while she was inside. She swiftly mounted her Dawnbreaker and issued commands to the soldiers.

"Let's make our way to the Mana-ship yard. We're headed to Vassia City in the west."

Though puzzled by the sudden decision, everyone nodded and mounted their own beasts, following their mysterious General.

After several hours, a Mana-ship flew over the Everpeak Mountain Range that separated the Centralia Duchy from the Mistwood Duchy.

Sia approached the window of the Manaship, anticipation flickering in her eyes. As she peered out, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight.

The dense forest stretched out in every direction, its verdant canopy casting dappled sunlight onto the forest floor.

Not long after crossing the mountain range, the Mana-ship sped up until Vassia City could be seen in the distance.

She ordered the captain to put the ship down outside the city, when it landed she jumped off and summoned her Dawnbreaker.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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