A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 156 Buying & Selling.

Archer responded to Safiya, saying, "We're looking for a shop that sells potions and spell books."

The older woman nodded and pointed down the road. "Follow this road, young ones. Both shops are in that direction."

Expressing their gratitude to Safiya, the trio continued on their way, following her directions. Not long after, they spotted two shops named Oasis Elixirs and Bastet's Books of Magic.

Deciding to explore the potion shop first, they made their way toward the entrance. His curiosity heightened as he approached.

The entrance to the shop was adorned with meticulously carved sandstone pillars, each bearing intricate patterns and symbols reminiscent of the ancient Zenian culture.

Hieroglyphics adorned the pillars, their enigmatic strokes hinting at hidden knowledge and long-forgotten tales.

Upon entering, a wave of soothing scents enveloped them, carrying hints of exotic herbs and mystical spices.

Soft, golden light filtered through the stained glass windows, casting vibrant colors across the room. They were greeted by a warm breeze, mimicking the gentle winds of the desert.

The main focal point of the shop was a magnificent Zenian warship placed in the center of the room.

It was an intricately crafted wooden vessel, painted with vibrant blues and gold, and adorned with hieroglyphs and sacred symbols.

The ship's sails, made of delicate silk, billowed gently as if caught in a magical wind. Instead of carrying travelers across the seas, this ship held shelves upon shelves of various potions, vials, and elixirs.

The shelves were carefully arranged, each holding rows of glass containers in all shapes and sizes.

Some potions glowed with ethereal light, while others shimmered with iridescent hues. Each vial was meticulously labeled with neat writing and adorned with golden stoppers or intricate seals.

The shelves themselves were crafted to resemble ancient Zenian temples, complete with miniature statues of deities and tiny replica obelisks.

Archer approached one of the shelves, mesmerized by the sheer variety of options on display.

He saw vials containing sparkling golden serums promising strength and vitality, ethereal blue elixirs for enhanced focus and mental clarity, and rich crimson brews meant to ignite courage and bravery.

Besides Archer, the girls couldn't contain their excitement either. Teuila reached out to touch a vial, causing a gentle glow to emanate from the potion within.

Ella marveled at a delicate vial of shimmering green liquid, labeled as a potent healing elixir.

The shopkeeper, dressed in flowing robes reminiscent of ancient Egyptian attire, approached with a warm smile.

"Welcome to Oasis Elixirs," she said, her voice carrying a soothing, melodic tone. "Are you in search of a particular potion or in need of guidance? Our elixirs hold the secrets of ancient magic and offer remedies for any illness or desire."

Archer approached the woman and straightforwardly stated, "I'd like to buy 200 potions, including health, mana, and stamina."

The woman and the girls appeared surprised by Archer's large order, but the girls decided to wait until he was done before questioning his reason for buying so many potions.

The shopkeeper was momentarily surprised but quickly composed herself, offering a smile. "Of course! Let me prepare your order. It will cost 500 gold. Can you come back in an hour?"

With a nod of agreement, Archer exited the shop and made his way toward Bastet's Books of Magic. As they strolled along, Ella finally voiced the question that had been on both girls' minds.

"Arch, why did you buy so many potions? You can heal on your own, so aren't they pretty useless?" She inquired.

He came to a halt and turned to face both of them, noticing Sera looking at their surroundings.

"I bought them mainly for the two of you. Teuila can heal on her own, thanks to being an Aquarian, but you don't have any self-healing abilities, so you need to be careful." He told the two girls.

Upon hearing his explanation, both girls beamed with understanding and appreciation. They couldn't contain their joy and wrapped their arms around him in a warm hug.

Archer, taken aback by the unexpected embrace, was pleasantly surprised but enjoyed it.

After hugging him they backed off and continued making their way to the spell shop, when they entered they saw shelves of books, scrolls, and tomes in the big shop. 

Colorful tapestries hung on the wall and exotic plants were put all over the place giving it a lovely smell.

Archer spoke to the girls. ''Have a look for any spells you girls like and we will get them before leaving to complete the quest.''

They nodded and went off to look, Archer started to look around when he came to a dusty self and started examing the titles and small descriptions.

[Celestial Beam: Summons a radiant beam of divine energy from above, dealing radiant damage to a target]

[Frost Nova: Releases a wave of freezing cold energy, damaging and potentially slowing enemies down]

[Arcane Explosion: Unleashes a volatile burst of arcane energy, damaging all enemies within range]

[Arcane Missile: Conjures magical projectiles that home in on a target, dealing force damage]

[Elemental Fury: Channels the power of the elements, striking a target with a combination of fire, ice, and lightning damage]

[Arcane Whirlwind: Creates a swirling vortex of magical energy that damages all nearby enemies with force or elemental damage]

[Psychic Blast: Unleashes a blast of psychic energy, assaulting the minds of enemies and causing psychic damage]

[Searing Ray: Shoots a concentrated beam of searing heat, burning enemies and dealing fire damage]

[Chain Lightning: Sends a bolt of lightning toward a target, which then arcs to multiple nearby enemies, dealing electrical damage to each]

Archer's curiosity was piqued, prompting him to gather all the spellbooks and place them alongside the dozens he already had on the counter.

The prospect of creating a library in the treehouse excited him, so he made several trips back and forth, collecting as many books as he could.

Meanwhile, Ella focused on selecting light-based spells, while Teuila concentrated on finding water spells.

With the growing pile of books in hand, he told them to place the books they choose on the counter. Encouraging the girls, Archer urged them to select spells that match their elements.

The girls grinned and rushed off to gather more books. Just then, a towering, elderly man with long hair and a bushy white beard walked out from the back.

He cleared his throat and spoke with a deep voice, addressing the trio in the midst of their book-stacking frenzy.

"I hope you have enough coins to cover the cost of the mountain you're making," he remarked, his tone a blend of curiosity and amusement.

Archer turned to the man and inquired about the price of each book, asking. "How much for each book?"

Scratching his beard in contemplation, the man responded. "I'll give them to you for two gold a piece. That's within the average price range of two to three gold."

With a nod of understanding, he resumed selecting books while the old man began counting them.

After half an hour, they finished gathering their collection, resulting in a stack of five hundred and thirty-nine books, which they had to place on the floor due to their sheer volume.

The old man, visibly weary from counting, coughed and addressed Archer, "The total comes to 1078 gold coins, young man."

Archer retrieved a large pouch from his Item Box and tossed it to the old man, who smiled upon catching it in his hands.

He stored the books, and turned to the shop owner with a question, "Are there any other places besides the guild where I can sell beast bodies?"

The shop owner, peering up from the pouch with narrowed eyes, responded, "Don't you know that the guild has a butcher warehouse near the market?"

Shaking his head, he finished organizing the books and replied, "No, I wasn't aware. Which direction should I head?"

The man then told Archer with directions and expressed gratitude for his patronage. "Thank you for shopping here, young man."

They left the shop and made their way to the warehouse, after twenty minutes of walking they arrived.

The guild warehouse stood proudly, an architectural marvel to behold. Its grand exterior showcased towering sandstone walls adorned with captivating Zenian artwork.

The intricate designs depicted exotic beasts and epic battles, captivating the eye and igniting the imagination.

At the entrance, colossal pillars rose majestically, adorned with motifs of lotus flowers and papyrus.

The intricate symbols imbued an atmosphere of regal magnificence, extending a warm welcome to all who entered.

Archer and the girls ventured into the bustling guild warehouse. As they entered, the clamor of activity surrounded them.

The spacious interior was alive with motion, with guild members and workers hurrying to and fro, each focused on their respective tasks.

The air carried the distinct smell of freshly butchered meat, mingling with the metallic tang of tools.

Countless carcasses of beasts, both familiar and unknown, were suspended from sturdy hooks, awaiting processing.

The warehouse was a symphony of efficiency and organization. Large tables were scattered throughout the space, where skilled workers meticulously dissected and prepared the harvested beast materials.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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