A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 161 Mana Storm (2)

The relentless horde of undead surged forward, propelled by their decaying legs, while the soldiers hurriedly completed their defensive preparations.

Closing in at an alarming pace, the horde closed the gap to a mere 20 meters in no time.

The air became thick with the putrid stench of rotting flesh, intermingled with the sickening scent of blood and other repulsive odors.

Taking to the skies, Archer positioned himself in front of the 600 soldiers, he was going to test if he could use his mana.

So he cast bolts made from the light element. His outstretched hands became the epicenter of a dazzling swarm of radiant energy, enveloping him in a brilliant glow.

As he focused his power, a torrential rainstorm of bolts erupted from his palm, descending upon the advancing horde with ferocity.

The radiant bolts streaked through the air, trails of ethereal light as they found their targets among the undead.

With each impact, the bolts unleashed explosive bursts of radiant energy, tearing through flesh and bone, and reducing the undead to mere fragments.

The onslaught was unrelenting, as wave after wave of bolts cascaded down upon the horde, leaving destruction in their wake.

The air crackled with the power of the light element, illuminating the battlefield with its radiant brilliance.

Under Archer's barrage, the undead ranks were decimated, their forms shattered and scattered like broken shadows.

The relentless onslaught of the light-infused bolts proved devastating, causing the demise of thousands of undead creatures.

Checking his mana reserves, he saw that he still had half his mana left. [Mana: 15300/25300]

However, a nagging realization tugged at his mind. He noticed that the amount of mana he had used was higher than usual.

"It's consuming a lot more mana than I expected. How intriguing," he murmured to himself.

Yet, despite the tremendous losses inflicted upon the undead, his heart sank as he witnessed more and more of them appear to fill the void.

The horde seemed like a never-ending tide that threatened to overwhelm the soldiers.

In the midst of the chaos, Archer's sharp eyes spotted a large group of Dullahans as they were charging toward the soldiers' right wing.

Their presence sent a chill down his spine. He knew the soldiers were in grave danger, The Dullahans thundered forward on their black steeds, crashing into the spear wall.

While they managed to inflict some casualties, many of the charging undead met their demise on the spears.

Though the line momentarily wavered, the soldiers quickly regained their footing. Realizing the urgency, the commander's voice boomed through the chaos, "Archers, fire!"

Responding to the order, a volley of arrows soared over the heads of the soldiers, finding their mark.

They slammed into the wall of the undead, momentarily halting their advance and buying precious moments for the defenders.

Archer descended swiftly to the frontline, his claws, and tail slashing through the horde with ease.

With each strike, he unleashed a combination of claws and magic attacks, meanwhile, Sera soared through the air unleashing a continuous torrent of breath that rained down upon the horde.

Each breath unleashed devastation upon the undead, scorching them with searing red flames.

In the midst of the chaos, Archer seized hold of a towering Wendigo, his strength overwhelming as he tore the monstrous creature in half, a gruesome display of his ferocity.

He unleashed a barrage of Eldritch Blasts and Plasma Missiles into the undead, causing explosions to erupt all over the battlefield.

Vibrant bursts of destructive power ripped through the undead ranks, creating a swirling maelstrom of devastation.

As he soared above the battlefield, Archer's heightened senses alerted him to an impending attack. However, it was too late to react as a death spell slammed into him with punishing force.

Sent hurtling through the air, Archer crashed into a cluster of trees not far from the ongoing battle. Sera followed, her panic evident as she hurriedly flew after him.

The impact shattered several trees as he came to a halt, crashing to the ground with a resounding thud.

Dazed and disoriented, he wondered what had struck him with such force. Struggling to raise his upper body, Archer's gaze fell upon a Deathlock standing nearby, holding a staff pointed directly at him.

It was clear that it was the one who had launched the devastating attack.

The Mana Storm intensified above them as heavy rain began to pour down, obscuring the battlefield.

Using his dragon eyes, he watched as the Deathlock prepared to cast another spell at him. Reacting swiftly, Archer cast Blink, instantly teleporting himself ten meters away from his previous position.

The Deathlock grew infuriated and retaliated by unleashing another spell, this time directed toward the soldiers.

A colossal explosion erupted, tearing through the ranks of humans, allowing the undead to surge forward, mercilessly slaughtering their prey.

Human and undead clashed in a desperate struggle, fighting tooth and nail. However, the humans were eventually overwhelmed, succumbing to their fate and joining the ranks of the dead.

Sera landed near Archer, her expression filled with deep concern. Her worried presence brought a faint smile to his lips as he appreciated her care for him.

Drawing strength from her presence, he rose to his feet, his eyes fixated on the approaching horde.

With grim determination, Archer channeled his magic, preparing to unleash a spell that he rarely used.

His voice resonated with power as he cast, "Meteor Swarm!"

After a minute a flash of light pierced through the dark clouds, and meteors began to rain down on the approaching horde.

Meteors of fire and fury fell from the heavens, crashing into the ground with a thunderous boom, engulfing the undead forces in a blaze of flame and rock.

Archer swiftly wrapped his wings around himself while he picked up Sera and held her tight.

When the meteor struck the ground, unleashing aftershocks of explosive force, he braced himself, using his wings as a shield to block the shockwaves.

The ground trembled, debris flew in all directions, and flames danced wildly, but he stood firm.

Through the deafening roar and blinding sparks, Archer remained steadfast, his wings absorbing the brunt of the assault.

His eyes gleamed with fierce resolve. The horde's progress came to an abrupt halt, their formation shattered by the devastating spell.

As the onslaught subsided and the dust settled, he lowered his wings. The battlefield lay in ruins, a testament to the overwhelming power of the meteor storm.

He spotted the remaining soldiers looking at the boy in disbelief before hastily withdrawing. Among the 600 Nethanian soldiers, only a little over 200 managed to survive the encounter.

They swiftly reassembled and started to retreat, determined to prevent the undead forces from regaining their advantage.

As they hurried along the road, their hearts pounding with fear, a colossal and horrifying creature emerged, blocking their path with its towering presence.

He caught sight of the creature, and a memory resurfaced that the old Archer passed down to him.

A Nightwalker is a nightmarish abomination that torments the deepest recesses of one's darkest dreams.

Its contorted limbs writhe and twist in an unholy fashion, while long, dark horns protrude from its skull, adding to its terrifying visage.

Its presence alone exudes a malevolence that permeates the very essence of one's being, inflicting an unyielding dread that grips the soul.

This monstrous entity, with its sinewy form pulsating and writhing with sinister energy, appears as a manifestation of darkness itself.

It feeds on the fears of its victims, growing stronger with their terror. Its bloodshot, vacant eyes hunger endlessly, consuming the sanity of those who meet its gaze.

Jagged fangs, tainted with the remnants of grotesque feasts, protrude from its elongated jaw.

The Nightwalker embodies horror itself, instilling an indescribable fear that sends shivers down the spines of all who witness it.

Its existence defies understanding, a twisted fusion of nightmares given form.

Archer was taken aback as he caught sight of the creature, realizing that only a powerful Necromancer could summon such a being.

Perched on his shoulder, Sera trembled in fear upon spotting it. Archer gently reassured her, providing comfort in the face of this horrifying presence.

Overhearing the soldiers' conversation, their voices filled with panic:

"By the Goddess, is that a Nightwalker?!"

"Just look at it! It reeks of pure evil."

"We must flee from here, immediately!"

But before anyone could do anything it looked directly at Archer who stepped back, the Mana Storm intensified overhead with thunder and lightning exploding.

The rain started pouring even more as the Nightwalker started sprinting toward the group of soldiers who tried to run away.

The wind made the whole situation worse as Archer started casting light bolts at the incoming beast.

He released a relentless flurry of Bolts, each one charged with the vibrant energy of the light element.

However, to his astonishment, the Nightwalker shrugged off the attack as if it were a mere nuisance, its dark form unscathed.

Without hesitation, it charged forward, its monstrous presence overwhelming the soldiers.

With a terrifying strength, it plowed through their ranks, tearing them apart like puppets in its path.

The air filled with the agonized cries of the soldiers as they were mercilessly crushed by the Nightwalker's relentless onslaught.

Archer's heart sank as he witnessed the devastation unfolding before him. The soldiers fought valiantly, but the creature's sheer power proved too overwhelming for them.

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