A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 162 The Deathlock

Amidst the torrential rain, deafening thunder, and intensifying mana storm, the Nightwalker descended upon the soldiers with horrifying ferocity.

Its claws tore through flesh and armor alike, rending bodies apart with gruesome ease.

Blood splattered in every direction, mingling with the rain, as the creature unleashed a merciless onslaught upon the soldiers.

The thunderous roars of the blood-soaked creature echoed through the chaos, drowning out the screams. With each swipe, it inflicted unimaginable carnage upon the already battered and weary humans.

The rain poured relentlessly, washing away the fallen soldier's blood as the Nightwalker reveled in the darkness.

It seemed to grow stronger with every strike, fueled by the terror it instilled in the hearts of those who witnessed its ruthless massacre.

The combined forces of rain and thunder created an atmosphere of pure horror.

The battlefield turned into a nightmarish scene, as the Nightwalker continued its rampage, tearing apart the soldiers with its insatiable hunger.

In the midst of this hellish chaos, Archer stood, his heart heavy with grief as the screams started to die down.

He began casting Eldritch Blasts, Plasma Missiles, and Fire Element Bolts, directing them all towards the creature.

The spells hit their mark, propelling it backward with tremendous force. Seizing the opportunity, he charged towards it and cast Blink, appearing directly above it.

Using his sharp claws and powerful tail, he sliced through the creature's neck and pierced its heart, delivering a fatal blow.

With a final kick, he propelled himself away from the falling creature, landing with a heavy thud.

When Archer looked up, his heart sank at the sight of even more Nightwalkers rushing towards him.

He attempted to take flight, but the fierce wind and heavy rain made it impossible. Instead, he started running, clutching Sera tightly.

Despite her panic, she remained still not wanting to hinder him in any way. Archer darted away but his Aura Detector picked up pings closing in from behind him.

He started running even faster toward the distant forest, he knew it was there due to seeing it before the storm arrived.

The mana storm raged around them, crackling with raw energy. Arcane bolts of lightning illuminated the darkened sky, casting eerie shadows upon the treacherous landscape.

Each step Archer took was a battle against the gusting winds threatening to consume him.

The Nightwalkers, driven by their insatiable hunger, drew nearer, their elongated legs propelling them forward with unnatural speed.

Their blood-red eyes glowed with an unholy fervor, fixated on him. Archer's heart raced, adrenaline surging through his veins as he tried to escape.

He leaped over fallen branches and ran through deep puddles, every fiber of his being focused on outrunning the creatures.

Dark magic streaked through the air, unleashed by the Nightwalkers in a desperate attempt to halt his escape.

The crackling energy whizzed past him, grazing perilously close, intensifying the sense of danger that loomed over their pursuit.

But Archer refused to falter. With unyielding determination, he pushed forward, undeterred by the malevolent assault.

Each blinding flash of lightning unveiled fleeting glimpses of the creatures, their wretched forms contorted and grotesque.

Centuries of malevolence had etched a twisted mark upon their features, turning them into abominations of darkness.

Their clawed hands reached out, hungering for the life force that pulsed within Archer and Sera.

With each passing moment, the chase intensified. The Nightwalkers drew nearer, their presence looming like a dark cloud ready to consume them.

But he refused to succumb to fear. He tightened his grip on Sera as his muscles burned with exhaustion, but he pushed himself beyond his limits.

The storm raged around them, lashing at his face with icy raindrops.  Archer's mind raced, searching for an escape.

Then he saw a crumbling farmhouse up ahead, partially shielded from the storm's fury.

With a burst of speed, he veered towards the ruins. He could hear the Nightwalkers closing in, their guttural growls growing louder with each passing second.

They reached the shelter just as they lunged forward, their outstretched claws grazing the air where Archer had stood moments ago.

The structure offered a temporary respite from the relentless pursuit. Breathing heavily, Archer leaned against the decaying walls, his heart pounding in his chest.

Sera trembled in his arms, her eyes reflecting both fear and trust. But the respite was short-lived.

The creatures clawed at the rotten structure, their desperate attempts to reach their prey echoing through the stormy night.

To quickly escape he repeatedly cast Blink to get out of the building, each time reappearing further away, pushing through the chaotic tempest.

Undeterred, the Nightwalkers quickly spotted him and renewed their relentless pursuit.

As they ran, Sera fearfully glanced over his shoulder, her eyes widening at the sight of their encroaching pursuers.

Catching sight of them as well, Archer surged forward, pushing his endurance to the limit. The chase stretched on for hours.

He skillfully weaved through the dense forest, the sinking sun casting long shadows as dusk approached.

Archer's senses alerted him to an incoming spell that slammed into his back, propelling him forcefully ahead. He crashed through the undergrowth, colliding with trees along the way.

After crashing into a small oasis on the other side of the forest, Archer struggled to sit up, shaking his head to clear his dazed mind.

Despite the pain coursing through his body, he mustered the strength to stand. Sera fluttered anxiously around him, eventually hovering in front of him.

With worried eyes, she pointed at his mouth and then at her delicate neck. Understanding her unspoken question.

His thoughts were interrupted as a Nightwalker appeared before him, swiping at him with its bloodstained claws.

Reacting instantly, Archer snatched up Sera while leaping backward, narrowly evading the deadly attack.

Another Nightwalker emerged beside him, already swinging. Using his left wing as a shield, he absorbed the attack, skidding back from the force.

Seizing the opportunity, he cast an Eldritch Blast directly into the creature's face, extinguishing its evil existence.

He swiftly swung at another creature, and the agile creature deftly sidestepped, effortlessly dodging his attack.

The creature swung its claws towards his chest, he quickly moved Sera out of harm's way.

He allowed it to slash his chest, tearing through his flesh and sending him hurtling backward through the air.

Despite the brutal attack, he somehow managed to land on his feet. However, intense agony coursed through his body, reminding him of the damage inflicted.

Sera's expression turned to one of shock as she glanced at him, her concern evident. In an attempt to create a portal or cast Gate, nothing happened.

A deep, chilling voice resonated from behind him, its tone slow and sinister. "No... teleport... for... you."

He turned around and spotted the Deathlock from before standing there in front of the Nightwalkers.

It was a sinister creature with a gaunt, skeletal appearance. Clad in tattered black robes, its sunken eyes burn with evilness.

Dark magic and an aura of death surrounded it. Archer started casting Eldritch Blasts and light bolts, but the Deathlock easily deflected them, forcing the spells to hit the motionless Nightwalkers.

With a resounding roar, Archer unleashed his Breath, a torrent of scorching fire erupting from his very core.

The flames leaped and twirled, weaving a wall of searing heat that surged toward the Deathlock.

Eyes widened in astonishment, it hurriedly conjured a protective shield to fend off the blistering onslaught.

Undeterred, Archer pressed forward as he conjured bolts of light around him, sending them hurtling toward the creature.

The bolts crackled with mana, illuminating the battlefield as they streaked through the air until they hit the Deathlock sending it stumbling backward.

It retaliated with dark tendrils of shadow, swirling and lashing out like serpents. But Archer dodged and weaved through the inky darkness.

His agile movements showcased his growing skills, he looked to his right and saw Sera clinging to him.

Unleashing a barrage of spells, Archer conjured gusts of wind to whip around the Deathlock, disorienting him and disrupting his concentration.

But the creature was no ordinary foe his eyes glowed with a malevolent gleam as he summoned a torrent of lightning to strike Archer.

The electric bolts crackled and seared the air, threatening to overwhelm him. Yet, in a display of quick thinking, Archer cast Cosmic Shield, diverting the lightning's path.

His shield quivered and crackled under the assault but held strong, deflecting the deadly lightning away harmlessly.

The battle raged on as Archer unleashed a flurry of spells and used Blink to move behind the Deathlock. He lunged forward, his strike aimed at the creature's skull.

However, with remarkable swiftness, it raised his staff, conjuring a shield that deflected Archer's tail and claws.

Reacting quickly, he leaped backward, narrowly evading the creature's counter-attack. Undeterred, he cast Blink once more, returning to his previous position.

However, as he reappeared, he was met with the sight of the Deathlock raising its staff, uttering an incantation under its breath.

Darkness swirled around, as the spell shot out and closed in on Archer.  In that dire moment, a melody of chirping pierced through the gloom, capturing his attention.

His eyes widened in disbelief and horror as he turned to see Sera, his beloved fairy dragon, gazing at him with endless love.

Without a moment's hesitation, she fluttered her delicate wings and soared into the path of the oncoming spell, taking the full brunt of its devastating impact.

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