A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 193 Revealing

The duo had been walking for several hours when they found themselves standing at the foot of the majestic Osiris Mountains.

Archer, still with his wings out, began to flap them and took off into the air. However, his flight was abruptly interrupted as multiple Wind Blasts collided with him, causing him to crash to the ground.

Sera rushed over to him, her expression filled with concern as he regained his footing and complained about the annoying elementals and their "no flying" policy.

Archer turned to the worried redhead and reassured her with a smile, saying, "I'm fine. It's not my first time getting hit by those."

Sera nodded, relieved by his response, and the two continued their journey on foot through the mountains.

Hours later, they found themselves seated on a mountaintop, overlooking the vast expanse of Eastern Mediterra.

The view before them was breathtaking, revealing a land of enchanting beauty. The landscape sprawled beneath them, displaying a tapestry of vibrant colors and captivating features.

Rolling hills cascaded gracefully, adorned with lush vegetation that painted the scenery in shades of emerald green.

Olive groves stretched as far as the eye could see, their silvery leaves shimmering in the gentle breeze.

The air carried the sweet scent of citrus orchards, with the fragrance of lemons and oranges mingling harmoniously.

After resting for a while and indulging in some chocolate, the two of them continued on their journey as they finally entered the Land of Mediterra.

The climate was hot, with a pleasant breeze accompanying them as they walked down a long road that bordered a forest on one side and grasslands on the other.

The air was infused with the fragrant scent of flowers, carried by a gentle breeze that rustled through the nearby olive groves.

The sky stretched overhead, a brilliant expanse of azure, dotted with fluffy white clouds. Archer couldn't help but be captivated by the idyllic scenery around them.

Rolling hills carpeted with vibrant green vineyards spread out before their eyes, their grapevines laden with clusters of plump, juicy fruit.

As they walked, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow across the landscape. Archer turned to Sera and spoke, "Would you like to sleep in a tree or in the domain?"

Sera stopped walking and looked at him with a cheeky grin. "You love trees, don't you?"

He glanced at the grinning redhead and smiled before nodding. "You're right. I've always loved trees, ever since I was little."

As Archer spoke, memories of his life on Earth flooded back, and he remembered his fondness for climbing trees when his parents took him and Alexa to the park.

Sera's face twisted with confusion as she replied, "Ella never mentioned that you liked to climb trees when you were younger, and she told us a lot during our chats. Besides, I've spent years with you. Are you lying to us?"

Archer realized he had unintentionally revealed something he shouldn't have, but it was too late. He shook his head as he answered, "No, I'm not lying to you."

Sera's eyes narrowed as she heard his response, and she tilted her head to the side. "Then what is it?"

He decided he didn't want to hide it from the girls any longer, so he replied, "When we settle down for the night, I'll explain. Now, what is your choice? A domain or a comfortable tree?"

Sera answered, "Tree."

Archer nodded and started looking for a suitable tree. Soon enough, the duo made their way to one and settled down for the night.

Once they had climbed up into the tree, the sun began to set, casting darkness over the road and forest.

However, this did not affect Archer or Sera, as their dragon eyes allowed them to see clearly at night.

Archer pulled out two Falafel Wraps he had bought ages ago and handed one to Sera, who happily accepted it.

They both started eating, enjoying the meal. After they had finished eating, Sera turned her ruby-red eyes towards him, waiting for him to speak.

He took a moment before addressing her. Just as he was about to speak, they heard a massive roar in the distance, which startled them momentarily, but they quickly regained their composure.I think you should take a look at

The two got comfortable on the branch they were on as Archer asked a question. "Sera, what happens when we die?"

Sera was taken aback by the unexpected question and took a moment to recall what her mother used to tell her.

Finally, she gave him her answer. "Mother told me when I was growing up that when we die, we go to Elysium to join our ancestors who lived before us."

Archer nodded, finding her answer reasonable. However, Sera was curious and pressed further. "But what does that have to do with you and trees?"

He let out a sigh before explaining. "Sera, you're the first person who will know this, but I do not originate from this world. Well, that's not entirely true. I do come from this world, but my soul does not."

Sera looked at him with narrowed eyes as she asked, "What do you mean?"

A sad smile appeared on his face before he explained, "I come from a world that is very different from this one. We don't have magic, beasts, or different races—just humans. I was 17 years old when a jealous man, obsessed with the girl I had just asked out, murdered me. That was when my life ended that evening, and I woke up in this body. However, I soon realized that I am not the Archer from this world or the Archer from my previous world. I am someone new, a clean slate, you could say."

When he finished speaking, Sera stared at him, her usual playful smile absent, and he couldn't read her expression.

In a quiet voice, she asked, "You were murdered? How?"

Archer looked at her as memories from his life on Earth flooded back. "Yes, the man stabbed me multiple times. That's all I know."

Noticing her upset, she continued speaking. "Who was this girl you 'asked out'? And how did you end up here?"

He sighed before answering, "She was my childhood friend, Alexa. We grew up together. Her stalker, Noah, attacked me just after we became boyfriend and girlfriend."

He couldn't get her smiling face out of his head but continued speaking. "As for how I ended up here, I don't fully know. What I do know is that the Dragon Goddess Tiamat brought my soul here and placed it into the dying Archer's body, causing our souls to merge into who I am now. Additionally, she made me the new white dragon for some unknown reason."

After he finished speaking, Sera lunged forward and cuddled up to him, trying to comfort him as she noticed his mood. She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him as she spoke.

"I'm sorry for what you went through, Arch. But at least you're here now and have us girls by your side."

As he heard her, a smile lit up his face. "Thank you, Sera. I'm grateful to be here with all of you."

At that moment, she leaned in and playfully nibbled his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. When she finished, she whispered softly, "If you hadn't come here, we would never have met, and I would have been in danger that day. But because of you, I'm here and able to love you."

Archer felt warmth envelop him, and he held onto her tightly, embracing her. As he gazed up at the stars, he found himself captivated by their beauty.

Before long, he heard the gentle sound of Sera's snores, and she clung to him like a baby monkey.

Not long after that he covered the both of them with his wings and fell asleep to the sounds of beasts in the night.

The next morning, Archer was woken up by another roar, but this time it seemed closer. He quickly activated his Aura Detector and received a few pings from below him.

Noticing several creatures climbing up the tree towards them, Archer swiftly carried Sera in a princess carry and began flapping his wings.

With a leap off the branch, Archer hovered in the air, directing his attention to the tree. He spotted some peculiar-looking creatures, perched on the very branch he had just been on, now staring at him.

These sickly-looking, human-shaped creatures had twisted bodies that made them appear incredibly creepy.

Their red eyes glowed with a savage and ravenous hunger, while their mouths were deformed into grotesque shapes, revealing razor-sharp teeth.

Archer counted about a dozen of them climbing the tree, while another group roamed around at the base.

Archer pondered their origin, then shrugged. He quickly cast light element bolts, sending them flying toward the creatures.

Caught off guard, the creatures crumbled to the ground upon impact. Archer managed to take out many of them, but more kept appearing.

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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