A Journey That Changed The World.

Chapter 194 Acropolis Castle

After Archer unleashed his spell, Sera woke up to the dying cries of the creatures as they fell from the tree.

Rubbing her eyes, Sera jumped out of Archer's arms and started flying herself. She circled around him until she noticed the creatures and abruptly stopped.

A look of horror crossed Sera's face as she recoiled back from the sight. She turned to Archer and asked, "What are these vile creatures, Arch?"

He shrugged and replied, "I don't know. I sensed them and flew away while you were sleeping. That's when I spotted them. I'm curious if they're connected to the roar we heard last night and this morning."

Nodding, Sera began firing fireballs at the creatures, but they didn't passively stand there.

The creatures leaped toward the duo, forcing them to dodge the attacks. Archer found their actions amusing.

Nevertheless, he continued spamming light bolts that chased the creatures like homing missiles, causing explosions all around.

After finishing their attacks, they descended to the ground, greeted by a landscape covered in the bodies of the creatures.

Approaching the closest body, Archer summoned his claw and plunged it into the creature's chest.

However, when he pulled out the heart, it was pitch black and rotten. He quickly threw it aside and turned to Sera, who had come up to him.

When she saw what he was doing she cringed before speaking. ''What are you doing?''

He cast Cleanse on himself and explained, "I wanted to see what their hearts were like. Since they were deformed, I decided to check."

Archer and Sera continued their journey, walking for half a day under the scorching sun. As they trudged along, their eyes caught sight of a distant town nestled amidst the landscape.

Curiosity piqued, they quickened their pace and drew closer to the village. However, as they approached, they noticed a sense of unease in the air.

Humans were scurrying about, their faces etched with fear and panic. Confusion clouded their expressions as they witnessed people hastily barricading themselves within the town walls.

Archer and Sera exchanged worried glances, their instincts urging them to find out what was happening.

Approaching cautiously, they came across a group of villagers frantically nailing wooden planks across the doors and windows of a farmhouse outside the village walls.

They approached a villager who looked like he was in charge and asked about what was happening. "What's going on? Why is everyone barricading themselves?"

An old man with a serious look acknowledged their presence. "I see you're curious about the situation. It's not safe here. We've been dealing with some unsettling creatures that have been lurking around our town."

Archer furrowed his brow. "Creatures? What do they look like? Are they dangerous?"

He nodded gravely. "Yes, they are dangerous indeed. They appear twisted and deformed, with a vile presence. Their actions have caused great concern among the townsfolk."

They were confused, so the old man continued. ''Well, some of our hunters have vanished when they go into the forest and our town guards have seen them at the edge of the torchlight.''

Archer nodded and thanked the man before heading into the town. When the two entered they were greeted by silence.

They stepped into the narrow streets of the town, their footsteps echoing against the stone pavement.

As they ventured deeper into the heart of the town, a heavy atmosphere settled around them, infused with a tangible sense of fear.

The once vibrant and bustling streets now lay in an eerie silence, with the townspeople casting anxious glances at every corner.

Hushed whispers permeated the air, and carried on the nervous breaths of the frightened residents.

After walking for about 20 minutes, they arrived at the town square, where their attention was drawn to a southern trader positioned in one corner.

Curiosity piqued, they approached the tall, bearded man and greeted him. "Hello, are you from the Southlands?"

The man stood up and replied, "Yes, young man, I am from the Zenia Empire. Why do you ask?"

Archer responded, "We have just arrived here. Can you please tell us which kingdom we are in?"

The merchant looked at him with a peculiar expression before answering, "This is the Aetheria Kingdom, located east of the Solari Empire to the west. The road to the Empire goes through the Lykaios Forest, which can be mildly dangerous sometimes. I will return to Zenia in the morning once my guards have rested."

Archer nodded gratefully and thanked the man as he and Sera made their way toward the western gate.

After a short walk, they passed through the gate and returned to the road. The guards at the gate watched them with wide eyes as they ventured into the forest.

They cautiously stepped into the depths of the Lykaios Forest. At first, the forest appeared ordinary, with sunlight filtering through the lush canopy and the sounds of chirping birds filling the air.I think you should take a look at

As they ventured further, an unsettling change unfolded. A dense fog rolled in, enveloping the surroundings in an eerie haze. The once vibrant foliage faded, replaced by a desaturated and gloomy atmosphere.

The usual sounds of wildlife vanished, leaving behind a haunting silence. Archer's concern grew, and he whispered, "Draconis."

His Draconic features emerged as he addressed Sera. "Something feels off Sera. The forest has transformed, and the silence is unsettling."

Sera nodded, her senses heightened as she summoned her claws. "I feel it too, Arch. This fog and the absence of noise... it's like the forest is holding its breath, waiting for something."

They pressed forward cautiously, the fog thickening and creating an almost suffocating atmosphere.

Their footsteps were muffled as if the forest floor absorbed all sound. Each step felt like a deliberate intrusion into an unknown realm.

That was when Archer's Aura Detector warned of incoming danger, causing him to stop walking as something was approaching them.

Archer's eyes focused on the same creatures they had encountered in the tree. The creatures were sprinting towards them.

He started releasing water bolts as the creatures approached, striking them directly in the forehead and piercing through their skulls, causing them to drop to the forest floor.

But to his surprise, more creatures appeared, replacing the fallen ones. Sera joined the fray, hurling fireballs at the closest creatures.

Upon impact, fiery explosions erupted, illuminating the forest and revealing a horde of creatures rushing toward them.

The two of them kept casting spells at the creatures, managing to kill hundreds. Despite their efforts, the creatures persisted, undeterred.

Realizing the overwhelming numbers, they took to the air, intending to escape the forest and leave the creatures behind.

Flying above the treetops, they were confronted with a shocking sight. Thousands of creatures roamed the forest, forming an endless horde.

The two dragons continued their flight, they spotted the remains of attacked caravans, marked by bloodstains.

It took several hours to fly over Lykaios Forest, and now they were soaring over lush grasslands. They followed a road until Archer caught sight of a castle in the far distance.

The two dragons hastened their flight, but just before reaching the castle, they descended to the ground and transformed into their human forms.

After a little walk, they arrived at the gate, they were halted by a guard whom Archer recognized as a Sun Elf.

''Stop walking!''

Archer examined the guard and was astonished by the resemblance of his armor to that of ancient Greeks from Earth.

The guard stood tall, adorned in gleaming armor. A bronze breastplate protected his chest, safeguarding his vital organs, while greaves covered his lower legs.

Atop his head, he wore a Corinthian helmet with a plume, obscuring his features and revealing only his determined eyes.

In his hands, he held a sturdy spear and a round shield, both displaying expert craftsmanship.

The guard spoke in a firm voice. ''What is your purpose for visiting Acropolis Castle?''

Archer answered the man. ''We are traveling north while sightseeing and we need to buy supplies.''

The guard nodded and stepped aside, allowing Archer and Sera to enter the castle grounds. As they stepped inside, Archer's eyes widened.

The castle stood grand and majestic, its architecture reminiscent of the Greeks. Massive stone pillars lined the entrance, adorned with intricate carvings of mythical creatures and gods.

The sturdy stone walls exuded both elegance and strength. They walked through a courtyard filled with blooming flowers and bubbling fountains, the air carrying the soothing scent of lavender.

Looking up, Archer admired the towering marble statues that depicted legendary Solari heroes and gods.

He saw market stalls set up selling all sorts of stuff, Archer wanted to buy some food and spellbooks.

They went in search of a stall that sold spellbooks, shortly after searching they found a stall and started looking at what they sold. 

The stall had many spellbooks so Archer just decided to buy them all shocking the stall owner when he spoke. ''How much for them all?''

[A/N - Leave some comments, power stones, and gifts. It all helps support the book. Artwork in the comments or discord]

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