A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 181 - 181 A Mother’s Heart

181 A Mother’s Heart

While Denise and Tom spent the night rekindling their love for one another, Fred spent the night in his hotel room, nursing his wounds and causing his ill luck. His heart was filled with so much anger and regret.

He regretted taking advantage of Denise, all those years past. He regretted not talking to her after he left Tom’s home. He regretted granting Tom an audience in such a public place; knowing that Tom would be upset. He regretted allowing his younger brother to punch him like a kid, without stopping him.

Fred also hated the fact that he allowed Tom to push him into using the wrong words in describing what went down between him and Denise all those years ago.

Before he left the restaurant, he observed a lot of people videorecording the whole embarrassing scene and this got him worried.

Hence, as a precautionary measure, he tried to call Denise and inform her of everything that transpired. He wanted to be the first to apologize to her before Tom did. He also wanted to get her on his good side before Tom ruined him completely before her. However, for some reasons unknown, Denise didn’t pick up his calls.

Hence, he was forced to go to bed without knowledge of what Tom might have filled in Denise’s head.

By the following morning, Fred got a surprise visit from Denise and Tom in his hotel room.

At first, Fred was scared to let both of them into his room when he saw the sly smirk on Tom’s face and the excited glow on Denise’s eyes. He blocked his hotel room entrance and bluntly told Tom that he didn’t want any more trouble.

However, Tom reassured Fred in a mocking tone that he had not come to murder him or continue from where he stopped the previous day.


“Fred, can you please allow us to come into your room so that we can talk in private? There won’t be any repeat scene of yesterday as long as you behave,” Tom grinned.

“Hmm...” Fred looked from Tom’s sly expression to Denise’s cheerful smile and decided to let them in.

Fred gestured for them to take a seat and then he sat on his bed while maintaining eye contact with both of them.

“What can I get you guys? Fred said in a placid tone as he picked up his intercom and dialed the hotel bar section.

“Thanks but we don’t want anything,” Denise responded with a smile. “We just want to talk to you for ten to twenty minutes before we leave.


Fred replied blankly and dropped the phone. He wanted to badly smile at Denise but he feared that Tom might have another meltdown. Hence, he cautioned himself and maintained a gentle expression.

“Baby...” Denise stroked Tom’s hand and stared lovingly into his eyes, “... please, do the honors.”


Tom lifted Denise’s right hand to his mouth and kissed the back of her hand.

In response to their show of affection, Fred felt a stroke of pain hit his chest as he saw the passionate glint in Denise’s eyes as she stared at Tom.

This was the same glint he saw in her eyes when she had kissed him earlier. However, she had not looked at him that way again ever since she stepped into his room.

‘Could it be that she was messing with his head when she looked at him that way? Could it be that Tom had told her about their quarrel? Could it be that she and Tom may be planning something bad against him?’

Fred thought hard as he watched Tom clear his throat severally before speaking up.

“Fred I’m sorry I punched you in the face yesterday. Although, you deserved it.” Tom gave a lopsided grin. “We are brothers and it was immature of me to behave in that manner, especially in a public place. Can you please forgive me?”

Tom ended his statement with a mockery glint in his eyes. While Fred on the other hand stared at Tom in bewilderment. Even though he knew Tom didn’t really mean what he was saying, he was impressed that Tom still did it.

“That goes to show the power of a woman,” Fred mused incoherently.

“What was that?” Denise asked in an amused tone.

“Oh, nothing! Yeah, I forgive you. Please, Continue!” Fred urged and tried hard to focus his attention on Tom.

Tom smiled as he observed Fred’s dilemma as Denise kept smiling instead of maintaining a blank expression.

“I want to thank you for recovering and bringing back my fiancee’s necklace. If there was a way I could repay you for this singular act of generosity, I would. And finally, I want to apologize for any inconveniences Denise’s kiss of yesterday might have cost you. You are my brother and I will appreciate it if you respect my wish to get married to Denise.

Fred’s jaws dropped at Tom’s last words and for a few seconds, he felt tongue-tied.


According to a popular quote, ‘life does not come with a manual, it comes with a mother.

It is said that when a lady becomes a mother, she is no longer the center of her universe. She relinquishes that position to her children.

The nature of a mother is unselfishness and selflessness. Her love for her child is unconditional and unbiased.

Even when her child is selfish, ungrateful, and treats her badly, a mother’s ire never last for a lifetime. She forgives her undeserving child and she will fight until her dying breath to defend her child from all evil.

The connection between a mother and a child remains a mystery to mankind. It is assumed that such a connection is initiated when a zygote implants itself in a woman’s uterus. No matter the distance between a mother and a child, this amazing connection between them is indescribable.

A mother smiles when her child smiles and she cries when her child cries. She feels her child’s pain from a distance and she will not sleep or rest until her child is safe.

This was the case with Anna Robinson.

Although she had been mad and frustrated by her daughter’s stubbornness and enormous mistakes, she grieved Chloe’s absence in her quiet moment.

She had earlier supported her husband with his decision to punish Chloe for all her atrocities. She knew that going against her husband’s wishes whenever he was in his most terrifying mood was a deadly decision. Hence she decided to allow him to have his way for the time being.

Anna knew from experience that it was safer to support Albert in his heart-wrenching decision sometimes, and later talk him out of it when he was happy or calmer.

Although Anna loved Luke like a true son, his, presence did not make much difference as she missed Chloe greatly. She still felt a void within herself that only Chloe’s presence could fill.

The thought of Chloe, suffering at the discreet torture institute, where she was enrolled, was slowly killing her. So she decided to act swiftly before her daughter was lost in that psychopathic world forever.


It was supposed to be a day of lavish partying and celebration in the Robinson family as it was Ann Robinson’s birthday. However, Ann adamantly refused any form of high society celebration that Albert planned to throw for her.

Instead of a glamorous party filled with; elegantly dressed high society individuals, beautifully decorated skyscraper cake, cocktails, and champagnes, musical bands, paparazzi, colorful and elegant decorations, – Anna requested a simple family dinner with only her husband and adopted son in attendance.

As if the normal family indoor dinner wasn’t awkward and disappointing enough, Ann also insisted that she didn’t want any form of gifts.

All day, Albert’s questions and pleas to his darling wife were always the same.

“What do you want, my love? More cars? More companies in your name? Another private jet? All you have to do is say a word and your request will be speedily granted.”

However, Anna refused all the flashy gifts that Albert suggested. She told him that during the dinner, she would make her request known.

At about 7:30 PM, Anna, Albert, and Luke all sat down to a mouth-watering feast; which took the place of her birthday party.

At Anna’s request, her husband and her adopted son were dressed in all-white blazers.

While she was donned in a simple but sophisticated white thin strapped maxi dress. Her hair was styled sideway and a captivating broad flower petal was attached to the smoothened side of her hair.

In her attire, she looked like a newly wedded bride, having dinner with her husband and son.

“As always, you look stunning my dear.” Albert beamed from cheek to cheek as she drank in the angelic beauty of his wife.

“I will definitely agree with Dad,” Luke smiled. “Mum, you look breathtaking.”

“Thank you,” Anna’s lips curved into a brief smile which quickly vanished and was replaced with a sad expression.

“Honey, what’s the matter?” Albert asked in a slightly alarmed tone. “Did anyone offend you? Do you want us to celebrate your birthday elsewhere? Do you...”

“Albert,” Ann interrupted him with pleading eyes. “You promised to do anything I request as a birthday gift, right?”

“Certainly!” Albert answered proudly. “You just name it and please, no more frowning on a special day like this.”

“Okay, I promise that I will never frown again if this request of mine is granted.”

“Then, consider it done,” Albert spoke with pride.

Anna drew in a deep breath and quickly forced out the words from her mouth like someone panting for breath.

“I want Chloe back.”

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