A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 182 - 182 Pushing Ella’s Buttons

182 Pushing Ella’s Buttons

“You want what? Are you planning on a death wish or something?”

The cheerfulness and calmness on Albert’s face instantly vanished. His eyes slowly turned chilly as he stared at his wife in anger. His hand tightened around the spoon as he thought of a suitable way to handle his wife’s request without jeopardizing his earlier declaration.

Earlier, after Chloe was taken away by the ugly-looking Dr. Sean, Albert made a declaration that the name Chloe must never be mentioned in his house again. To him, Chloe was dead and should be forgotten.

Luke was happy with this declaration but Anna only accepted her husband’s wish on the surface. Deep within, she grieved for Chloe and wished that Albert would reconsider his decision.

“Why are you trying to ruin this beautiful atmosphere with that toxic name? Aren’t you happy about the progress we have made since that demonic daughter of yours left our lives for good?”

Anna’s eyes sagged at Albert’s harsh words. From the tone of his words, it seems as if Chloe just left them yesterday. Hence, the damages Chloe made were still a fresh wound in Albert’s heart.

However, Anna had been planning this whole plea arrangement for the past few days. She intentionally didn’t carry Luke along due to his closeness with Albert. She feared that he might spill the beans to Albert before the time came.

Anna slowly stood and walked up to her husband, who couldn’t peel his eyes away from her due to her stunning immaculate white dress. She went down on her knees and clasped her hand together.

“Please, forgive her because of the love you have for me.” Tears slowly rolled down Anna’s cheeks as she pleaded.


“I agree that she has made a lot of mistakes but she is still my daughter and no mother can ever abandon her child even if the child is a notorious criminal.”

“Don’t ruin this moment with this annoying request of yours. We have Luke here as our son and if you want a daughter, we can adopt a responsible one.” Albert tried to pull Anna to her feet but she bluntly refused to get up. She knew he was trying to cajole her with his charming words.

This got Albert infuriated. He angrily stood, knocking over some already-poured glasses of wine.

“You want that satanic child to come back and destroy us!” Albert boomed in a high-pitched tone.

“Don’t you like the way your life is right now? Don’t you want to have peace and joy until you age? Don’t you want to leave this world in happiness knowing that you have someone suitable taking your place?”

“Dad, please, go easy on mum. You know that today is her birthday..”

Luke stood up and walked over to Anna. He tried to soothe her but deep down, he was disgusted by her request. To him, Chloe was gone for good and any come back by her would threaten the current position of the Robinson family wealth.

Albert breathed down his frustration and gave Luke a signal to go back to his seat.

“Please, my dear, we don’t need that problem child. She’s better off where she is right now.” Albert gently pulled Anna to her feet with little resistance. He sat down and made her sit on his thigh.

“Moreover, with the program, she was enrolled in, she wouldn’t fit into this family anymore when they’re done with her.”


“No more buts, darling.” Albert interrupted her. “I know that it might sound cruel but I have moved on from that tormenting and dramatic lifestyle. Like I warned before, I do not want to ever hear anyone in this family mention that name again. Am I clear?”

“Crystal!” Luke replied.

“Anna!” Albert’s frosty glare forced out a reply from her.

“Okay!” She sniffed and placed her head gently on his chest.

“Then let’s have some fun!” Albert returned to his cheerful self.

Anna forced a smile to mask her defeated expression. Deep down, she swore to break Chloe free from the psychopaths, without her husband’s knowledge.


Six days later...

The Amzone city international airport was buzzing with different adventures and activities.

Passengers of all races and colors were busy moving up and down, seeking proper windows of information. The only time you see some of these passengers relaxing was when they got their tickets and baggage checked.

Amongst the relaxed passengers chatting and laughing their hearts out were Leon, Ella, and Ivory.

Their flight to Islafub island was scheduled for 8:00 AM and they arrived thirty minutes earlier.

They were seated in the VIP passengers section and they seem to be engrossed in a funny argument with Ella and Ivory both teaming up against Leon.

They were so busy arguing and laughing their hearts out that they did not notice that Yvonne had finally arrived.

From the VIP entrance, Yvonne caught sight of Ella mingling freely with her siblings and her mood instantly changed for the worst.

“How dare Leon allow that gold-digging wife of his tag along on such a sorrowful family gathering?” Yvonne mused incoherently as she walked slowly towards them.

“Doesn’t he know that their mum will shred her if she ever laid sight on her? Has Leon’s Villa and wealth become too small for her to spread her greedy claws? Is she now targeting the Treshvire wealth? The fact that she almost ruined the family after hypnotizing Leon to marry her wasn’t enough, right? I’ll show her.” Yvonne swore under her breath as she arrived at her sibling’s table.

“Yvonne is here!”

Ivory was the first to shout out her excitement when she saw her elder sister. She stood up and ran into her open hands.

“Hello sweetie!” Yvonne cooed and kissed Ivory on both cheeks.

Both Leon and Ella stood up to welcome Yvonne. However, she totally ignored Ella’s greetings and focused all her attention on Leon and Ivory.

Ella wasn’t surprised or taken aback by Yvonne coldness. She acted indifferent to her cold treatment and took a seat beside her husband when they all sat down as they awaited the flight boarding to be announced.

For the past few days, Leon and Ivory have both been coaching Ella on how to carry herself around Yvonne and Marissa; as they were the two members of the Treshvire family that were yet to accept her as a wife.

Although Leon’s initial intention was for Ella to stay back at Amzone city; to prevent any face-off with his mother and sister, his plans were scattered by Nana Esther. She called him and insisted that he must bring his wife along.

Hence Leon was placed on the spot to manage his grieving mother and his precious wife.

Before they embarked on the journey, Leon had a lengthy conversation with Ella. He told her that during his father’s last moments, his mum would need his attention greatly. Hence, she may be by herself most of the time or in Ivory’s company.

Leon also apologized ahead to Ella, on behalf for any despicable attitude that would be displayed by either his mum or sister.

Ella appreciated Leon for being honest with her and she promised him that she would not pick a fight with either his mum or sister. However, she also made Leon know that she would not tolerate anyone calling her names or treating her inhumanly.

“We were worried that you were running late.” Ivory released her hold of Yvonne and took her seat beside her.

“Don’t mind the stupid chartered taxi driver that brought me down to the airport. He was moving at a snail’s speed when I told him that I was already running late.” Yvonne hissed in disgust.

“Have you spoken to mum yet?” Ivory queried with a sad face.

“No dear,” Yvonne shook her head. It’ll be awkward and depressing to talk to her over the phone. It’s better to see her in person so that we can stay by her side all three of us and no third party is allowed.”

Yvonne stressed her last statement with intention of mocking Ella.

Unfortunately, Yvonne’s comments didn’t incite any strand of animosity in Ella, as she anticipated. Even her siblings didn’t respond to her unnecessary comment as they continued discussing with her as if all she said sounded logical.

From the moment Yvonne turned down her greeting, Ella picked up her phone and buried her head in it as though she was reading through something very important. Although her ears and heart were in the discussion the siblings had, her eyes remained on her phone.

Feeling the urge to instigate trouble, Yvonne continued to push on different buttons to see which would make Ella lose her cool.

“Leon, while in Islafub, I would appreciate it if we all could lodge in Nana’s bungalow. I would like us to bond with dad and mum before...before... before...”

Yvonne flashed an angry look in Ella’s direction and clicked her finger up in the air.

Ella slowly raised her head and stared at her quizzically.

“Can you give us some room while we talk in private?” Yvonne scoffed.

“Um... Sure!” Ella took her time to gather her stuff, thereby infuriating an already irritated Yvonne.

Ivory turned her face sideways to hide her chuckle while Leon just smirk at Yvonne’s behavior.

By the time Ella was done gathering her few stuff and standing up sluggishly, an announcement was made that their flight was boarding.

“Oh baby, it’s time to go.” Ella smiled at Leon and walked proudly ahead of him

“You are such a....” Yvonne words got stuck in her throat when Ella sharply spun around and glared at her.

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