Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 181: A Brief Battle with Obselan Guild

Chapter 181: A Brief Battle with Obselan Guild

As their daggers went straight towards me, I was relieved regarding the punishment of fighting inside the town. They started attacking me, so defending right now was my utmost interest.

At once I muttered:

"Penta auxiliary skill."

"Tempest of lightning skill."

I immediately used two skills at once, as I jumped again escaping the close by four daggers. I appeared four meters away from them, just two meters away from the two enemies.

At this perfect spot, where they two weren't ready to face me, I sent my spear towards them without hesitation.

Five spears moved with great speed towards the two assassins, however they weren't simple assassins as they overcame their shock in a brilliant way and suddenly both moved with great speed evading my six spears, however their daggers couldn't.

Once the spears collided with the daggers, all stopped moving at once. At this moment I received a notification from the system.

"System notification: You have been attacked by the Obselan Guild. You have one hour to defend yourself without any punishment. Do you want to add your adventure group members to this special situation?"

Without any hesitation I muttered:


Who was crazy enough not to grant his team members this option. Once I chose so, I sent in the team chat saying:

"Gabri, now you are clear to move."

I was sure that the strongest players of this guild would be those two, as the strongest would be burdened by the task of killing me.

I hoped those two would be mystic art deserters, and that was logical as if they were still active there, they would have broken the law of the society and now they would be expelled.

I snapped my fingers to retrieve my spear, which was now accompanied by five more. At the same time the two assassins were about to escape my gravity skill area of effect as four daggers appeared in their hands in the same way my spears appeared.

Up till now I didn't notice any special trick about their daggers, except for that tracking feature. Unlike what I met before with that swordsman, they didn't control the daggers to move after me, instead I felt the daggers were chasing me hot like I was their sweet pie.

I didn't wait for the two to escape my gravity skill, as I had limited time using this skill and I had to eliminate the two assassins by then or else I would be finished.

I moved as I muttered:

"Dragon head skill."

At once my spear changed its appearance to be like a big dragon head. I didn't delay as I threw the spear out, to be accompanied by ten spears, five normal shadows and five intimidating looking dragon head shadows.

The spears moved to interrupt the assassins' plan to escape as they had to jump both sides to evade the spears. Just as they moved, I snapped my fingers again to retain the spears, then I threw them towards one of them once more.

I didn't stop chasing them, and with the help of my spears they couldn't escape. When they noticed me closing by, they decided to risk it all.

It seemed I was famous now, as their faces didn't show any underestimation or negligence for me, instead they were dead serious.

I snapped my fingers again, and this time I was so close to them as mere three meters separated the three of us from each other.

I didn't throw my spears this time, as the first one to move would be the one to lose. However my enemies didn't share the same opinion, as when they were two meters away from me, they thought my attack pattern was disturbed finally.

I usually used long range attacks to hit my enemies. In fact that pattern of attacks made me feel calm, as I was after all a magician in my kingdom. However the two assassins mistook this as the only pattern I had.

They were wrong, and I was glad they both were, as once they moved to throw out their daggers, I bent down my legs to glide on the ground evading the incoming daggers, at the same time my spears were launched to hit their close by bodies without any mercy.

They just finished throwing the daggers out, so their bodies weren't in perfect positions to evade. On the other hand, I knew evading their daggers in this close range distance was a gamble, after all I couldn't escape their pursuit except for a second.

And one second was all that I needed, as my spears were inserted in the hearts of my enemies. one spear was enough to kill each one of them. after all their levels were still low, way lower than mine.

As their masters died, the four daggers lost their balance and fell on the ground, along with four more equipment and two medallions.

They were ex-mystic art players, and now I gained two more medallions, hooray!

I didn't delay as I collected y spoils very rapidly. As I finished I began to observe the world around me.

I was so immersed in this fight that I totally forgot about the presence of Elyo and Diana around me, however right now the two weren't anywhere nearby.

Amidst my enthusiasm and chasing those two assassins, I delved deeply inside the heart of the enemy players. Once I checked the world around me, I knew I was still in danger, as there were over fifty players surrounding me right now.

As for Elyo and Diana, both were fighting their way in towards me, but I knew I couldn't wait for them to come for rescue, as hell I didn't need to be rescued.

These players were already dead, and the only danger here was me, only me.

"Let's have some fun, shall we?"

If this encirclement was before I created my spear army I would be really in threat, but now all I had to do was to throw my spears out, snap my fingers and then throw them again.

Popping sounds began to appear around me like fireworks, as each player's body fell dead when my spear touched them. flop flop flop flop, this sound began to repeat like a music in my ears.

The sudden attack of my spears doubted everything, as my enemies thought I would find it hard to deal with their assassins, so their normal players would stand a chance against me.

However they were gravely mistaken, as the two assassins didn't last for mere seconds in my hands, and now the rest of their players would be killed mercilessly like this.

I didn't believe this guild was this reckless and weak, what the hell was their guild master doing? What was Merad, their vice master, the wolf of Obselan, doing?

I recalled that Merad had left some impression inside me, I felt he was strong and special. However right now all I found were weak weeds waiting for my fire to burn them all.

I led the two behind me to move at any place these players were at. A massacre happened again. At the same time, Gabri appeared from far away leading many players to attack the backlines of these players.

I knew that Gabri selected that place to start his attack from, and that meant most healers and magicians were there at that spot.

I handled the front, where my players led by Gabri handled the rear, and in between this guild players were sandwiched mercilessly like sheep ready to be slaughtered.

As the battle was about to end, I felt I overrated that hall master and his threat. I thought he would gather many guild players and adventure group players to trap me, however what I found were just weak players nothing more.

Except for the two assassins I just killed, no one was worthy of my spear. I was furious, and so all the weak players in front of me had to bear my anger.

The battle didn't last for longer than fifteen minutes, during which I killed over three hundred players, and the total losses of this guild was around five hundred players.

As for my side, we only lost sixteen players no more. As for the gains, plus the two medallions, we gained around one thousand equipment.

That was a decent gain, except for the low level and grade of the equipment which made me feel annoyed.

This battle didn't need all that preparation from my side, as I was sure I could handle them easily with the help of Diana and Elyo.

"Collect out trophies, and let's go to the adventure hall."

I yelled in the group of players around me, as there were one hundred players there. I noticed the presence of many of my top players, and that meant not many of the elite players were there right now with Rody.

That made me feel somehow unsettled. So, I began to catch speed moving rapidly towards the adventure guild. At the same time I sent in the team chat asking:

'Rody, is everything fine at your end?'

'Yes, nothing suspicious here, why?' he replied instantly.

'Nothing, just be on alert. We are less than fifteen minutes away from your place,' I sent to him.

'Ok, I will move the players inside the territory of the hall. No one will dare to attack us there.'

As he sent this reply I felt more at ease. If he was safe then that hall master's threat was overrated, and that would be my mistake.

The issue here was that I never misjudged any person before, especially their threats to me. I assessed that master's threat to me to be way higher than what I met so far.

So, where was the problem then?

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