Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 182: Entering Fortland Sacred Land Part 1

Chapter 182: Entering Fortland Sacred Land Part 1

The more I got near the adventure hall the more unease I felt. As I saw the building outline from far I knew that the auction hall master's scheme didn't include my players here.

Was I wrong?

That was weird, as this would be the first time ever to evaluate someone this bad. As I reached the hall, I found Rody standing in front of it waiting for me.

Or to be more specific, he just exited the building in a way that seemed he was in a hurry to go somewhere. Once he saw me, he stopped as he said with haste:

"There are many reports of a lot of attacks that happened to many of our teams outside. The attacks came from many guilds and adventure groups, all of them are in the hands of the nobles."

This what I was fearing, this was the true scheme of that master. So that attack at me outside the auction hall aimed at delaying me.

"We need to go and support them at once," Gabri said.

I was about to relay my orders to move all the players here to exit the town, however Diana suddenly said:

"That would be an unwise move."

Her words stopped me in my tracks as I asked:

"What do you mean?"

"That master isn't aiming here at all. All that he is doing right now is aiming for one goal, delaying you."

The words of her were really eye opening for me. I stood my place silently while Rody said:

"The players are slaughtered out there, the reports are coming without pause. These guilds and groups are using mystic art users to kill our players. we have no chance at all without your support Agatha."

His words made me realize that Diana's vision was correct. That master's aim wasn't to cause trouble for me here, but out there. the more time wasted here, the more dangerous my position would be out there.

So, I had to move out now fast. Every second counted.

"I agree with your butler's opinion."

Suddenly this voice came just from beside me in a way that startled me. I gritted my teeth as I looked towards the emptiness beside me as I angrily said:

"Rog, I told you many times before, stop this bad habit of yours or else"

Suddenly Rog appeared in the spot where there was no one there. he looked with embarrassed look to me as he said:

"Sorry, bad habits never die easily."

"You are more annoying than Shin," I muttered with annoyance.

"Where is Shin? I couldn't find him here, is he out there with our players?"

When he said these words my mood changed to the worst. I felt like I was a rock thrown into a deep lake, a very deep bottom where I was falling towards without end.

The change in mood didn't happen to me, but all those who were with me inside that hall had the same change. One of them had told Rog what happened for sure, as his face suddenly turned pale as he muttered with strange seriousness:

"We need to move, we need to go to that sacred land now."

I looked at him strangely, why did he suddenly begin to speak so seriously?

"We have no more time to waste, what Shin gave you isn't small or simple at all. You need to go to sacred land and establish your post there. doing so would make things easier."

I had to admit, this assassin sometimes would act cool and other times he would be mysterious. I didn't understand the reason behind his sudden urgeness, and he seemed to realize that so he added:

"There is no time to explain here, inside the sacred land I will tell you all I know."

"What about our players out there?" Elyo asked.

"Issue a retreat order for all of them. These attacks aimed just to keep our hands busy out here. once we go to the sacred lands, these attacks would cease to exist, trust me."

The suggestion of Rog was somehow acceptable. I looked towards my four pillars as I issued my orders:

"Relay my order of retreat to everyone to retreat to the town. After we leave they can go out and level up again. now prepare players who will come with me to the sacred lands. In less than five minutes we will move to that test."

My order was the final call in this situation, so they began to relay orders and organize players around us. In less than five minutes, one hundred and fifty players were standing around me.

They were led by Rody, Elyo, Gabri, and Rog. I stood my grounds silently watching them organizing everyone. There were also my old team members, as Goda approached me as he asked:

"Is it true? What happened to Shin I mean."

I looked towards him with great pain in my heart. Those players were the first friends I had in the game along with Shin, and they were the closest ones to me and Shin. They had all the right to know what happened, so I began to relay the story short to them.

After I finished Goda sighed as he said:

"I will miss him."

"Me too," Heda said.

"And me as well," Snad said.

Grendy just nodded his head with sorrow over his face, as for Mony she had some tears in her eyes. I sighed with pain as I said:

"All I know is he isn't dead, but we won't see him anytime soon."

"We have to help and save him, no matter what," Mony muttered softly.

"Yes, no matter what," I said with determination.

"We are ready to move, will we move now?" Rody asked.

"Yes, gather around me then."

I then took out a small golden ball, as this was the ball of entry to the sacred land. I rubbed it slowly as its golden color began to shine gradually with each rub.

A halo of golden light suddenly erupted to cover me, and all my players around. A soft voice appeared in my mind whispering:

'State your name, position, master's name please.'

'I'm Agatha, predisciple of master Sam,' I instantly replied.

'Do you want to bring all those players around you?' the voice asked.

'Yes, all of them will come with me,' I replied.

'You have the right to bring twenty players for free, any added player will cost you one hundred gold coins. Do you want to proceed?' the voice asked.

'Proceed,' I simply replied. The amount of gold coins with me was approximately seven hundred thousand gold coins, so I could bring whoever I wanted without caring for money.

'One hundred and thirty five players are added to your team. The total cost will be thirteen thousand and five hundred gold coins. Do you agree to pay this cost to bring those players with you?'

'Sure,' I simply replied.

'The gold coins are deducted from your account. Get ready to move in five seconds. Good luck.'

Once the voice said that I said loudly so all of the players here could hear me:

"We will move now, be ready."

Once I finished, the halo began to shine brighter and brighter until I couldn't open my eyes. Once I closed them and reopened them again, I found myself standing in a new place, with my players we were like a water droplet in the ocean.

Around us there were so many players that I felt there was no end to them. our appearance didn't catch anyone's attention, however I stood there motionless as one thing did attract mine.

A large stone stele stood with pride towards the sky. It was so high, so thick, and so domineering with its black and silver colors. It was made of strange black ore that looked so sturdy, and there were many writings on its surface, writings with silver color.

'Welcome predisciple Agatha to the sacred land Fortland of mystic art society. Your mission is to enter the second rank lands without dying more than five times. If you need any help, you can always ask the system and it will guide you.'

Suddenly this voice echoed in my mind accompanied with some info related to this land. Fortland was divided into different ranks with different risks with each rank. Now we were standing at the checkpoint, a place that was considered a safe shelter for all of the players who came here.

Fighting was prohibited here and the punishment for trespassing this law was severe. Whoever did this would be subjected to be expelled from society, and he would be killed and his or her mystic art would be lost.

So, breaking the law here wasn't simple, and I doubted anyone would try and do it. The second thing I got from the system beside the map of the fortland was the access to the stele.

That access was granted only to the player who was undergoing his trial, so even if there were other mystic art players here like Rog, they couldn't access the stele.

The stele's basic function was to resurrect the player and any of his associates. The cost of reviving the player was zero, but reviving any other player with him would cost ten gold coins.

I skipped this part as I was interested in recruiting soldiers. This option came to my mind fast, as I spotted many places for soldiers being sold in this stele.

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