Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 194: Finishing The Preparations to Conquer The Castle

Chapter 194: Finishing The Preparations to Conquer The Castle

As I made sure those behind the walls didn't notice what I had done, I started the second phase of my plan, as I thought:

'I want to sign a serving contract with all the players inside.'

'Each contract will cost you fifty gold coins. The contract is a standard slave contract that can't be breached except if you released them. any violation to the contract will end by killing the players. do you want to proceed?'

The cold voice came to give me a detailed explanation of the contract. I really didn't know what a slave contract was, but I felt it was somehow similar to the butler contract. To be safe I thought:

'Show me the slave contract.'

'Contract is in your head, if you agree just say the magical word.'

I didn't know why but that cold sound seemed to enjoy this. I had a contract suddenly in my head. I read it more than once and it was strangely similar to the butler contract of Diana. When I was sure of its strength to safeguard me, I thought:

'Let's do it.'

'You have eighty-five thousand players inside, each will cost fifty gold coins. Do you want to proceed?'


'Players have signed the contracts, and you as the owner of the artifact have signed the contract by me. I will be the witness on this contract and the one to monitor them.'

I was surprised to hear this, wasn't this contract bound to the game? however I didn't have time to worry about such a thing, as by the end of this phase, I had to start the third one.

'Do you want to release them all now?' the cold voice asked.

'Release fifteen thousand of them.'


Suddenly the whole space got crowded at once by fifteen thousand players showing up from nowhere. Their appearance startled my personal little army, who moved to cluster around me in a protective way.

I admired their fast reaction as well as their loyalty. I raised my spear up high as I yelled:

"Stop, they are ours."

Just as I said these words, this fantastic crowd of players looked at me with burning eyes and angry faces. They were mad and angry, but I didn't feel any pressure at all.

I knew if anyone tried to cross me, he would immediately die. They also knew this, so all they did was to stand there motionless glancing at me.

If looks could kill then I would have burnt to death countless times already.

"Listen up, I'm now your master and you are my servants. Anyone has a problem with that, just show himself so I can kill him and end his misery."

My voice echoed in the place which made everyone's looks burn stronger, however I didn't faze off as I stepped outside the protective ring of my men as I added:

"I have already captured all the players scattered in ambush here. I know your previous plan and what you intend to do, so if you have any problem in showing respect to me and obeying my orders, I wouldn't hesitate to kill all of you and replace you with more."

My threat wasn't lightly taken by them, as they already tasted my ability to trap them all without breaking a sweat. They also knew how harsh and strict the contract they signed was, so their anger and disobedience didn't last more than that before they all knelt to the ground.

They were my slaves, and I hated slavery, but to make sure my plan succeeded I had to cross couple of my red lines here.

As I managed to break their spines, I had successfully controlled this spot and began to arrange duties for them. all they had to know was to stay guard here as they were supposed to be, and move whenever they got the signal from me.

So I made Gen create a separate team chat for some leaders of them, as to relay orders when the time would be appropriate.

Finishing here, I moved to the next spot with more confidence. I visited each place that had these players before, and there I did the same. A slave contract was signed, those players' will was broken by me, then I gave them my orders and Gen added more players to his new chat.

This process took nearly three more hours before I wrapped everything. As I finished the last group of players, we ended up at the first place we started from. Now I was ready to start the next phase of my plan, the riskier phase.

"Gen, come with me for a bit."

Gen followed me to move away from the group, and once we were in a distance safe from any one spying on us, I asked:

"Can your men fly?"

Gen looked strangely at me as he replied:

"We can, but the span of our flight wouldn't protect us from these towers. They will see us coming from far and kill us even before we reach them."

His reply was instant, but that was what I wanted to hear. They could fly, and that would make my plan success rate to go higher.

"Can you carry someone with you while flying?" I asked.

"Sure, but this would lower my speed and also will make my altitude lower," he replied with a look of loss on his pretty face.

He had no clue about my plan, and that was a good indicator that no one would think about me doing it.

The element of surprise was in my side this time.

"Don't worry about that, now let's bring the men and go from here," I said.

"May I ask what will we do and where are we going?" he asked with doubt.

"Don't worry, you will know everything in time. let's go, we have already wasted enough time here," I didn't reveal anything of my plan as I patted on his shoulder before going back to my personal army.

We were now stationed near the walls, and I could see the outline of these walls from my place. I had to lead my army to walk a considerable distance to the west, away from the wall and the castle.

I estimated that we needed one hour at least to be safely away from the eyes of everyone in the castle, and that hour was what separated us from the nightfall.

I needed night as covering for me, or else my plan would fail.

I moved leading my players to the west in a move that seemed unlogical to everyone, Gen included. However Gen felt I was moving according to a plan, so he trusted my judge and followed me without opening his mouth.

I appreciated his obedience and trust, as this would make him a fine general in my army.

The journey to the west wasn't that smooth, as once we exited the place of ambush, we began to face a high rate of demon teams.

It seemed demons could sense the high numbers of players concentrated here, so the numbers of their teams grew largely from one team each forty minutes to become a team every five minutes or even less.

Although the rate increased, I didn't find any difficulty in exterminating them. that only cost us more time, so we took roughly one hour and half to cross the distance we should cross in one hour.

Reaching this spot I didn't stop, as I began to move to the north for one more hour. My actions were weird, but none complained or asked anything. Like generals like soldiers, and that made me very content with them.

After we crossed that distance with difficulty, and facing a large number of demon teams and killing them all, we finally reached a perfect spot for me.

There was a small hill one kilometer away, and despite the veil of the night, I managed to spot it easily. It was like a huge black monster that looked so creepy from my place.

"Now gather around me and listen up, our goal is to reach that hill over there."

I said as I pointed towards the hill nearby. Everyone looked at the hill then back at me as Gen asked the million gold coin question:

"What are we going to do? We are too far from our target."

I smiled as he was still oblivious to my plan, and now was the time to reveal it.

"We are in the perfect spot now, as this hill will give us the needed altitude to fly higher than the surveillance of the castle and its towers."

"Fly? I doubt that altitude would be enough for us to fly higher than these towers, besides the distance from here to the castle is very big. We can't sustain this long journey on our own," Gen denied my words as he thought my plan was illogic.

However when I took an item from my Inventory, his eyes lit up. Not only him, but the others as well, as what I took made all the mystery around what we were going to do vanish at once.

"Wait a second, are you planning to" Gen muttered as he stopped his words in the middle as I nodded to him.

What I had was the armored balloon treasure which I took from that wicked bastard. It was the time to use it, and I planned to make its first appearance legendary.

"What do you think? Can we do it?" I asked with a wide smile enjoying their facial reactions which were really funny.

"This it might actually work. We might lose some kids over there, but we can enter the castle like this with most of our players," Gen said as he was rubbing his chin with his silly smile.

He realized, just as the others, that my mind was thinking differently than theirs, and that made them quite happy. After all, the role of a leader was always to think outside what others could think of. Having a unique leader was equal to having a blessing.

"Now, let's go to the hill, shall we?" I said as I began to move while I kept that balloon in my hand. It was a special item which granted me the ability to summon a huge balloon that could accommodate to a thousand players inside.

The balloon was a special military gadget that had its offensive and defensive abilities. I wasn't in need for offense right now, however one of the defensive abilities was something I liked.

It was called the silent fog, as the balloon would cover itself with a dark fog that could blend in the darkness of the night to sneak undetected towards its target. It also created a soundproof shield around us, so no one could hear or see us coming.

We could be on the top of their heads and they wouldn't even realize that. That was the pre-final move of my plan.

As for my final step, Gen and the others guessed it half right and half wrong. we would jump from the balloon to fall towards the castle like special forces. However we wouldn't target the castle itself, as I was targeting its dungeon.

My plan from the beginning wasn't to create disturbance in this castle, I planned to get this castle for my own by conquering the dungeon.

As for the players I scattered around the castle, they would act as plan b for me. a safety measure to any new variable that might happen, so I wouldn't be out of options at any time.

War was all about choices and plans. The person with more plans and moves up his sleeve would always end up winning.

The journey to the hill didn't take minutes, which was caused mostly by facing two teams on the way to it. as we reached the bottom of this hill, we faced three teams in one go.

"That's weird, why are there such high density teams around this hill?" Gen muttered as we just killed the three teams to have more teams coming from far towards us.

"Let's move up and gain ground, we need to reach the top. Forget about the demons, there is no time to dissect them," I gave my orders at once to rise up and leave the killed demons behind.

Losing hundreds of pearls wasn't my intention at all, however if I was blinded by greed here I would end up losing more than that.

My players followed my orders to the letter as we began to climb the hill, despite that the hill began to be surrounded by more demon teams, and they were really relentless in chasing up even towards the top of that hill.

"What the hell is wrong with these demons?!!" I asked with anger and doubt.

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