Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 195: Finally Entering The Dungeon

Chapter 195: Finally Entering The Dungeon

The hill seemed spacious in general, however with the presence of all these demons, I felt there was no place for us there. The demons were increasing in numbers and were rapidly closing on us.

So, we had no time to waste, as once we reached the top of the hill, I didn't wait for my players to reach the top and threw the balloon in my hand to the air.

The balloon was a very special item, and once it left my hand it began to expand exponentially in a matter of seconds. When it ended its expansion, the balloon turned to be like a huge boat, with a large sail over its top.

The night was dark, so dark that I couldn't see the exact details of this balloon, and I was pretty sure it wasn't a boat.

Despite my doubts, I ordered Gen to move everyone into the balloon. As for me, I stood there guarding their retreat. Unfortunately there was no one here who could face these demons except for me.

After everyone boarded the balloon, I jumped into it at the same time I had control over the balloon in my mind. I felt I could steer it, control its abilities, and use its long skill list for attack and defense.

When I thought of my plan, I wasn't in a need to use offensive skills, but now I refrained from that and started using skills to hit the demons.

Surprisingly, each attack caused considerable damage to the demons and their defensive shields. That was something nice to know, as these demons were really a headache by their shields.

The skills I used included a fire splash, ice arrow rain, air lashes, and many other unique skills that all used natural energies to operate and function.

In a few minutes needed for the balloon to fly on a suitable distance from the hill, many demons lost their lives to the balloon skills. after using almost all the offensive list of skills, I had to stop as these skills came with a long CD.

I wasn't in need to use more attack skills, as we had already gotten ourselves so far from the hill.

"I'm sorry princess, we lost five players back there," Gen suddenly spoke up as he felt so irritating about this loss. I looked at him without saying a word as the situation back there was really dangerous and sudden.

I didn't blame him for this, as I knew the problem was caused by the lack of mystic art users here. if there was enough number of mystic users, then we could easily defend ourselves and even gain from these fallen demons.

So losing five players was nothing to be ashamed of, a considerable loss that I was willing to take.

"They fought well, now let's focus on the upcoming challenge," I said as I turned to look up ahead towards the direction of the castle as I added:

"We need to be ready, once we are top of the castle we will jump on my command."

He looked at me like he had a dilemma, so I asked:

"What's wrong Gen?"

"I'm not sure we can rise above the level of tower detection in that castle," he said, expressing the issue that bugged him.

"Don't worry, we don't need to count only on that."

I knew what was bothering him, as the distance needed to go above the level of tower detection was very high, so falling from this altitude must have a cost, right?

In addition to that, we would be easily spotted and targeted by those towers. However as I just said to him, I wasn't depending on the altitude of the balloon alone to cover my intrusion.

The first skill I used was the fog skill, which created a black fog that blended perfectly with the darkness of the night. Despite being surrounded by thick fog, the inside of this balloon was completely fine.

The second defensive skill I used was the sound proof skill. that made us move unseen and unheard even if we just passed by the towers of the castle.

That wasn't all, as I used a third defensive skill that would jam on the tower sensors so we could approach the castle without being detected.

All this was done to ensure one thing, when we jumped we could have enough time to enter the dungeon before the defensive powers of the castle operated.

The distance between the hill and the castle was around one and half hours by walking, however by using the balloon it didn't take more than fifteen minutes.

In the abyss of this darkness, the castle and that huge wall stood abruptly like huge monsters sleeping on the ground biding its time. I was greatly intimidated by this scene, however that didn't stop me from going forward.

"Be ready, once I give the signal you will all fall after me. don't move away from my side, or else you won't be able to enter the dungeon."

My last orders were given as the castle towers were visible in the horizon. I knew the best way to fall without losing anyone in the process, as I directed the balloon to head straight towards the centre of the castle.

The altitude wasn't that high, as I wasn't worried to be detected. Flying as low as possible would buy us enough time when we fall, as this would greatly affect the time needed for these towers to respond.

Once we entered the castle parameters, I began to feel great tension exerted over me. the tension was growing, however I knew that was only my illusion due to my extreme worry.

I needed to have more control over my feelings, as I was never this afraid in my whole life.

Failing here would make my future gloomy and uncertain. I had no option to fail, no matter what I had to succeed.

I tightly grabbed the shaft of my spear as I tried to gain more confidence from it. strangely I began to calm down, like a close friend was patting me on the back to encourage me.

I was in need for that right now, and I felt great gratitude to my spear for doing this. The balloon was nearing the place of our drop, as I felt it was moving so slow like a snail.

Ten meters

Seven meters

Four meters

Three meters

One meters

"Now." I said as I immediately removed the balloon and stored it inside my Inventory. Our bodies appeared in the darkness of the night, not to be seen by any visible eye. However that wasn't applicable to the towers, as they used detection methods that weren't required to actually see.

Our altitude from the ground was two hundred meters, and once the balloon vanished, we began to fall rapidly towards the ground.

We had to be in close contact with me, or else I wouldn't be able to grab everyone into the dungeon. That was when the flying ability came to the scene. One second just passed and I felt a great threat coming towards me.

These damn towers were faster to react than I thought.

"Incoming." I whispered to alert everyone. We were beginning to cluster one next to the other, like an onion with multiple layers covering it. That made us very hard to target, however if a single hit managed to fall on us, it would cause devastating damage.

So we needed mostly luck, and some defensive skills that could protect our lives here. defensive players began to use skills that deflected some arrows away from out path.

Every passing second brought us nearer to our target. The sudden launch of the arrows from the towers coupled with the usage of skills to deflect them attracted attention at once.

However human reactions were much slower than the towers. By the time players inside the castle and behind the walls began to know there were intruders, we had finally reached the threshold I was aiming for.

One hundred meters from the ground, once reached there I felt the urge to scream in triumph, I did it bitches!

However I didn't, as I spotted a great fireball was about to be launched from a nearby tower towards us. We were getting closer to the ground, which put us in more danger as well.

Some skills of these towers had limited range, and great damage. Being this close from the ground made us vulnerable, so we had to leave, and we needed to leave right now.

Congratulations, you have discovered a secret dungeon. Do you want to enter it?

Suddenly I heard this voice in my head. It was like the system prompt sound, but it felt quite different. Without any time to think I replied:

'I want.'

'Alone or with your team?' the sound asked again at the same time that fireball was about to be released towards us.

'With my team.'

'Entry fee of one thousand demon hearts is required, do you accept to pay?' the voice seemed to enjoy stalling for time, which was something I didn't have.

To not waste more time, I took out one thousand pearls from my Inventory and threw them out as I muttered:

'You take them and let us enter now!'

'Good, you are ready to enter. Do you want me to tell you any details about the dungeon and the challenge up ahead?' the sound was really getting on my nerve by doing this. This wasn't the time for this chit chat talk, and part of me felt it did this deliberately.

'Not now, later, everything is later. Just let us enter the damn dungeon,' I said as the fireball was already midway towards us. In the next two seconds if we didn't enter that dungeon, we would all be hit by it and die.


That voice said something I couldn't hear well, as at the same time I felt a great traction force that pulled me towards a certain direction. I didn't know if this was the entryway to the dungeon or I was hit by an attack, however all I felt was a severe headache that began to cause throbbing pain I couldn't handle.

So I passed out without knowing where I was heading.

Damn that castle and its ridiculous dungeon!

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