Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 196: Humans Turn into Demons... What A Joke!

Chapter 196: Humans Turn into Demons... What A Joke!

I didn't know how long I was out of consciousness, however once I opened my eyes I felt severe pain in my head.

It was like my head got kicked by someone's leg. I sat straight up from the ground as all I was thinking of right now was how to ease this pain. It was really tense, but by time it began to fade away.

Or I might get accustomed to it.

When I got free from the pain, I began to look around me. I was in an open ground with much green and yellow in a strange mix between the two. when I focused, I understood why the two were here.

The ground was sand, and from it tall thick green trees emerged. Well, that was strange as I used for sand to be next to oceans, and trees to be born out of fertile soil.

I found my personal army lying sleepy around me. they weren't yet awake, which made me all alone in this world.

So the first thing I needed to do was to secure the perimeter. We just arrived in a strange world that wasn't like the dungeon I experienced from before. The presence of an open stretched land here wasn't quite like what I expected.

I began to move, just as I took my first step, I heard a sound in my mind.

It was the same voice that spoke to me before entering here. hearing it made me greatly annoyed as I had a feeling that voice was messing up before.

'Welcome to the demon Arbandar dungeon. Do you need any assistant regarding the dungeon?'

The voice seemed friendly, but I was yet doubtful regarding it. It offered help, which was more strange. Since when the dungeons came up with their guide?

'Can you brief me on the situation here?'

Although I didn't trust that voice, gaining any help would be necessary.

'Oh sure, but you need first to say it out loud,' the voice said.

'Say what?' I asked with more doubt.

'Say what you just asked me, to know more info regarding this place,' the voice said.

'Why don't you just tell me the info directly? I just asked you,' I said with suspicion, this voice wasn't here to help me but to scheme against me.

The voice seemed to be hesitant or in a dilemma as it didn't reply at once like before. After a few moments of silence I decided to take a stroll around the place until this sneaky tricky voice spoke again.

'Stop, can you just ask me loudly so I can help you?'

Suddenly when I just took one single small step forward, the voice came again abruptly to make me stop. I began to feel more suspicious towards that sound, and something began to relate to the move I just took.

Was it supposed to delay me here? If so then I and my team were in grave danger.

'No thanks, I won't need your help. I will figure everything on my own.'

I just said that as I began to move, once I took a couple of steps forward, the voice began to scream and begged me to stop. But I didn't listen to all this nonsense and continued to walk firmly to the outside.

Once I took one step outside the place of my team, I heard a loud scream of pain like the owner of this voice was suddenly attacked by a needle. I felt some worry towards the voice but before I could speak to it, the voice said in a vicious tone:

'You bitch, was it hard for you to just ask for my help? Now because of you I got a severe wound that's really painful. How come you didn't accept my offer of help? You humans never refused my help, not even once.

That's fine, the pain I'm feeling now I promise to repay ten folds, no, one hundred folds. Wait and see how I will torture you and your little annoying humans.'

Wow, that voice was really evil. I began to thank my intuition for choosing the right decision for me. this wasn't a small mistake as I felt if I chose wrongly here, I would have faced complicated consequences.

However there was something weird in that voice's words, didn't those players from outside manage to come here and finish this dungeon? Or what?

I didn't need to reply to that voice, as I hoped it would just vanish as it appeared. When I took more steps and began to check the area, the voice began to fade away, but it didn't totally vanish.

That was weird, as that voice became so far away like a distant echo coming from everywhere. It didn't bug me, but the fact I was monitored in every move really bugged me.

The place around us wasn't that different, as the land was yellow and the trees were green. There was no single living thing here, which was something reassuring at the moment.

As I just headed back to my team, the voice began to be more clear. That was something I hardly couldn't notice, and that meant the voice whatever it was came from that place which we appeared at.

Did it come with us from the outside or was it part of this dungeon?

I really didn't know, however I had to withstand the screams and curses that voice threw at me to go back to my players. Once I entered the spot I started from, all the screams faded away and the voice began to tempt me again like before.

'Just say it out loud and you will gain absolute power over this place. it's not easy to conquer here with mere one hundred players. you need my help, you know it, so admit it loudly and gain my help.'

I ignored this voice, however when I came back I found many players began to regain their consciousness. Once I appeared, they stood up straight at once while their faces showed great discomfort.

That voice wasn't exclusive for me then, everyone here could hear it.

"Listen up, you will have a sound in your head tempting you to ask for its help loudly. Don't do that, that voice is toxic and nothing good could come from fulfilling its desires."

I had to warn them, although I couldn't control their minds. They had the final call in this, and if they didn't trust me, then bad things would happen to them.

All I could do was to warn them. Gen, who just woke up, looked strangely at me as he muttered:

"That voice is warning us from listening to you. It says you aren't the real princess."

Oh shit, that voice was trying to set me up. That made me more sure of its evil, and such evil wasn't allowed to mess up with me or my men.

Words had no value here, so I took out my spear and threw it high up. It rested upon my fingers as I was ready to throw it towards anyplace.

"Do you want me to kill a bunch of you so you can regain your senses again?" I simply said to Gen as I was ready to use my spear and spear shadows to prove my identity.

However doing so would come at the cost of a few players, after all mistrust must have its price, right?

"There is no need to go this far princess, pardon our confusion as this voice is really annoying," Gen said that as he bowed his head expressing his apologies, then he turned to look towards his men as he yelled:

"Don't listen to that voice, trust me and your princess. Your orders princess."

Gen was someone I really admire a lot. He was a decisive, efficient, and capable player. I wished I could have him back with me to the game, however I knew he would only stay here and never leave.

Unfortunately not everyone here was like Gen.

Even with Gen's stand by my side, which affected most of the players here to stop listening to that voice, a couple of them decided to not trust me and trust that temptation as they suddenly said:

"I want your help."

"I want your help."

"I want your help."

"I want your help."

Four players decided to follow the voice and ask for its help. Once I heard their voices I felt great fear, it was like something bad, very bad was about to happen.

"Full back, follow me away from here."

I suddenly couldn't control it any longer as I issued an order for retreat. All the players looked at me with worried looks before they followed my lead. It seemed I wasn't the only one to feel this panic.

However just as we passed the order of this place, a loud roar appeared suddenly from behind, as tall four shadows began to take form in the place where we just came from.

The trees were tall, as it covered up the details of what was going on inside, however there were some players who evacuated late, and they were the ones who passed on the words of what was happening there.

"Princess, we need to hide now."

Gen suddenly appeared as he held my hand firmly and began to run. His attitude was weird, and that made me feel more worried and in danger.

Gen wasn't a silly man to do something like this, he must have done it for a reason.

When I noticed the presence of everyone else running alongside us with their utmost speed, I just noticed that I was carried by Gen as he ran with me in his embrace using his full speed.

That was very awkward, being beside him like this and feeling his warm breath and strong muscles. I was feeling more awkward with each passing second, as a fire began to erupt inside me, a fire I didn't extinguish easily except when I turned to look behind to feel stupefied.

The four players who requested the aid of that voice loudly were running behind us, however they weren't any players anymore. Their bodies were many folds larger than before, with dark red luster began to replace their skins.

Their heads also showed transformation as the skull began to be distorted with the appearance of five curved long and thick horns with bright red color. A tail also appeared from their back, which had a great role in helping them stabilize in movement and I didn't doubt it would play a greater role in battles.

Their speed was top notch even more than Gen. Gen's face revealed only one fact to me, he knew these strange creatures.

"Who are they?" I directly asked as there was no time for words to play here.

"Remember when I said no team managed to snatch this castle ever?" he simply replied before turning to look back as these weird creatures as he added:

"That was because of such demons. They are very fast, with incredible defensive shields that could rival mystic art master's strongest attack plus their deadly attacks which turn them to be our darkest nightmare. So we need to hurry and find a safe place to escape their surveillance."

I was shocked to hear that, as that meant these demons came originally from humans, right? I had no time to think of my theory as I asked the million dollar question:

"What is their weakness?"

"None!" Gen simply replied.

"Then what about their surveillance, does it follow any rules?" I asked.

"No, we don't even know what is the type of their surveillance ability," Gen replied. He actually didn't give me any clue whatsoever. I felt great pain in my head as I complained:

"So we are just going on without a plan?"

"The plan is to run, that was the golden rule set by our master a long time ago," he replied.

"And did your master survive them?" I asked.


His reply was somehow expected of me. I was about to say something in mockery when I realized my place, I was held by him to run madly aimlessly like this because he had a non competent leader like me.

This was all my fault, so why would I mock him? I should mock myself instead for being this useless and weak.

'I have to find a way, what is your weakness bastard?'

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