Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 210: Facing The Artifact Guarding Demon Part 1

Chapter 210: Facing The Artifact Guarding Demon Part 1

As truth was revealed in front of me after casting away all the tricks that twisted Prino did, I was now more comfortable about what I had to do next.

In fact the idea of having three more artifacts wasn't alluring to me, as there was a powerful demon standing guard for them. After killing this demon I would have to face the wrath of those angry believers in that holy rock.

By a way or another I would cut my way through all this to finally face the greedy relentless chase of the inhabitants here.

According to Prino, the only way to go out was to go to the place I first appeared at, which was somehow away from the place of the rock by more than twelve hours.

That meant I had to battle my way out of here using my one hundred player army for more than twelve hours flying time, which would markedly increase if we replaced the balloon and went on by foot.

There was a way to solve these troubles, but I wasn't yet ready to do that. The prisoners inside my artifact could do the trick, but I would lose most of them in the process. I didn't know their true capabilities, even Prino I never saw him in actual fight before.

That left me with very limited options, hoping the newly acquired artifacts were worth the reputation and the effort.

"Let's move."

I watched Gen ordering the players around as he began to rearrange the formations. He spread forty players down there, all were melee classes. The long ranged classes were all on the balloon with healers and some melee classes who acted as a back up.

From now on it was the real deal.

"I will go down there and supervise the whole process. When we reach the outer zone of that rock you will descend and we will form a protective ring around you," Gen said as he was ready to go down there.

For me this was the perfect plan, as I had to organize my thoughts for a bit and try to figure out how I would kill that demon. Unfortunately Prino refused to tell me anything related to that demon except for the numbers trick.

The more number of my allies entering the field of that demon, the more aggressive it would become.

So, I had to fight it alone and I had to be the only person on my team to be inside its area of effect. I tried to push harder on Prino, but he insisted that was all he knew.

What was refreshing the fact Prino believed I could face this demon alone and win it. somehow it was a good idea to think about, however I wasn't totally sure of it.

"I will come down with you too," I said.

"But princ"

"Don't, I still have an unfinished skill to learn."

If I needed to be sure of my safety then I had to master this skill. So staying up there in the safe environment of the balloon wouldn't actually do any good.

Reluctantly Gen followed me to the ground as his face showed his disapproval for my decision. I knew he was thinking I was reckless, but I was just trying to get ready as much as them.

The moment I reached the ground I recalled something, which I asked about:

"Did you find any good staff for me?"

"Oh," Gen said as it appeared he forgot about it, "I'm sorry, I totally forgot."

"Don't worry, just get me one before we reach there."

The recent events were at a racing beat that we couldn't cope with, so I didn't push hard on him. it was good I asked him early or else I would be in a difficult situation right there.

The moment my feet touched the ground I didn't delay as I started my training. I had already mastered the three moves, so what remained was the most difficult part, how to regulate them together to form the final skill.

It wasn't that easy, even with the help and guidance of Robin nearby from time to time. The mix between these three moves had an infinite possibilities, and just one of them was the only suited combo for me.

Gen led the campaign towards the rock. Just after we diverted our path and returned to target that rock destination, the rate of attacks increased exponentially.

After walking for four hours, the attacks started to be in a continuous stream like we were swimming against the tide. Gen was a very experienced player, as he ordered everyone to slow down and take it more steadily.

This way we managed to cut our path deeply into the enemy masses with minimal losses. Right now we were totally surrounded by the enemy, however Gen and my players weren't worried at all.

They were just defending and attacking with extreme precision and obvious calm that I envied them for. This confidence came from the fact we were very near the rock.

The news came first from the balloon, where the deadliest AOE skills did a marvelous job to disturb any gatherings in front of us. At the same time the healing skills made us nearly invincible.

By time, we started to see the hanging rock by our own eyes. Seeing it out there made my players feel confident, as they knew there was an empty ring around the rock.

This was the zone of that demon, no matter who would enter it would risk waking the demon and facing its wrath.

So my players knew once we reached there, the present heavy pressure over our shoulders would be released by half at least.

They would focus their effort over the front, protecting the lines and preventing anyone from penetrating it to reach me.

However seeing the rock made me quite nervous, so far I failed to even grasp the combination of the skill moves.

I had a vague feeling of doing that once or twice, but eventually I failed. That meant I would have to face that demon with only my spear trick and a bunch of old spells I didn't use for a long time.

I just hoped I would be able to defeat that demon with these, or else.

"My princess, here is the staff you requested."

The last half an hour separating us from the rock was the shortest ever for me, as my nervousness took the best of me and I couldn't do anything useful until Gen presented this long thin staff to me.

It was like a staff carved from a rock and a tree at the same time. it had the beautiful luster of a special ore and the elasticity and low weight of the trees.

I liked it, but I knew I was just gambling. The staffs I used to use before were all created by my kingdom craftsmen, which I hoped to be the same way blacksmiths here would craft their staffs as well.

I took the staff and looked up ahead. Although we were only tens of meters away from that empty ring around the rock, those believers were refusing to budge an inch.

The resistance in this small area was really quite impressive that I seriously thought for a moment to grab them and imprison them inside my artifact.

However I knew that will came from their belief in the rock, so it wasn't wise to use them for me. they weren't believing in me, and they might even despise me for what I was going to do with their rock.

Under the constant and organized attacks from the sky and the ground, the last standing resistance finally fell and the road to the rock became suddenly wide and empty.

This was the moment of truth, and this moment didn't last for more than one moment literally.

"Princess, you go ahead and we will stand our ground here," Gen said before he turned his back to me as he started to organize my players and help anyone in need.

The view in front of me was really epic, as the whole world was full of these believers trying to bypass my players and get me.

I knew if I took it longer than this, my players wouldn't be able to stop them. Although these believers were weaker than my players, they far outnumbered us.

I took a deep breath as the fact I couldn't master the skill so far was bugging me, but I had no time to waste.

So I started to take a step as I entered the empty zone around the rock.

Once my foot touched the ground, I felt slight tremor followed by progressively increasing intensity tremors like a series of earthquakes that was intended to doom the world.

The centre of these quakes all came from one single focal point just below the rock.

Just as I was looking at the rock, it rapidly descended from its location like an arrow towards the ground. It hit the ground to form a great depression followed by a strong wave of dust and air that literally pushed everyone outwards and made them lose their stands.

Everyone but me!

I stood steadily in my place as all these didn't affect me. Despite that, I was quite worried. Whatever caused all this wasn't something I could face alone, however I had to.

"Kah Kah Kah Kah, finally some prank decided to overcome his fears and follow his greed and wake me up. Congratulations girl, you got my praising words and will be rewarded generously by your death."

Suddenly this strong vibrant tone came from the place full of dust. The depression in the ground was deep so I couldn't see the exact details of whoever was speaking to me, but I could see the outline of it.

It was a big demon with three heads with horns, and one huge body that was enough to hide the rest of it inside that pit in the ground. I realized the guarding demon was awake, and I hoped it wouldn't be so hard to kill.

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