Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 211: Facing The Artifact Guarding Demon Part 2

Chapter 211: Facing The Artifact Guarding Demon Part 2

I had to admit that I was very nervous and sort of afraid at this moment. the demon didn't need me to reply to him or waited for me to move, as it began to climb its way out of that pit.

"Princess, don't let go of the position advantage," suddenly Gen screamed to shake me off the shackles of my fears. I understood his meaning, as right now I had the advantage of the high grounds.

When fighting this demon I would never let it climb back up the ground, or else I wouldn't be able to control its movement and it might end up attacking others.

So I moved, with my spear thrown in the air I ran towards the edge of the pit. I wasn't that far to begin with from the edge, so I reached there in no time.

Once I reached there I found the demon was half way to exit the pit. I didn't hesitate and threw my spear while hoping for the best.

The spear moved at high speed to penetrate the body of that demon in the blink of an eye. That was great, as the defenses of this demon couldn't withstand my spear.

The bad news was the demon didn't suffer any damage. My spear hardly affected it, however it made it pause and also bleed.

I snapped my fingers as I missed my penta skill so much at this moment. as the spear attacks didn't manage to cause considerable damage to it, it was the time to make it stop climbing first, then try and kill it later.

So, I aimed my spears from this moment to attack the demon's huge hands. my spears managed in time to cause one hand to slip, but the demon hurriedly balanced itself.

"So you want to play it like this, I will gladly comply as well."

At this moment a strange aura began to gather around its huge body. one of the cons of fighting outside the game world was the lack of knowledge. I didn't know how much HP it had, and how much damage my spears caused.

However I wouldn't let it complete what it was doing this easily. It was using two hands from the six hands it had to gather this aura, so I targeted the fingers of these hands.

One spear after another, my attacks didn't pause for even a moment. The thing that worried me most was the inability for me to know if my hunger value was about to deplete or not.

That was risky, so I decided to eat one pearl once every five minutes. losing focus in such an intense fight would end up in death. This wasn't the game, so one death here meant death forever.

I gritted my teeth as I tried my best to intervene whatever that demon was planning to do. My attacks managed to delay it, however it summoned one great axe and one huge shield that he held by two other hands.

The shield managed to take most of my spear damage, however it couldn't prevent it from hurting its hands. however that helped it to complete the gathering of energy it was doing.

At the same time the axe was moving in circles above the demon's head using its big hand. It was preparing to throw it towards me, a direct and fatal shot if I didn't move.

Unfortunately I didn't have any defensive skill, so I had to move away from the path of that axe.

Just as I was thinking about my options, the aura around the demon began to agglomerate to form five dark shaped creatures, each with the shape of the demon but in miniature version.

That was bad, as this was the last thing I lacked right now, more enemies.

This was the test for a single person, then what would happen if others came with me? I began to think this test was somehow inappropriate and impossible to be done.

I thought of retreat, however I had no place to go. the new summoned miniature demons could fly, which endangered the balloon. There was no way for me to be safe, and I couldn't ask for the help of my team or else the difficulty of this test would further escalate.

I was busy finding a way out of here, however the demons weren't waiting for me to finish. Just as the summons was completed, they began to move.

Five flying demons came towards me from the front with the great axe waiting for the direction I would jump at to mercilessly kill me.

That was a desperate situation, however I loved such situations.

If my spear couldn't help, then my staff would.

I had no time to reconsider my decision, so I raised the staff I took from Gen and hoped it would work.

My strongest spell back in the days of my kingdom was the black meteorite shower. It was a very strong devastating spell with one limitation, it could affect a small area only.

I couldn't perform more than three of such spells in a single day, which meant I had only three shots.

For me, I intended to use them only in life saving situations, like the one I was at right now. I didn't plan to use one spell this early, but I had no way to evade the incoming attacks.

I didn't delay jumping in the air and rolled twice as I muttered the chantra of the spell. In five seconds my enemies were about to close upon me, but my spell was also finished.

I finished the spell, however I knew I had to move away from here. the spell needed two more seconds to activate and reach the pit around the demon, and I had to live on through these two seconds no matter the cost.

So, I put my staff down and threw my spear out towards the nearest demon. The spear penetrated its wings and it seemed the demon was unpleased with that as it screamed in pain.

I snapped my fingers while the sky began to redden up. I knew this sign, as this was the start of the fall of my meteorites. One demon was injured by my spear and its body began to lose balance.

I clenched on the spear and the staff while I readied myself for the next move. My aim wasn't to kill the demons or make them injured, as I had no time to play with them.

My aim was for that injured demon. Once it fell near my reach, I began to run towards it. I didn't hesitate to jump and cross the distance between the two of us.

The next moment I was lying on the back of this demon. Although it was smaller than the main demon, its body was really huge. I didn't wait for the demon to try and shake my body away from its back, as I used my spear to insert it deep inside his back.

I held the spear and began to twist it to make the demon scream in pain again, however as a reflex it began to move its wings in a try to escape my grasp and shake me off.

It failed to do that, however it took me for a ride in the sky around the demons. Other demons tried to follow me, however the meteorites began to fall in great momentum and many of the rocks hit these small demon bodies.

The spell wouldn't last for more than fifteen seconds, however I was used to the devastation it caused. At any battle I fought, this spell managed to save my life countless times and helped me to turn the tables countless times over my enemies.

And this time wasn't an exception. Once the meteorites fell, I wasn't doubting the end result. These meteorites would be enough to kill the small demons at least. What I cared about right now was the small demon I was riding on its back.

Many screams of pain began to echo from the demons without stop. Every scream of pain meant more damage to these demons, and that was better for me.

I lost focus on the main battle as I began to observe the demon I was riding. It was screaming as well, but its strength began to fade gradually as it seemed to be losing any hope to shake me off.

From the look of it, this demon seemed to be giving up more than losing strength out of weakness. My spear injury was painful, but it wasn't that lethal to it.

Even my previous attack over its wing wasn't that destructive. That made me think about the weakness points of this demon, if there were any.

The head was covered with scales, like the tail, the arms and the legs. Away from it, the back was somehow fortified by thick skin and some random scatter of scales.

The wings seemed the most appropriate place for attacks, as they had the weakest defenses in my opinion. However the main demon didn't have wings, and even if it had, they wouldn't be lethal to it.

Best case scenario would be the demon wouldn't be able to fly or move fast, but it wouldn't end up being dead.

So, where was your weakness demon? That was the question.

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