Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 224: I Want to Go Beyond Others

Chapter 224: I Want to Go Beyond Others

I glanced at his face, he wasn't despising me, or mocking my offer, or even had a speck of arrogance, he was just simply refusing for the reason he just said.

My eyes didn't waver, as I felt sudden hesitation. He was a master, mystic art master, someone at the top of the pyramid, the pyramid I just started ascending.

If I gained his support, someone like him would be a grand addition to me, a big advantage that was so juicy for me to let go easily like that.

"Why are you staring at me like this," he said, in his calm tone.

"What do you think of me?" I suddenly asked, out of the blue.

"You?!" he muttered with obvious surprise, "I think you are a good player, someone I kept hearing her name recently. All your deeds are amazing, an eye opener, and above all they all expressed your beliefs, as someone hating tyranny and seeking justice on his own.

Your ambition is big, and I heard you just applied to the challenge to establish your group, and I even heard this castle and all this ordeal was designed for you. Knowing you have three artifacts in your possession adds more to your prestigious name, as this info would spread like fire east and west."

His words were ringing in my ears like bells, and if anyone else other than me then he or she might be satisfied by this, but not me.

"May I ask for your personal simple opinion of me?" I asked again, calmly as before.

"On what condition?" he asked, after a long silent deep glance at me.

"You know what I mean," I replied simply like that.

"Sigh," he sighed, before shaking his head as if he was knocking away a dirty thing, or a thought, "I think you make a fine lady, a lady I can work under," he finally said the words I needed to hear.

"Good," I smiled, as I added, "May I add you as my friend?" I asked.

"Sure," he said, before he paused for a moment, "but I'm a master, an esteemed master, with a busy schedule all the time."

I understood his meanings, so I just nodded before receiving an invitation from him. I accepted it, and just before he was about to leave, I sent him a picture, a picture of an old token in my possession, a token I kept hidden for so long already, even though it collected some dust and rust over it.

"Do you want something from me?" Sin asked, without opening the picture it seemed.

"Just a token of my appreciation," I replied, stressing over the token to attract his attention. He turned to look at me, suspiciously, before he opened the message. I stood there, marveling his facial reactions which turned from calmness, into disturbance, then shock, and lastly excitation.

I wasn't the only one noticing these changes, as everyone here was wondering what I just sent to him, to make such an esteemed man to show all these expressions fluctuated in no time.

"This" he muttered, with a shaky voice, before I raised my hand to him, ushering him to silence.

"This is my token of appreciation, a gift for you, for one day our paths might be intersected. I know you are a busy man, so I won't take more of your time, just," I paused, as I looked deeply and silently at him, without even blinking, "I might need your aid, from time to time, you know."

His face revealed more excitation and anxiety than before. I didn't plan to recruit him today, not in the open, not like this. I wanted him to be my hidden dagger, a weapon hidden from my enemies, be used one day if needed.

Having such a backbone would ensure my safety, and make me more comfortable and confident towards establishing my guild.

"But" he tried to object, but I firmly added, "We can continue our talks later, as I'm sure you still have many things to do, and I don't want to delay you over your confidential things."

My words were direct, straight, expressing my desire to postpone everything for later. He just glanced at me before he nodded, took his balloon and moved towards the distance before disappearing in it.

'I want to talk to you soon,' he simply sent this message to me privately.

'After I return to my game world,' I simply replied.

'There is some plot going on against you there,' he warned.

'I know,' I simply said.

He seemed to be shocked, or didn't know if I really knew or I just mixed it with something else, so he sent to me:

'I meant your adventure group challenge quest might have troubles in the future.'

'I know,' I just replied by the same previous reply, confirming his guess about me. I didn't know what he was thinking right now, but he must be wondering how could I know, how could I obtain all these artifacts this early, and how could I possibly get a guild master token!

"It's a waste, he was such a force if we managed to keep him," Nina said, expressing her regret. I like Nina, although we first knew each other with a conflict, but I think she was a pure hearted person, someone on par with Shin, but not like his greasy personality.

"I know," I faked a sigh of regret, "anyway, who are you?" I said, looking at the two last players standing here.

"I'm Rendy," one of them said, as he was wearing pieces of equipment that matched each other. They weren't a set, but it seemed he had some taste in arranging his weapons and gears.

"I'm Randy," he was an exact copy of Rendy, with some changes, like length of hair, and his style in clothing.

"You have quite a taste Rendy," I said, "not like Randy," I added.

"It's an honor for my lady to acknowledge me," Rendy replied, with some courtesy that made me wonder, "are you part of the nobles?"

He smiled with some embarrassment, like he was caught doing a shameful act.

"He once was, but got expelled, or to be precise he abandoned them," Nina was the one to speak, explaining his situation, "He and Randy are brothers, but Randy is from a common mother, whom didn't get the approval from the nobles from the start, so Randy isn't considered a noble."

"You left them?" I asked Rendy with surprise, while glancing with some pity towards Randy. It wasn't easy for anyone to be abandoned by his father, and I was sure his life wasn't that easy, not at all, not even close to his brother's life. at least Rendy had the option, not forced upon him like Randy.

"Just like my lady, who had the greatest honor for a woman and left it for her own beliefs," he said, with a charming calm tone that couldn't make me get angry at him.

"Indeed," I nodded, "such a decision isn't easy, you must be suffering from it," I added, trying to know him better.

"Yes," he replied, "my parents got killed on the nobles hands, and my brothers were banished away, sisters got enslaved, and my beloved fiance left me. The only family I have is my younger brother Randy," he said, numerating what he suffered. I just felt awful, he had it harder than me for sure.

"Don't be surprised, all nobles are monsters, that's why I left them," he said, with a calm tone despite what he just mentioned, "and you are so lucky not to be with them," he added, glancing at his brother with a beaming smile.

"I praise your strong will," I said, expressing my feelings to him.

"It's not will, my lady. I swore not to rest until I get my revenge over those bastards, and putting that in sight kept me sane so far," Rendy said.

"And I swore to take revenge on those who abandoned me and tortured my family and tore it apart," Randy added, with hatred I felt over expressed for a bit.

"And if so I would love to help you too," I said, at least this was the only thing I can offer right now.

"Being superior to them, crushing all their plots, establishing your empire here is something I'm glad to help achieve. After all, your success is part of my revenge," Rendy said, expressing his thoughts.

"Good," I said, wrapping this meeting, "from now on, if you don't have any second thoughts, I will act as your leader here. your forces and mine will act accordingly," I added.

"To what end, may I ask?" Randy asked. I glanced at him, although I felt some sympathy, but something kept warning me from him. it was like he was perfectly fit in that role, and I hated perfect things, as they never were real.

"Until we form our own combined territory, out there," I said as I pointed towards the distance.

"What layer do you want to colonize?" Nina simply asked, as she thought my goal would be grander, crazier than this.

"Beyond the known limits of this land," I simply said, dropping my bomb over their ears without warning.

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