Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 225: Bring Me More, I'm Greedy

Chapter 225: Bring Me More, I'm Greedy

Richard, who kept himself silent for long, asked with surprise:

"Do you mean to go towards a higher layer?"

"No," I replied, shaking my head, "we go to the highest layer, and then cross it," I explained my real intentions.

"That's" Randy muttered, without finding the suitable words to describe my decision.

"Insane!" Nina said what he couldn't say, "but I like it. do you think you have what it takes to reach such heights?" she asked with an interesting look in her eyes.

"Sure, I know it's challenging but I can't know without trying, right?" I replied.

"What about our current territories?" Rendy asked.

"We will keep them," I said, as I looked towards the distance, "for now, and we will establish more along the road."

"What do you mean?" Nina asked.

"This incident, the castle and the walls I mean, taught me a lesson," I then turned to look at them, "we must have our own territories in each layer, linked together in a straight line."

My idea reached their minds, as Richard objected:

"It will take a long time to be done."

"I believe crossing higher layers will take longer than here, right?" I replied, as I already had planned everything in mind.

"Yes, you are right, but," he said, however I interrupted him by raising my hand. "We won't be always here all the time, as taking one territory here is simple, but I believe later on it will be a hard mission. We need time to recuperate, control and better organize our troops.

So, after we capture enough territories this time, we will return to the game worlds we came from, and then we can be regrouped again every month to advance forward a couple of layers."

My plan was simple, as I wasn't aiming for one time glory, I was desiring an empire, big enough to cover the whole earth. Building empires was something that lured my dreams for long, and now it was time to put myself to the test.

Everything aimed for my benefit, as this step would help me in the biggest step, finishing the guild establishment risky task, everything aimed for such a goal.

"Crazy plan indeed," Nina was the first to express her thoughts, "I now know why Shin was crazy about you, your two minds are alike. Humph, I will support you then until he comes back, and then we will have another talk."

Her words were supporting me, regardless of any silly excuse she just gave, I didn't mind it. What I was interested in was her and others' approval. The others didn't object, as they all agreed one by one after her, and like pieces of dominoes falling together to form a bigger, beautiful picture, my big picture, guild master one, was about to be seen and completed.

"Let's go, this layer here is weak and we don't need to establish things here," I said, as this layer wasn't worth the starting point of my plans.

"Which layer do you want to start from?" Richard said, "we need to organize things with our players," he added.

"Layer five," I simply said, "this will be our base, and from there we will head towards the front. Tell me, which layers do you have your territories at?" I asked, as any territory they had were now basically mine.

"I have one at layer nine," Nina was the first to speak.

"Me too at nine." "and me too," the two brothers said at the same time.

"I have one at nine," Richard said, before his grin widened, "and one recently captured at ten," he added with much pride.

"Good," I nodded, with content, "we don't need to worry about these two layers then," I added, before I took out four contracts, and gave each one a contract to sign. They didn't say anything, as they were experienced enough to know any deal in the game was done via contracts.

They read the contract, then signed it without any problems.

Things were finished here, so I asked:

"How many players do you each have?"

"I have twenty thousand players," Nina said with obvious pride over her face.

"We two have brought thirty thousands, with part of them being bought from the stele," Randy said, with a stronger and more proud tone.

"You are two and I'm just a single player, I'm better than you!" Nina muttered, refusing to admit defeat. Her act made me laugh, and finally Richard said:

"My army is forty thousand players."

His tone was modest, but his face was beaming with pride and that luster that came after winning battles. I just glanced at those four and chuckled, it seemed no matter where they went, players would always keep their sense of fun and the competitive spirit all the time.

"Calm down kids, my army is much bigger than yours," I simply said, attracting their attention.

"We heard you already lost all your army," Rendy said in a cautious tone.

"Yes, but does that mean I couldn't resurrect them again?" I simply replied, as I led them back, towards the swarming armies of players up ahead. The place was quite chaotic, as all of the players coming here for days were kept from advancing, and now they all wanted to go on at the same time. things were messy down there, but I wasn't interested in that.

All I cared about was my army, or what remained of it, and all of my new subordinates' armies.

So, I took out my artifact spear, raised it high. Its reappearance caught everyone's attention, and miraculously all the chaos here died down, and the noises that were so annoying turned into an indomitable silence.

"All of my players, my new vices players, step forward," I calmly said, but my voice was quite heard for all of the players down there, "as for the rest, make way for us to pass, or else don't blame me for being ruthless."

My words weren't just a calm request, but also a threat, to anyone who was having any dirty thoughts about me and my new team.

The problem wasn't when I was here, as long as I was here, I didn't fear anything. The problem was when we, the big players, left the lands. I didn't want my mind to be distracted with here, as this would make my legs heavier, and became a burden instead of a booster.

Just as my words finished, a hidden movement started inside the endless stream of players below me. I knew players were coming here, and so I waited.

In the next hour, many players started to join my team, following the lead of everyone of my vices. The four weren't the vices of my adventure group, but I considered them vices of my guild.

As for my current adventure group vices, they appeared one after another. Less than one hundred player remained after all the holocaust my team had suffered, and that was somehow painful to me, but not too much.

After all, I could simply resurrect them, plus I already have one hundred thousand players, and tens of thousands of demons captured in my artifact. What stood between me and having all this power was my lack of gold coins.

I knew I could ask my new players to support me with gold, but my pride stood in the way. What a ruler would I be if I started my reign with asking them for money? I couldn't do that, I would never do that.

"I'm glad you are ok princess," suddenly everyone knelt on the ground, the less than a hundred of my team, with a loud voice and great ego that didn't match their few numbers.

I glanced at them and finally spotted Diana, she was alive. I smiled, despite the wrong start between the two of us, I could finally consider her as my friend, my only girl that I could say that about her.

"Raise your heads," I ordered, "you did a good job, and now let's continue our journey together." I descended the balloon to let them board it. Each player entering the balloon was greeted personally by me. These one hundred players or less were the main force, the core, that I could depend upon in the future ordeals.

I climbed back to the sky, and waited patiently for another hour until everyone was ready. During this, not a single player dared to move a single foot forward, and that made the scene very touching, engraved in everyone's mind.

A twelve and half years old female player stood alone in the air, and her simple words made much older, far high-ranked players stand silent, fearing of stepping forward.

Just as I was about to issue a command to leave, a single player moved, with clear hesitance. After he crossed ten meters forward, he knelt on the ground, mustering all his courage, before nervously yelling:

"I'm Gorge, I want to join your army, princess."

His words ended, and a complete heavy silence was his response. He risked everything for asking this request, and that made me admire his courage.

Finally, my little act here and there had yielded some results. I knew he was just a single player, but he represented all the singles here. accepting him in my ranks would definitely open the road in front of others to join, so I had no objection at all.

"Welcome on board, Gorge," I said, in a clear and loud voice, as I threw, by my own hands, a robe to the ground for him to climb to my balloon.

This act was seen, and noticed by every single player here. I, personally, threw the robe to send them a message, I welcomed anyone who wanted to join me, and I warmly welcomed him or her.

Just as the robe didn't touch the ground yet, more players got the courage to step forward, kneeling on the ground, and yelling their request in joining my ranks. I stood on top of my balloon, watching all these individuals, with shining eyes, and greedy minds.

More, I wanted more, I did all this, undertook all the trouble, for getting more. Bring me more, I wouldn't refuse any, and I wouldn't even complain of extras.

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