Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 235: Finally Attacking the Castle

Chapter 235: Finally Attacking the Castle

It took five hours until I reached a place near the castle. According to Rendy, the sword of calibre had a range of miles, so it was best to stay outside the area of its reach.

I agreed with him, despite them being five hours away from the castle. Knowing how far it was, I started to roam the area, looking for any intruders, or spies related to any force.

I soon found some small armies, camped all over the place. I took Nani with me, as she was familiar with the local powers here. she spotted these forces, identified them as belonging to the noble forces.

Without even saying a word, I acted by using my artifact, absorbing every single person here, and then moving out. I repeated the process for over twenty times, wasting more hours in the search and hunt, but eventually I had big gains.

Away from securing the place, as the numbers I got rid of were really huge, now my prison was full of players. I could turn them into my subjects, push them to swear their allegiance to me, however I didn't rush to do it now.

I didn't know, yet, what dangers I would face inside this castle, as I might need the help of the artifact, to absorb demons inside the castle.

It was now my turn to invade this castle. The place of this castle was really unique, standing on top of a huge mountain, as the top of it was like being cut smoothly, to form a place for that castle to stand upon.

The mountain was a lone one, with no others nearby it. there was nothing undetected for miles, to those inside the castle. I was pretty sure, If I took over this castle now, then with the least amount of troops I could defend it easily.

There was also a river running down from this city, without any other tributes it was coming from. It was like, this line of water originated originally from the castle, which was something miraculous.

Having water, having a wood inside the castle perimeters, and a secure place. This castle was just the perfect one for me. the only thing I lacked now was to capture it.

Coming near it from my balloon, it looked extremely tiny from this far, but I wasn't deluded by that. I saw the devastating effect of that sword, which was responsible, in my opinion, for making all this place empty around the castle.

My approach wasn't unnoticed from the hidden eyes everywhere, as they thought, wrongly, I would be like other crazy players, coming here with dreams and going home with pain.

I approached the castle, and at the time I took out my heavy shield. Oh god, this shield was really huge and heavy. Just thinking of moving it over the edge of the balloon was exhausting already.

I just put it on the wooden edge of the balloon, and waited. I knew the sword might have a detection range, but I didn't allow that thought to lower my guard.

Just as I was lost in thought, I heard a soft mumble in the air, like a soft song coming from far, far away.

"What business do you have here?"

That was what I heard, and if I didn't hear it wrong, then this castle owner was asking me about my intentions. No one had ever told me before about the presence of a castle owner, so I hurriedly replied to the middle of nowhere, like a crazy young girl:

"I never heard of the master of this castle."

"I'm not the master," the voice came swiftly, and softly like before, I'm just the guardian of it. retreat or advance and die."

I wondered why his attitude changed this abruptly. So that sword had a master after all, and this master was now pissing me off, that was great, just great.

Anyway, I came here to defeat that sword, and if that sword had a master then I would also defeat him, and take this castle for my own.

I advanced, I never thought about retreating, not a single thought passed my mind about it. when I just moved on for a minute, a light appeared in the horizon, a light originating from the castle up there, and that wasn't just any simple light, but the sword of calibre.

He was intending to attack me from this far, and I was ready just to receive his attack. I held my shield, as a light emanated from it, forming a defensive shield around me and my balloon. It seemed the light of the shield irritated that sword, as its light descended, rapidly, without waiting for quite some time as it happened before, and it hit my balloon.

This time, I was wrong about something. When I initially thought about coming here, I thought the sword wouldn't focus on me alone, and would attack a wide range of lands like it did before.

However, I was mistaken, as it hit me, and stayed focused on me for quite long minutes. I didn't retreat or advance, as I stayed to defend this horrible, lethal attack of this sword.

Luckily for me, my shield was quite useful against this attack. It seemed both artifacts were of the same grade, and thus I was lucky to have this shield in my possession.

I felt a strange tension in the air. It seemed whoever was this sword master, he wasn't that happy by my defense. I had to conquer this castle no matter what, and return to my own game world again. so, I pushed my balloon forward, using these precious moments of distress at the sword owner, and covered a long distance before a second strike descended upon me.

The castle was still far away from my current position, so I couldn't use my spear to just randomly hit a small dot in the far. I had to get near, and see clearly where I was hitting, so I had to endure these brutal attacks, no matter what.

The second attack came, and I managed to defend it swiftly like the first one. Before it could attack me again, I moved my balloon to the front, and when the third hit happened, I didn't stop my balloon from advancing, instead, I pushed its speed.

I didn't care about the mood or the satisfaction of that castle master, or guardian, as I was getting this castle one way or another, even by tearing it brick by brick down.

I started to lose count after the tenth attack, as my shield kept me proud and safe, while that sword master seemed to be distressed. From my far position, I noticed a huge stream of demons being unleashed from this castle. They descended down the mountain body, to march fast, very fast, on the ground.

I just glimpsed over them and did nothing, as I had no time to waste on trapping those demons, or even bother worrying over my own army back there.

I knew the aim of this sword master, he was such a sneaky little bastard, wanting me to retreat, in defense for my boys, or else I might lose them and win this castle.

What he didn't know was that in my possession, there were uncountable demons and players. I could simply summon hundreds of thousands, loyal to me, and I could defend this castle once I took it.

As for my army, I was confident in their ability to stand their ground for a long time, long enough for me to capture this castle, and defeat this sword master.

It was now down, simply like this, into this time race, between who would finish his task first, me or those demons.

I pressed it one further, didn't even turn to look anywhere but that distant small castle that was getting bigger and bigger with each second, bringing me closer to it every moment.

The sword attacks started to be repeatedly close, that I even felt they wouldn't even stop anymore to rest, and this master wouldn't hesitate to continuously pour his strength to crush me down.

And I didn't fall, as I kept moving forward, without any thought of retreat, with the shield in hand covering me, protecting me from any sword light.

Until I finally started to see the castle walls clearly. The whole mountain was really huge, covered with a horde of demons without an end. It seemed like this castle was the source of all magic in the world, as this tiny place managed to pour out all these demons.

Once I saw the towers, the sharp ragged ends of the walls, and I didn't stop to see any other detail inside. This castle was in reach, and it was now time for me to retaliate.

So, I took my spear out, one of his against two of mine, and I released the spear to hit those walls, and moved the spear lightning to move deeper into the castle, vaporizing any demon or living thing it touched.

Simply I flipped the switch, and now I was the one tyrant being, and that master and his army were now the miserable ones.

How ironic!

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