Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 236: A Brutal Battle with A Giant!

Chapter 236: A Brutal Battle with A Giant!

I didn't stand still in my place, as I kept pushing forward despite facing enormous resistance that kept pushing my balloon backward. I kept pushing forward, while grabbing the shield, the heavy huge shield, by one hand, and the other didn't stop slashing with my spear towards the close by fortress.

My attacks went like thunder, killing, damaging, burning everything in their way. The sounds of agonic roars filled the place, loudly that I could hear them clearly from my place, but I didn't even decrease the rate of my attacks.

I was pushing myself, I knew that, but I had to seize this chance and break through, I believed that. This moment was the do or die one, so I endured the pain in my whole body, the strain over my hand grabbing this unbearable shield, and my soul to the screams of agony and pain.

Helplessly, anything that moved was killed by me without any differentiation. What made me, somehow, relieved was the fact these were all demons, my enemies, and I had to kill them all, my enemies.

If there were players there, my conscience would be stressed upon by this massacre, but even if they were there, I would have considered them all nobles, or noble followers, and killed them without a blink.

The master of this castle was now upset, very upset, and I even heard some angry roars, that differed from those coming from those demons, and I swore the whole castle was vibrating, alongside the mountain it was on.

This didn't scare me, perhaps a little, as I knew as long as I had my shield, no harm could touch a hair of me in this sacred land. However, I underestimated that master, as I totally didn't get its true identity until the caste vibrated violently, and that mountain was cracked open like it was made of butter, to find a huge head, neck, shoulders, and four arms appearing from this gap.

"What the hell is that?!" I muttered, with disbelief, as I watched this giant showing up his true colors. I saw his face, fazed with his three gigantic eyes, lined together on his forehead. As for the places of human eyes, there was nothing there.

He looked at me, with some hatred that I knew I deserved some of it. at least I knew that I was the one who drove him to show up his true face, and I didn't know if this was good or bad.

"After so many years, someone has already got the audacity to wake me up? Has the old pact been forgotten? This land is mine, granted to me by the sacred witch of your kin, what is someone weak like you, aspire to do here? Do you think you can kill me, a thing that your sacred witch couldn't endless years ago? That's a joke, a real joke!"

I suddenly felt some unseen pressure exerted upon me. I hurriedly used my shield to protect me and the balloon, and it did. However, despite being protected from this insane force, the whole balloon crushed on the ground, loudly and violently, creating a crater, deep enough for a pool of water to be formed here.

What a gigantic enormous inhuman force was it!!

"In front of me, you have to stay on the ground, not on equal terms with me, animal!"

I didn't know why this gigantic being was this rude, but the more he talked, the more actions he did, I started to hate him more. The idea of killing him started to appeal to me, if the witch managed to imprison him here, then why couldn't I imprison him there?

And then, I retracted my spear, and got my third artifact, the prison, the witch personal artifact. Once taken out, that gigantic being sniffed the air, like he was able to smell the scent of this prison. Once he confirmed his guess, I noticed a faint, brief look full of panic crossed over his huge face.

As I thought, this being was lying, and the witch didn't kill him by reason of inability, but benevolence. I grabbed the prison tightly, as I knew absorbing this being wouldn't be this easily done, or cheaply executed.

So, I summoned the stele, sold every single bit I had in my possession, and the result was an astonishing figure in millions, tens of millions of gold coins.

Would this wealth be enough to claim this horrible giant's life? I wondered, as I decided to put this into test.

'Absorb him.'

Just as I ordered my prison to absorb him, a cloud of dust rose up from that giant's place, coupled with a cry of agony, so severely loud that even my ear drums were about to explode. I didn't flinch, as I focused with much determination over this giant, it was either I succeed in imprisoning him into my artifact, or I would fail and perish here, losing all I did so far, starting again from that sanctuary place far behind.

"Damn it witch! Even your words after your death are coming to be true," the giants suddenly bellowed out, in a furious tone, and I swore the whole mountain shook, violently, from his anger.

As I waited, with great stress and anxiety, the cold sound of the prison came to my mind, telling me the omen news.

'Sorry, the target was shielded with artifacts more than you. You must have at least an equal number of artifacts, or else you can't imprison him."

I looked towards the giant, where that cloud of dust vanished slowly, showing up his ugly figure, and his four hands were holding four different items, with that distasteful sword among them.

"Kakaka, you can't imprison me, foolish girl. I have to admit I was fooled for a second here, thinking you came prepared as that which predicted. Act as a loyal dog to my heir, she said, entrapping me here like a dog, a dirty dog. This bitch, it's good she is gone now, and I can now redeem my freedom by killing you."

He suddenly unleashed four consecutive attacks against me, two swords, one arrow, and one axe. I looked towards these deadly attacks, and felt nothing, no fear, nor anxiety, and no worry.

"You said I lacked one artifact than you, and so you are acting mighty and highly of yourself. My ancestors trapped you here, like a dog, to act as a loyal dog to me. I swear when I turn you into my dog, I will make sure you pay for this in the most bitter way possible," I cursed out loud, with an angry tone, and, strangely, calm face.

The giant looked at me, while laughing on my words, while his attacks landed one after another over my shield. This time, I felt my whole body crashing on the ground, with each bone inside me shattering into powder. Even my soul shuddered, like it was about to break, like a masterpiece of glass fell from high on a hard, marble floor.

However, when all the attacks ended, I wasn't dead. There were two long blood lines falling from my nostrils, my ears, my eyes, and even my mouth, but I wasn't dead. I looked at that giant, at my loyal dog, in the eye, defying its existence, announcing my presence high and mighty.

"You are acting so mighty and you are this weak. Do you think you are safe now because I can't match up with your artifacts?" I sneered, then laughed, laughed from the bottom of my heart, as I reopened the stele again, and this time I whispered softly:

"I want to buy the witch's artifact."

"The pr"

I didn't wait for the voice echoing in my ears to finish its worthless talk, as I yelled excitedly, without a shred of fear or anger anymore:

"Just buy it!"

A moment passed, and that dreadful giant was about to attack me again, when a ball of light fell upon me. I didn't even glance at it, as now I had four artifacts, just equal to that bastard.

'Imprison him!'

I tightly grabbed my cube, and pointed it, in strong determination, towards that giant, who hurriedly threw all his artifacts towards me. I didn't bother defending, or thinking to raise my shield, as at this precise moment, the sweet cold voice of my artifact sounded in my ears:

'You obtain four artifacts, two from the witch. You have the bloodline of the witch. Conditions are met, and the protective guardian assigned to you by the witch is going to be activated.'

At once, a ray of light radiated from the cube, to shine the whole world in front of me. In the next second, I found the light gone with that giant, and what remained was that big mountain, which was now having a huge hole inside its huge body.

I looked around to make sure that sneaky bastard was finally gone, entrapped forever into my prison, acting from this moment on as my loyal dog, my guardian. I also, hurriedly, checked the fortress, to find it safe and sound, lying proudly on top of this mountain, waiting for me to go up and claim it.

"Let's go and claim my prize then," I muttered with much joy and bliss to myself, as I controlled my balloon and started to fly again towards that castle.

'Move yourselves here, the fort is now ours!'

In these simple words that I sent to the private chat between me and my advisors, I announced shortly my victory and declared my ownership to that fort, the same fort that lay for endless years hard to be conquered by any force, no matter how strong and vastly huge they were.

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