Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 261: An Armed Guardian Force

Chapter 261: An Armed Guardian Force

I was very amazed by the stats of each higher gears than the ones I was even making before. The problem that I found after scanning enough of these designs was the issue of time.

The higher the grade of the gear, the longer it would take for me to make. After contemplating for some time, I decided to make the usual grade I always did, so I could produce a huge amount of them in the shortest span of time.

I wasn't that skeptical about quality, after all my players would soon replace these gears, so wasting time on making the higher ones wouldn't be right.

I started first to select the designs I would be using. For each class I chose a weapon and armor, and for tanks I replaced weapons with shields. As for other gears, there wasn't enough time to make them.

I had another way to obtain gears, which was by buying them from here or from the auction hall. If I went to the auction, I might buy them cheap, but that would limit the levels of gears I could buy, as all of these gears were considered extras or not useful ones for the players who sold them.

If I bought gears from here, I was sure I would find the levels I wanted, and I might as well gain a discount, but the problem would be in the huge price that I would pay!

Besides, the guild wouldn't have such low ranked gears like the ones I was looking for!

After I selected designs, I then started the process of producing them. I didn't edit them this time, or else the designs would climb a grade higher, and that would increase their time of making.

As I started forging, I was totally immersed in doing so, as I lost track of time itself. One week staying there seemed long, but it passed like a breeze on me, I didn't feel the time at all.

Just as one week had passed, I was alarmed by the sound of Lary, speaking through the interface, startling me as he said:

"Hi our esteemed hero, Lady Nada is informing you that she will expect you in her mansion in one hour."

I glanced at him, taking my time to realize what he just said, before nodding and returned to finish making the sword in hand. I had one hour, so that meant I had to wrap things here in half an hour, contact my main players, and then head to the mansion.

One week passed just like that. during which I totally forgot about the problems of the world, just focusing on making the gears over and over again.

"Oh! I leveled up ten time!" I exclaimed in surprise, as my level jumped from twenty four to thirty four in one go. I knew it would take quite some time to level up, but forging always gave me enough boost with the rich XP I was getting from making the gears.

"Good, it's enough then. I will message the others and tell them to meet me at the mayor's mansion. I took a rapid glance around the studio, where everywhere was filled with gears, lying without any order at all. "Thanks to the gift of inventory, without it I don't know how to organize all this!"

I then went on a spree of cleaning and gathering every gear here. After I finished, I was astonished by the total number of gears that I saw inside my inventory.

"Good, great, my players will be excited," I said while closing up the inventory and heading outside the studio room. The moment I went outside, I sent a message to Rog and Rody to meet me up at the mayor's mansion.

"We are already waiting for you there, guild master," Rog sent this brief, and mysterious message to me. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't think much about it. After all, in a few minutes, I would be able to know everything.

"Hi esteemed hero of our town," Lary welcomed me with a big smile over his face, "Lady Nada is waiting for you at the mansion," he repeated himself again.

"I know, I'm not going to meet her," I replied, while waving my hand towards him, "sorry for the messy room up there, didn't have time to clean it up," I said, hoping he wouldn't be mad at me.

"Oh, no problem, I will send some servants to clean it for you," he said, while pointing towards me to pause, "Lady Nada wants you to go with an armed escort of our guild," he added, while snapping his fingers.

At once, over a dozen of very fierce looking NPCs appeared out of nowhere, surrounding me like they were the one attacking, not protecting. "Who are they?" I hurried to ask, with much nervousness. The weakest of them was level seventy!

"They are your personal guards, selected by Lady Nada herself," Lary explained, "they are quite reliable," he added, "do you like them?"

"I do like them," I said after momentarily pause, "but isn't it slightly excessive for a bit? After all I'm going from here to there, all inside the town!" I said, as I felt this precaution wasn't needed at all.

"Don't say that, your safety matters to us most. Unfortunately we can't send them with you outside the town, but anywhere here, no matter what it is, they will accompany you," he said.

"Ok," I nodded, as I didn't want to waste more time with him, "See you when I see you," I added, as I turned to move, among my new entourage. What girl wouldn't like walking out in the street over protected like this? It was amazing, strange yet amazing.

Just as I exited the blacksmith guild, a smell of gunpowder was instantly picked by my senses. I turned around to inspect the place, which seemed quite normal, with nothing there to be out of order.

Before I could speak, one of my dozen guards moved, swiftly like he was doing nothing at all, reached to a place where I sensed uneasiness from, took out his huge sword, waved it, and suddenly an assassin appeared from his stealth, falling dead on the ground.

"Don't worry, esteemed hero, no harm will ever happen to you while we are here!"

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