Agatha The Legendary Guild Master

Chapter 262: A Single Witch Vs Pack of Wolves

Chapter 262: A Single Witch Vs Pack of Wolves

The dozens all spoke in the same tone, at the same time, like they were being one person. Each one took out his weapon, raised it high in the sky, before they all disappeared, then reappeared with blood oozing from their weapons.

'What the hell is going on here?!!!' I thought to myself, as I didn't imagine all of these would be targeting me. now I understood why Lady Nada brought those dozen guards to walk me to her place.

I had a tag over my head! Someone wanted me dead, and it was, without doubt, related to the quest I issued!

I clenched my fists. Though I was weak, I wasn't that helpless either.

"Come forth my demon!"

I suddenly took out the witch artifact, called upon the demon of mine, who was at the doorstep of a new dungeon. My demon vanished from there, to appear in front of me, like it was there from the beginning.

The giant demon's appearance didn't startle these NPCs, which meant they learnt about its presence, and so was the case for my enemies. that wasn't boding well, as if they knew that and came after me, they were ready to meet my demon head on.

"Can we move now?" I asked, as I still had the same uneasiness feeling.

"Just a moment, hero," the dozens spoke at the same time, vanished, and returned again after a few moments. During their absence, I turned to ask my demon:

"Is there a way to make you release your powers?"

My demon nodded, and then it pointed to the artifact in hand. I understood his meaning, took him back, waited until all the guardians returned, closed my eyes, and spoke to the demon.

"I need to either sacrifice part of my power, permanently, or for you to pay with something precious," the demon stated.

"What do you mean by precious?" I asked.

"One of the artifacts must be sacrificed," he said, "if you want my power to temporarily be unlocked, then part of the artifact's power will be lost. If you want me to permanently regain my power, the whole artifact must be lost," he paused, before adding, "and what I mean by the artifact is what the witch had left for you."

I didn't hesitate as I had already one useless sword left by the witch, however I didn't trust unlocking all his powers at once, so I said:

"Only temporarily, but how long will it last?"

"One month," he said, "then two months' cooldown period, before you can use my full strength again."

It was much more perfect than what I initially thought! So, one month of having such a mighty helper, that was awesome. I would change the way I was using it, not to clear dungeons, I would make him clear my enemies, all in one full sweep then.

"I agree," I said, "this the artifact I will sacrifice part of its power," I added, "just don't do it until I order you," I finally said, before returning again to the real world.

The guardians weren't here, and that meant they were killing some assassins. I stood alone, thinking about releasing my demons now or waiting, until they returned, safe and sound.

"Can we move now?" I asked.

"Sure, this way esteemed hero," they all replied at the same time, in one voice. I walked, with no fear at all, despite the uneasiness didn't decreasing, instead it escalated with time.

The more we progressed, the more stops we made. The guardians started to be really busy, killing those assassins who came out of nowhere.

So far, I didn't know who was hiring them, I already had a lot of enemies, despite doing nothing bad to anyone! I really started to get pissed off when we were just three blocks away from the mayor's residency.

Each five steps we had to stop, they vanished, reappeared again with fresh blood over their huge blades. The issue was repeated until I really couldn't take it anymore. I wasn't this weak hopeless, helpless girl, I was a fighter!

"Come forth my demon!" I called, 'And unlock your powers,' I thought.

The demon suddenly reappeared again. At first glance, no one of my guardians eyed it with any care or interest, until it unleashed its true strength.

The moment it did it, the whole world shocked, as if a calamity descended upon this place. the faces of my guardians finally changed, becoming far more serious than ever, with faint pallor out of fear.

"Listen, there are many ants harassing me here. search and exterminate anyone with evil intentions to me," I said, "then return to stand by my side. Go," I ordered, while watching the demon disappear, taking away part of his brutal aura.

"What just happened, hero?" Finally one of them spoke up alone, away from others. "None of your business," I replied, with a calm smile, a smile I learnt from Lady Nada, "please lead the way and don't be stressed by anything," I declared, as I was so confident in the ability of my demon.

Suddenly screams and shouts started to emerge, strangely out of everywhere. I didn't care, as I stepped to the front, with the company of my guards, towards the mayor's mansion.

Before we could reach there, the demon returned, with blood oozing from all his body, and a ferocious smile all over his face. "Go inside for now," I ordered, as I had no threatening feeling of any kind, not any more.

The demon nodded, entered my prison, where he said to me:

'Be careful, I sensed the aura of wolves among those I killed.'

I didn't understand his meaning very well, so I asked, 'What wolves?'

'The arch enemies of the Witch, the ones who managed to kill her at the end,' he said, making my heart palpitate, 'I once was one of their pawns. I would never miss their scent, not even from a mile away!'

I knew he might be exaggerating, but that reminded me of the old words of Shin, where he warned me of the presence of enemies trying to fail me over and over again in previous time loops.

It appeared that every word shin said, no matter how crazy they appeared, were true.

'Alright wolves, the witch is back to kill you and take her revenge,' I thought to myself, firming my resolve, and making my disturbed mind regain its calmness and clarity again.

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