Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 118: Arrogant

Chapter 118: Arrogant

Even ASUS couldn't help frowning when seeing the old man.

"Head, this age is too big..." ASUS looked at Liuyun.

Liu Yun looked calm, and said: "The pavilion master said, dont care about age, as long as you have the talent to join the Tushen Pavilion, then age is not a problem, and the older people are, the more they have gone through the storm, their mood has been tempered Very calm, just a little bit of training, you can hold some positions in the Tushen Pavilion."


Asus nodded helplessly and pointed to the screen: "Old man, you only need to enter this screen. I will tell you if you can pass."


The old man nodded, took a deep breath, and stepped into the screen.


The moment the old man stepped into the screen, the screen suddenly trembled, and then, an astonishing purple light burst out of the screen!


Asus suddenly stood up, his eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in disbelief.

No matter it was him, Liuyun and others, they were also shocked, and took a breath.

"It turned out to be purple..."

Liu Yun was shocked for a long time, then looked at ASUS, and smiled: "Now that you understand the meaning of the pavilion master? Purple talent, as long as the pavilion master cultivates, his strength may soon surpass us."

Asus nodded in astonishment. He didn't expect that some old men he looked down upon before would have such amazing talents.

Or in other words, it is not talent, but physique, special physique like Xiao Yuran and others!

This silver light curtain will evaluate three qualifications in total.

The first type is the qualification of special physique, which is divided into seven levels: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple.

The second type is the qualification of magician, which is divided into level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, level 5, level 6, and level 7.

The third type is the qualifications of martial arts talents, which are also divided into seven levels, but they are divided by levels, namely the first level, the second level...the seventh level.

In this case, it is convenient for ASUS and others to directly see what talent the other party has.

And this old man turned out to be of a special purple physique level. You know, even Xiao Yuran and Hong Yu, after the silver light curtain appeared, gave a slight evaluation, and they were all cyan levels!

As for the former Lin Ru, he was one level lower than them, just green.

"Old man, what's your name?" Asus asked, taking a deep breath.

"Shen Li." The old man said.

His words were a bit calm, although he could hear a slight tremor under this calm, but Shen Li hid it well.

Just as Liu Yun said, the older the person, the more they have gone through the storm.

Excited in the centrifugal, but not as calm as the performance.

"Congratulations on joining the Tushen Pavilion." ASUS smiled.

"Thanks a lot."

Shen Li took the token unique to the holy cold guard from ASUS and entered the Tushen Pavilion.

"I can't believe it, it turned out to be a purple level. After he can practice, how strong will he be?" Asus sighed secretly as he looked at Shen Li's rickety old back.

"Next." Immediately, Shen Li looked at the crowd again.

It is also a particularly fulfilling thing to evaluate talent here, because once people with super talents are discovered, such as Shen Li, they will be very happy.

And going farther, these people are all discovered by themselves, and they will grow up in the future, but if they have a conscience, they will not forget their kindness today.

"Go away!"

As ASUS evaluated talents one by one, the crowd suddenly became confused.

"What's the matter?" Asus frowned and looked.

I saw several middle-aged men coming from a distance, and everyone who stood in front of them was pushed aside.

At first, some people were angry, but when they felt the murderous air in these people, the anger in their hearts was immediately suppressed.

Soon, these people came to ASUS.

Before ASUS could speak, Liu Yun said calmly: "You are late, go back and line up."


One of the middle-aged men in black sneered: "Just such a bunch of wastes are eligible to let us rank behind them? Longwu Continent pays attention to strength, and we have the ability to not queue!"

When the voice fell, the middle-aged man directly broke out his whole body cultivation, turned out to be the early stage of the Dragon Spirit Realm!

At the same time, several other people also showed their cultivation bases, although they were not in the Dragon Spirit Realm, they were all at the peak of the Dragon Blood Realm.

After feeling this kind of cultivation, those who were still in line immediately backed away some distance.

"Is this strength enough?"

The middle-aged man looked at Liuyun with pride in his eyes.

He could feel that Liu Yun's cultivation was only in the early stage of the Dragon Blood Realm, and he stabilized the other's great realm. If Liu Yun was not from the Tushen Pavilion, even middle-aged men would not look at him.

Because for him, Liuyun's cultivation is completely ~ to go back and line up. "

However, in the middle-aged man's imagination, the scene where Liu Yun would be very respectful did not appear. Instead, he was still standing there with his arms folded, as if he didn't feel the fluctuation of his own breath at all.

"Yes, even though you can feel my breath, you don't know which state you are in."

The middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Introduce myself, I, Zheng Huan, in the early stage of the Dragon Spirit Realm, came to serve as the elder of the Tushen Pavilion."

"Apply for Elder Tushen Pavilion?"

Liu Yun's eyelids twitched, revealing a look of interest: "Do you think that you are qualified to serve as the elder of the Tushen Pavilion?"


The arrogance on Zheng Huan's face became thicker, his eyes swept across the people of Tushen Pavilion, none of them surpassed the Dragon Spirit Realm, and his cultivation base was much higher than them.

"I am sorry."

Liu Yun shook his head: "The elders of the Tushen Pavilion will be personally selected by the deputy pavilion owner. If you want to join the Tushen Pavilion, you should go back to the queue."

"Presumptuous, do you dare to speak to me like this?"

Zheng Huan's expression suddenly became cold: "It's just a little kid in the dragon blood realm. I'm talking to you, it's to give you face, if I can't serve as the elder of the Tushen Pavilion, don't you still have the ability to do it?"

"What are you talking about?" Liu Yun frowned, his expression cold.

"I said that with your cultivation level, you are not qualified to talk to me!" Zheng Huan snorted coldly.

"Evil* pen."

Seeing Zheng Huan's aloof appearance, before Liu Yun could speak, Asus shook his head and spit out two words.

There are so many people in line here. Some people have been here since early morning, and have waited until now, for a full morning, and have never seen someone as arrogant as Zheng Huan.

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