Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor

Chapter 119: lesson

Chapter 119: lesson

"Asshole, do you dare to scold me?" Zheng Huan suddenly looked at ASUS.

ASUS was not afraid at all, raised its eyes slightly, and said lightly: "I will scold you, what can you do?"

When saying this, Asus sighed secretly in his heart, this guy is simply reaching the limit.

Why did Zheng Huan join the Tushen Pavilion in the early days of the Dragon Spirit Realm?

Isn't it because you know the strength of the Tushen Pavilion?

Among the Blood Demon Sect, nearly ten in the Dragon Spirit Realm, and four in the Dragon Pill Realm were still destroyed by the Tushen Pavilion. Asus did not believe that Zheng Huan did not know about this.

But Zheng Huan knows that Tushen Pavilion is powerful, but he is still so arrogant. Isn't it what the shame is?

Sha* pen!

Dasha* pen!

"Tushen Pavilion is really such a big man!"

Zheng Huan coldly snorted: "Your cultivation level is just a mere dragon blood realm. How dare you speak to me like this? Is Tushen Pavilion so powerful that even the Dragon Spirit Realm is rejected?"

"Hmph, no one is in the eyes, but Tushen Pavilion is nothing more than that!"

"People with strong cultivation bases don't want to, but choose these wastes. It seems that Tushen Pavilion is not as good as we thought."

"There is a widespread rumor that the Tushen Pavilion is unearthing geniuses, and now it seems that this rumor seems to be a bit untrue!"

The middle-aged men behind Zheng Huan also spoke, and their words were full of disdain and contempt, and their eyes were full of sarcasm when they looked at the people in line.

For their look, those in line were angry, but they didn't dare to speak.

Because the strength of Zheng Huan and others is indeed much stronger than them, they can be killed by flipping hands.

"What you mean is that your cultivation is strong and you are all geniuses?" Liu Yun looked at Zheng Huan.

"Not to mention whether it is a genius, at least in terms of cultivation, much better than you." Zheng Huan said with disdain.

"it is good."

Liu Yun smiled slightly and said to Asus: "Since these'big powers' have such confidence, then you can let them see, Tushen Pavilion Mingyue Guard, is it right?"


Asus nodded, patted the dust on his body lightly, and walked to Zheng Huan and the others.

"Is it one by one, or together?" ASUS said flatly.


Zheng Huan looked angry and snorted coldly: "Wu Cheng, let him take a look at the strength of the bloodthirsty adventure group!"

"Hey, Little Wawa, don't blame me for being too cruel if I die!"

A middle-aged man walked out from behind Zheng Huan with a grinning smile on his face. When the voice fell, his figure rushed directly towards ASUS.

"Come out, Yanyang Beast!"

ASUS muttered a spell silently, and when Wu Cheng was about to bombard him, a door of space suddenly appeared beside him.

From the door of that space, a huge figure full of scorching heat rushed out, and the sharp claws slapped Wu Cheng directly, and Wu Cheng didn't even have time to dodge.


There was a muffled noise, Wu Cheng's eyes widened, and a mouthful of blood came out.

At the same time, the sharp claws slashed across his chest, and suddenly five hideous wounds appeared, and a lot of blood flowed out from Wu Cheng's chest, and even the white bones inside could be seen.


Zheng Huan and the others all had their faces sinking, and when they looked at the behemoth that had shown all their bodies, their faces became ugly.

Beside ASUS, there was a monster beast radiating hot light.

This beast is five feet long and its hair is white. When it looks at Zheng Huan and others, it growls threateningly, but when it sees ASUS, it becomes very docile.

"Tier 3 Monster Beast, Yan Yang Beast!" Zheng Huan's expression was a little gloomy.

No wonder Wu Cheng was shot severely wounded and almost died under a single blow. It turned out to be a Tier 3 monster.

Tier 3 monsters are equivalent to the human dragon spirit realm, and in the same level, monsters are much stronger than humans.

Even Zheng Huan was not an opponent of Yanyang Beast.

"Why, no more?"

ASUS lightly patted the head of the Yanyang Beast, and sneered: "Aren't you very arrogant just now? Why don't you talk anymore? I tell you secretly, like the Yanyang Beast, I have three heads. Among the monster beasts under his control, the Yanyang Beast is only the lowest level."

The Yanyang Beast is a low-level monster of Tier 3, which is the same as the early Dragon Spirit Realm, but if you encounter the Yanyang Beast in the early Dragon Spirit Realm, you will never want to fight it.

"Actually, you should have been together just now. In this case, although you will all be injured, you will not suffer such severe injuries like him?"

ASUS pointed to Zheng Huan and sighed: "It's a pity, it's all because of your arrogance that he suffered such a serious injury. I think his dragon veins seem to be broken? The cultivation base of the peak of the dragon blood realm seems to be broken. I can't keep it..."


Zheng Huan's face was gloomy and about to drip, his fists clenched, and he wanted to slap ASUS to death with a palm.

But with that Yanyang Beast guarding ASUS, where would he dare to take action?

Those who are still in line also saw this ~ There was a look of excitement and relief on their faces.

Rampant? Then go crazy?

Wasn't it crazy just now? Why are they dumb now?

Just now, Zheng Huan and others insulted them like that, but they all dared not say anything. Seeing ASUS's lesson at this moment, one hit was abolished, and they were suddenly excited to death.

Even under this excitement, they also became more determined to join Tushen Pavilion.

Asus is not only in the Dragon Blood Realm, but possesses a Tier 3 monster, even the Dragon Spirit Realm dare not move him. This feeling is exciting to think about.

"If you don't want to fight again, get out of here, Tushen Pavilion, you are not welcome to arrogant people like you!" ASUS' expression suddenly fell cold.

Then Zheng Huan wanted to say something, but at this moment, the Yanyang Beast suddenly roared and rushed towards them.

"let's go!"

Zheng Huan's expression changed, and he quickly grabbed Wu Cheng's half-dead body, and walked away with the others.

"Dragon Spirit Realm? It's just waste." Asus shook his head.

The Yanyang Beast just rushed out just to frighten them. If they really wanted to attack, it would be impossible for Zheng Huan and others to leave in such a safe manner.

Asus really wanted to kill them, but Su Han had instructed that before the sect was stationed, it was better not to see blood, so ASUS didn't make a big move.


As time passed, in a blink of an eye, a day passed.

However, the flow of people before Tushen Pavilion has not decreased, but has increased.

In the early morning of the next day, dozens of people came from a distance, headed by a middle-aged man, who was wearing the clothes of the newly established nine-liu sectthe Sect Master Lingluo!

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