Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 153 New Wife

"Yin, you're going to be punished later. Don't think I don't know what you have been doing," I say, investigating just a bit farther.

Yin's eyes started to dart around, and cold sweat dripped down her neck. She was clearly guilty, and I assume it was because she went ahead without the rest of the assassin corps… and if I'm correct, she will blame it on them for being too slow.

"I-I'm sorry. It is all my fault," Yin says, looking down, dripping with guilt.

Her response surprised me. I thought she would blame her subordinates, but it seems she's grown slightly. She's not even begging for mercy after hearing that she's going to be punished. I could only applaud her slight growth, but of course, she still needs to grow in other areas.

"Alright, I have a question for Akito,"

Akito looks dead at me, ready to answer what I ask.

"What are you going to do with the rest of your party?"

"Besides Richard, since he's a commander, I asked the rest of them what they wanted to do since we are probably going to be splitting up the party. All three of them decided on doing their own things, such as Ichika creating her own hospital and the twins becoming an even greater adventuring team,"

"I see… that was kind of my fault. I apologize for that,"

"Y-you don't need to say that, my queen!" Akito shouts.

I mean, it is... I hope they can stay as friends even after their party is split up...

"... Alright. That should be it for this meeting. Everybody is dismissed," I say while sitting back on my throne.

Everybody leaves the room beside my wives and… Treyni? She was fidgeting a whole lot, and her eyes were darting everywhere. It seemed my wives had their suspicions, and I wasn't as dense as to not notice what she was about to do…

My maids also brought the stone table out of the throne room once they woke up.

"M-Master… Can I say something?"

"Wait… Yin, go to the dungeon. Wait for me there,"

Yin flinched at my words before quickly following my orders faithfully. I could sense the fear that started to overwhelm her. Right as she got to the exit for the throne room, her legs started to tremble, and not long after, she collapsed to the floor.

She tried to stand up, but her legs kept shaking uncontrollably. Tears were even leaking, which she tried to wipe away before I noticed.

"M-master, my legs won't work," Yin says, her voice shaking.

"Arpious, you're too cruel. What did she even do that deserves punishment?" Homura asks.

"She went ahead and abandoned the rest of the corps. She's much much faster than the rest of the corps, so there is no possible way the entire corps could recon in not even a day. Am I right?" I say, narrowing my eyes at the crying Yin.

"I-I'm sorry… I-I'm sorry," Yin kept apologizing while my eyes only grew colder before Homura interrupted.

"Geez, Arpious, you need to calm down. Putting her through another traumatic experience isn't the way to fix mistakes. It just grows more anxiety on her since she keeps thinking about what to do right and what not to do, and if she messes up, she'll be punished… What you need to do is help her learn from those mistakes. Yin comes here. I'll comfort you away from this demon," Homura says, her piercing eyes stabbing directly into me.

I almost felt like coughing up blood as her eyes hit me directly.

"... Fine, do what you want," I say before readjusting my eyes onto the patiently waiting Treyni.

She slowly opened her mouth and her aura sort of shrank, reacting to her nervous feelings.

"I-I like you," Treyni says, her face blushing profusely and the warm smile completely gone.

I knew it…

I looked at Aika and Kumo, who just shrugged the confession off. It seems they didn't care if I accepted it or not as long as they got to be with me.

"I-I like you too... Would you like to become my wife?" I ask, slightly blushing as well.

I've liked her ever since she regained her usual bright and smiley appearance. She's gorgeous, and her personality is something that makes me like her even more as a person. She's like Homura, who had the "kindness stat" turned all the way up.

"R-really? I-I can become one of your wives?" Treyni asks, clearly shocked by my response.

"Yes, I've actually had a crush on you since you regained your bright and kind form,"

"W-wow… I thought I would get shot down instantly," Treyni stutters, still trying to grasp the situation.

I walk down from my throne and grab Treyni's chin. She was slightly surprised as I pulled her in for a kiss, and once we drew back, I gave her a warm smile that almost made smoke come out of her ears.

"I'll try to get us a ring as soon as possible…."

As if a flip switched in Treyni, she walked up to me and hugged me tightly. She pulled back and saw my other wives giving her a thumbs up.

"Since you kissed Treyni, you're going to need to make up for it tonight," Aika says.

"Yep, and you can't refuse. Treyni, you should join in as well… it seems you're pretty similar to us," Kumo says.

N-no way… another sadist.

"NO! I told you, girls, we're not doing that again!" I shout.


[Name: Treyni]

[Race: Mother Nature]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 132/150]

[HP: 500/500  MP: 900/900  SP: 100/100]

[Strength: 60]

[Defense: 60]

[Magic: 450]

[Speed: 80]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Jungle Magic] [Ancient Forest Magic] [Mother Nature's Kindness] [Solar Beam] [Domain of Mother Nature] [Plant Manipulation] [Plant Growth] [Summon: Elite Dryad] [Summon: Elite Trent] [Summon: Hydra Chomper] [Forbidden Magic: Chloris]

[Mastered Weapons: [Plants]

[Titles: [Mother Nature] [Queen of the Dryads] [Servant]

"Oh, you're about to evolve," I say after seeing Treyni's status.

"Yeah, and it's all thanks to you… Also, I wasn't planning on telling you this, but your kids actually gave me the confidence to confess today,"

"What?!" My wives and I shout in unison.

"Yeah. Well, it was more of just Freya and Luna. They clearly noticed my unusual excitement when talking about you. They eventually came up to me and shocked me with their discovery, but instead of teasing me, they kept encouraging me to confess… which I guess seemed to pay off," Treyni says, rubbing the bridge of her nose.

"Are Freya and Luna doing well?" I ask.

"Yes, they're geniuses when it comes to magic. They can easily grasp any exercise that I give them, slightly increasing their power every time… Also, may I call you Arpious?"

"Of course,"

"Well, alright, Arpious, I'll see you tonight. Cause I assume, I can stay in this castle now?"

"Yeah, you can. Also, where are you going?"

"There are still classes today. Aito scheduled a substitute for the rest of the day, but since I'm in such a good mood, I think I should brag to the class that I got married to you," Treyni says with her usual smile.

My heart skipped a beat as she skipped down the hallway.


[Name: Aika]

[Race: Death Elf]

[Status: Direct Subordinate]

[Level: 41/150]

[Soul Power: 3000/3000]

[Strength: 100 (+25)]

[Defense: 100]

[Magic: 270 (+25)]

[Speed: 100 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Concentration] [Slash] [Wind Blade] [Earth Shattering Swing] [Sword Enhancement] [Necromancy] [Bone Spikes] [Bone Spear] [Undead Enhanced Senses] [Undead Enhanced Regeneration] [Domain of the Necromancer] [Summon: Basic Skeleton] [Summon: Basic Skeleton Hound]

[Body Modifications: [Death Stone] [External Spine] [Perfected Necromancers True Body] [Perfected Necromancers Wings]

[Mastered Weapons: [Longsword (Partial)]

[Equipment: [Green Ring of Twilight]

[Titles: [Direct Subordinate] [Hard Worker] [Persistent] [Surpassed Limits] [Slayer of Deaths Disciple] [Conqueror of Deaths Disciple]



[Name: Kumo]

[Race: Sealing Arachne of the Moon]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 36/100]

[HP: 700/700  MP: 700/700  SP: 300/300]

[Strength: 120 (+25)]

[Defense: 120]

[Magic: 250 (+25)]

[Speed: 180 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Acid Secretion] [Shadow Magic] [Slash] [Poison Immunity] [Grand Moonlight Magic] [Grand Thread Manipulation] [Enhanced Arachne Regeneration] [Enhanced Arachne Senses] [Spider Leg Spikes] [Forbidden Magic: Gleipnir] [Chain Creation] [Chain Manipulation] [Moon Resonation] [Domain of the Night] [Grand Moon Barrier]

[Equipment: [Purple Ring of Twilight]

[Body Modification: [Moon Tattoo]

[Titles: [Servant] [Revenger]

"You girls should really step up your game in terms of levels," I say.

"Oh, we did that on purpose. Since you haven't been able to kill monsters and get XP, we all thought it would be fair to stay around your level," Kumo says without a hint of hesitation.

Aika nods in agreement.

"I have such kind wives…." I mutter, wiping a non-existent tear from my eye.

I didn't do much for the rest of the day besides sparring once with Aika. We didn't take the fight seriously since it was more of a warm-up for the upcoming war. We didn't use any weapons and just exchanged some blows and weaker skills that we rarely use anymore.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I've been building an army of skeletal monsters," Aika says, easily blocking my incoming shin kick with the sole of her foot.

"Really? That's going to be nice for any unexpected variables… *sigh* I can't wait for them to arrive… this is going to be fun," I say with a smile.

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