Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 154 The Calm Before The Storm (1)

[Day 62]

"The bath in my house couldn't compare to this one in the slightest," Treyni says, sinking into the steaming hot water.

"Arpious, why are you so grumpy today?" Kumo asks.

"I don't need to answer that question,"

Last night was one of the worst nights of my life. I first did it with Treyni, which was nice and lovely. I also used [Ancient Reproduction Art] since Treyni wanted a baby, so of course, I complied.

And then… my other wives jumped in. It only went downhill from there. They went all out, and Treyni jumped in halfway through…

"*sigh* we're not having sex for a while. It's not even enjoyable anymore,"

"Well, maybe after the war, you'll be in the mood," Homura says with a smile.

The rest of my wives nodded in agreement.

"Oh yeah, what did you say to Yin earlier?" I ask Homura.

"I just comforted her. You have been going too far with the punishments you hand out. You're traumatizing her... oh yeah, also Yin and I talked with Ava. Apparently, she now has a fear of the dark and a rational fear of dungeons," Homura says.

"Hmmm… that's what I wanted, though? That will turn into motivation for them to not mess up,"

"Arpious, I swear. You can do it for the first time to break them down, but don't use it as punishment anymore. Their anxiety will seriously deteriorate away at their health, eventually affecting their performance,"

"Then what do I use as a punishment?"

"I don't know, just don't use something that will traumatize them,"


My wives and I continued to talk after I called in some maids to give us a massage. It seems Treyni had a lot of tense muscles, so she especially enjoyed the amazing massage my maids can do.

"Arpious, your children are coming home today. Aito has decided to send all the kids home because the upcoming war might kill some of their parents. Of course, Aito didn't say that and just told them it was a day off, and they could go home if they wanted," Treyni says.

"Really? I can't wait to see how much they've grown… What should we do today with our kids? Go shopping? Eat out somewhere?" I ask my wives.

"Arpious, we're about to go to war. We should stay with them in the castle for today. I don't think many shops are going to be open due to the crazy amount of anxiety that the upcoming war is bringing to the table," Kumo says.

"I guess,"

"Mom!" Freya and Luna shout in unison, lunging towards me.

I happily receive their hugs and kiss them on the top of my head. I was finally reunited with my cute daughters and son. Hades was pretty much an adult now at exactly 6 feet in height, clear white skin, beautiful turquoise eyes.

Freya and Luna were pretty much adults as well, with Freya at the height of 5'9 and Luna at the height of 5'10. Luna had flush white skin and beautiful greyish pink eyes. On the other hand, Freya seemed to be getting slightly tanned, but she kept her mysterious dark blue eyes.

"Wow, you kids are getting so tall!" I say, shifting my eyes to Hades, who almost represented Zehar in a way.

His eyes and posture showed boredom, but he couldn't hide the suppressed happiness from his own mothers.

"Alright, brat, come over here," Aika says, wrapping her arm around Hades, pulling him down.

"Oh wait, Mom, you got your arm and leg back?!" Freya shouts, only just realizing my regrown limbs.

It seems Hades didn't notice it as well, so he jolts his head towards me, clearly surprised.

"Congratulations," Hades said monotonously, but his smile clearly showed his happiness.

"Come on, stop trying to act cool. I know you want to go hug your mom," Aika says, letting go of Hades.

Luna and Freya back up, making way for Hades to hug me tightly. I kiss him on the cheek before seeing him pull away.


[Name: Hades]

[Race: Death Lamassu]

[Status: Embarrassed]

[Level: 32/100]

[Soul Power: 1500/1500]

[Strength: 80]

[Defense: 80]

[Magic: 250]

[Speed: 80]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 20]

[Skills: [Necromancy] [Bone Spikes] [Bone Spear] [Domain of the Necromancer] [Summon: Basic Skeleton] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa] [Bone Manipulation] [Corpse Explosion] [Bone Armor] [Bone Sword]

[Body Modifications: [External Spine] [Perfected Necromancers True Body] [Blessed Death Wings of the Death Lamassu] [Blessed Deathly Tail of the Death Lamassu]

[Mastered Weapons: [Longsword (Partial)]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of Death]


[Name: Luna]

[Race: Sealing Lamassu]

[Status: Happy]

[Level: 32/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 600/600  SP: 500/500]

[Strength: 100]

[Defense: 100]

[Magic: 180]

[Speed: 180]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Spider Leg Manipulation] [Spider Leg Spikes] [Summon: Berserk Crawler] [Grand Thread Manipulation] [Chain Creation] [Grand Chain Manipulation] [Summon: Chain Imp] [Fire Control] [Forbidden Magic: Medusa]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Eyes] [Cursed Spider Leg Wings of the Sealing Lamassu] [Cursed Tail of the Sealing Lamassu]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Emperor Spirit of Crawlers]


[Name: Freya]

[Race: Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Status: Happy]

[Level: 31/100]

[HP: 800/800  MP: 500/500  SP: 700/700]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 110]

[Speed: 150]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 25]

[Skills: [Blue Fire Magic] [Forbidden Magic: Ra] [Feral Claws] [Beastly Vision Enhancement] [Sunlight Magic] [Domain of the Sun] [Air Shattering Claws] [Air Destroying Claws] [Fire Absorbing Claws] [Petrification] [Forbidden Magic: Zeus's Nimbus]

[Body Modifications: [Cursed Eyes] [The Eyes of Ra] [Blessed Blue Fur Wings of the Blue Sun Lamassu] [Blessed Tail of the Blue Sun Lamassu]

[Titles: [Blessed by the Overlord Spirit of the Sun]

"AHAHAHAHA! Aika, this guy already has partial longsword mastery! Our son is a genius!" I laugh, slapping Hades on the back, causing him to slightly cringe in embarrassment.

"Owch, Mom, that hurts," Hades says, trying to block my slaps.

"Alright, son! I want to see how much you've improved!" Aika says, dragging Hades to the training room.

"MOM! HELP ME!" Hades called out, but I held myself back.

It's alright, my son. I'll make sure to make it up to you later.

Luna and Freya hug their other moms while Treyni just awkwardly stood next to me.

"Oh yeah, mom, guess what!" Luna shouts.


"No guess!"

"Ummm… you're strong enough to beat me?"

"Nope! Try again!"

"Ummm… I don't know. Tell me," I say with a smile.

"Freya and I are top students in our Leadership class!" Luna says, expecting praise.

"Wow! Nice job. We should make you your favorite dishes tonight as a reward!" I say, giving Luna and Freya one more hug.



"How about you girls talk to your moms for a second. I need to talk with some other people… Okay?"


"Okay! Mom, let's go to the training room! I want to see my older brother get beat up by Auntie!"

"Yeah, I want to see it too!"

Contradictory to the event from before, Luna and Freya were the ones to drag their moms to the training room.

After waving goodbye, I called out to the maids who patiently waited in the hallway. They weren't my maids that just took care of the castle, but they were the ones that helped monitor my children.

"Come out,"

"Yes, Master," 6 maids say in unison as they appear in front of me, kneeling on one knee.

"How were they?"

The first maid to speak up was a fire harpy.

"In the beginning, Luna and Freya had a terrible relationship where they would fight all the time either if one just gave a smirk or if one just seemed annoying to the other. But after Master put them through the life or deathmatch, their bond has been slowly growing stronger.

Instead of fighting each other all the time, they now help each other out whenever they have the chance. Luna has assumed the role of big sister since she's always comforting and scolding Freya when she does something bad,"

"What about Hades?"

This time an elf speaks up.

"Hades on the first day established his superiority to his classmates, immediately shaming and embarrassing a cocky kid. Immediately after the match, he became the most popular kid in class and even in school. His teacher has also taken him as a personal student to try and teach him the best form and exercises that will help him carry a longer longsword,"

I guess he did exercise. I could see a built body hidden under those baggy clothes he was wearing.

The same fire harpy from before raised her hand slightly.

"I permit you to speak,"

"Luna and Freya's social standings are also the same as Hades but... they became popular in a much worse way. The notorious fights that they used to have were spread throughout the school, causing their popularity to rise without them even knowing,"

"*sigh*... those kids…." I say, holding my forehead in shame.

"Well, you're going to have another one in a week or two…." Treyni says, kissing me on the cheek before leaving the lobby area of my castle.

A few of the maids raised their hands in unison.

"Go ahead,"

"Has Mother Nature become your wife?" A fire harpy asks.

"Yes, so treat her with the utmost respect,"

"As you wish," the maids all say in unison.

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