Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 179 Uxtan Kingdom Vs The Kingdom Of Twilight (24)

"I-I'm sorry, I-I'll be better," Alexa apologized.


Alexa soured my mood as I boringly swung at the humans.

It seems Alexa noticed this as well, causing her to start questioning herself and hanging her head in shame. On the other hand, Ava just ignored the moping Alexa and continued to follow right behind me as I tore through waves of humans.

I continued to check my rapidly growing title that leveled up a few times, but since my mood had already gone to shit, I could only weakly smile internally.

There were some skills I wanted to test out, but I didn't know how easily I could control them, so I decided to test them out later.

,m Testing them out against these humans will obviously destroy them, but it might also affect my army, which is right next to the human army.

And killing my army, even if it's accidentally, will put my reputation on edge. People will lose trust in me, fewer and fewer people will start to follow me, and fewer people will be excited when I fight with them on the battlefield.

That's also why I wasn't using Raiu... It was because the black flames would envelop the battlefield, filling the air with smoke and the smell of burning flesh. Plus, the flames might even start to burn my own army.

"Damn… I really need to train my skills and weapon mastery," I mutter after looking down at my massive scythe.

As I continued to rip through waves of humans, I saw my wives having fun as well.

Kumo used hundreds of chains with spikes on the ends to skewer the humans into a wobbly kebab. She also used them as a defense to trip the humans who weakly charged towards her but ultimately tripped and slammed their faces into the murky water below.

Homura had 3 halos the size of her back, on her back, lined up in a triangle. Just like a scorching hot day in summer, you could see the heat in the air. It was wavy and blurry, and that heat moved with Homura as she used [Spectral Wisp Magic] to kill her enemies.

The blue flames that she created seemed to be almost as powerful as my original [Amaterasu], but the one different thing was that the spirit or ghost of the humans almost seemed to leave their bodies as they died.

And once the spirit or ghost left a certain point, it dispersed into nothing… as if something destroyed the soul.

Finally, there was Aika and her army of skeletal monsters and humans. The skeletons of not only monsters I have eaten but some that I hadn't even seen before wiped out large chunks of the human army.

And once the monsters had killed a human, Aika would resurrect them back into mindless skeletons that were forced to fight against their own people…

Aika flapped above the army with her tiny wings that were just slightly bigger than her back. The white bones with black runes protruded from the top of her external spine while black dragon-like skin created the actual wing.

It almost looked like a smaller version of the dragon wings I currently have activated.


My scythe continued to rip through the crowds of humans, but this time I had to lower my power ever so slightly so my massive swings wouldn't affect my own army.

The human army was basically nonexistent compared to my still rampaging warriors that continued to thirst for blood even as the war started to die down. They raised their weapons high, and they put as much power behind every swing they took.

Even Mia, who was controlling them earlier, couldn't influence them as they ran purely on adrenaline.

"Master, if I may speak my thoughts, I believe you should back up for now before you cause any damage to your soldiers," Ava speaks up as I took a split second to rest.

I wasn't tired, but I took a gander at the one-sided slaughter before checking my status once more.

"Hmmmmm… did I permit you to speak? You've been very rebellious as of lately. Doing stuff on your own. Speaking your mind despite knowing your position. I guess what I thought was loyalty was you fearing me… should I increase the punishment?" I ponder to myself.

"F-forgive me for my arrogance. I spoke out of line and forgot my status. I deserved to be punished," Ava stutters through whimpers of fear.

"You're not going to be forgiven until you receive your punishment, so you better prepare yourself, pet,"

"Y-yes, Master," Ava says, proceeding to shiver in fear.

Even though Ava spoke out of turn, her suggestion was correct. However, I needed to back up and let the rest of the warriors handle it as I'm still struggling to contain the overflowing power from my scythe.

A few weeks are necessary to fully grasp this scythe, not even including my new skills that seem to be almost impossible to control.

The skill that I'm most worried about training is [Grand Jewelers Perfect State] as it's not related to fighting in the slightest. But if I master this skill, I could create an endless amount of jewelry for myself.

My mouth almost watered from the number of bracelets, necklaces, and earrings that popped into my mind. The designs were intricate, but they were reinforced by different techniques that I would've never thought of before.

"Hmmm… Is this the effect of the [Jewelry Designer] and [Jewelry Maker] titles?" I mutter while lowering my scythe.

I then deactivated the soul equipment, causing it to instantly disappear as if I never held it in the first place.


With one flap of both of my dragon wings, I get sent flying into the air. I now had an ariel view of the battlefield, but the pitiful sight of the struggling humans didn't disappear. In fact, I was able to see it clearer than ever.

There was about 1/3 of my original army left, while the human army had about 1/10 left of its original size. So if I could compare it to something, my army as of now would be like an army of ants overwhelming a beetle- er, maybe a few beetles.

I continued to fly my way over the battlefield while making my way to Mia, who seemed exhausted. Not just physically like her wings that drooped and the dark bags under her eyes, but also mentally as she has been using [Telepathy] too much.

"*sigh* You're even getting overworked on the battlefield…." I say while flapping my wings right next to Mia.

"I-I can go a bit longer," Mia replies, but she displayed clear exhaustion across her body.

"Nope, you can go back now. You've fulfilled your job, and the warriors down there aren't even listening to your commands anymore,"

"A-are you sure?" Mia asks.

I thought she would've tried to refute by saying she could push on a bit longer, but I guess the exhaustion is just that bad.

"Go ahead… are you sure you can get back on your own?"

"Y-you don't need to worry-"

Mia passed out mid-air, causing her to start barreling towards the ground. But without hesitation, I flew down just a bit below her and caught her body in a princess carry as I softly landed on the ground.

"My wives would kill me if they saw this now-"

"Arpious… what are you doing?" I hear a cold and merciless voice come from behind me just as I landed on the lush green grass.

I slowly turned my head around to see all four of my wives, arms crossed, and irritated expressions glued to their faces.

What terrible timing.

"I-I can explain-"

"Well don't you deserve a punishment," Aika says, licking her lips.

"J-Just let me explain-"

"So you're now cheating on me even after we just got engaged… how despicable," Treyni cuts me off.

Her face was something I never would've thought I'd see… she was disgusted, angry, and disappointed as I slowly let down Mia. Her face was something very unfitting of the race: Mother Nature.

"Mia passed out, and this was just the position I was able to catch her in… okay?"

"Hmph," Kumo and Homura look away from me before heading back to the battlefield.

They were clearly angry at me even though I explained myself…

Do they not believe me?

"Aika… Treyni… You believe me, right?"

They also both look away from me before heading back to the battlefield.

I could only fall to my knees and wipe slight tears of agony at the thought of what's coming at night.

"Yin," I mutter.

After a few seconds, Yin appeared right next to me, already understanding my intentions.

"Though I don't need to say it, bring Mia back to the kingdom. She is done for today," I say.

"As you wish," Yin replies before picking up Mia's limp, unconscious body and sinking into the shadows below.

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