Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 180 Uxtan Kingdom Vs The Kingdom Of Twilight (25)

As soon as Yin sinks into the shadows below us, I make my way back to the battlefield, specifically where my commanders were fighting against the heroes.

The sun had fully risen, so seeing the somehow glistening blood was appealing to the eye. Before, the darkness made it almost impossible to see, but now the thin layer of the sparkling mist of blood looked like a treat given by god.

Normally in movies, rain would pour down from the sky to signal the sorrow of losing so many loved ones and the despair that drove down their throats… but right in front of me was the exact opposite of that idea.

The sun coated the battlefield as if it was rewarding the now surviving soldiers that stood tall, weapons raised atop their heads, signaling The Kingdom of Twilight's victory.


[Name: Kumo]

[Race: Sealing Arachne of the Moon]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 36/100]

[HP: 682/700  MP: 492/700  SP: 301/300]

[Strength: 120 (+25)]

[Defense: 120]

[Magic: 250 (+25)]

[Speed: 180 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Acid Secretion] [Shadow Magic] [Slash] [Poison Immunity] [Grand Moonlight Magic] [Grand Thread Manipulation] [Enhanced Arachne Regeneration] [Enhanced Arachne Senses] [Spider Leg Spikes] [Forbidden Magic: Gleipnir] [Chain Creation] [Chain Manipulation] [Moon Resonation] [Domain of the Night] [Grand Moon Barrier]

[Equipment: [Purple Ring of Twilight]

[Body Modification: [Moon Tattoo]

[Titles: [Servant] [Revenger] [Catastrophic Level Monster (1393 / 20000)]


[Name: Homura]

[Race: 6 Tailed Wisp Fox]

[Status: Servant]

[Level: 26/100]

[HP: 591/600  MP: 519/800  SP: 198/250]

[Strength: 120 (+25)]

[Defense: 120]

[Magic: 300 (+25)]

[Speed: 120 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Spectral Wisp Magic] [Greater Body Enhancement] [Feral Claws] [Fire Immunity] [Concentration] [Enhanced Feral Regeneration] [Enhanced Feral Senses] [Summon: Fire Ghost] [Summon: 1 Tailed Wisp Fox]

[Equipment: [Blue Ring of Twilight]

[Body Modification: [Ring of Wisps: 3]

[Titles: [Servant] [Chiefs Daughter] [Catastrophic Level Monster (1829 / 20000)]


[Name: Aika]

[Race: Death Elf]

[Status: Direct Subordinate]

[Level: 41/150]

[Soul Power: 2200/3000]

[Strength: 100 (+25)]

[Defense: 100]

[Magic: 270 (+25)]

[Speed: 100 (+25)]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Concentration] [Slash] [Wind Blade] [Earth Shattering Swing] [Sword Enhancement] [Necromancy] [Bone Spikes] [Bone Spear] [Undead Enhanced Senses] [Undead Enhanced Regeneration] [Domain of the Necromancer] [Summon: Basic Skeleton] [Summon: Basic Skeleton Hound] [Partial Death Manipulation]

[Body Modifications: [Death Stone] [External Spine] [Perfected Necromancers True Body] [Perfected Necromancers Wings]

[Mastered Weapons: [Longsword (Partial)]

[Equipment: [Green Ring of Twilight]

[Titles: [Direct Subordinate] [Hard Worker] [Persistent] [Surpassed Limits] [Slayer of Deaths Disciple] [Conqueror of Deaths Disciple] [Catastrophic Level Monster (4291 / 20000)]

Aika has a new skill that seems pretty overpowered and… Oh, catastrophic level monster? I should probably check what I'm at right now, but… there's something I need to see first.

Just as I finished looking proudly at my soldiers who stood tall with pride, I saw the final fallen heroes who were littered with cuts and bruises.

My commanders tore their armor and clothes to shreds. Their faces were almost unrecognizable. And finally, the beloved weapons that they probably thought of as their own friends… had shattered to pieces.

"YOUR HIGHNESS!" My commanders shout, immediately kneeling on one knee towards me as I land right between the kneeled heroes.

They were still conscious, but they seemed to be in a daze as there was a slight gloss over their swollen eyes.

"Oi, can you hear me," I say, lightly slapping the Light Heroes cheek.

No response besides a slight shift of his eyes.


[Name: Lex]

[Race: Human]

[Status: Near Death]

[Level: 276]

[HP: 8/500  MP: 31/500  SP: 4/300]

This guy is almost dead; what about the other hero?


[Name: Quincy]

[Race: Human]

[Status: Exhausted]

[Level: 263]

[HP: 73/500  MP: 9/500  SP: 39/300]

Huh, is this guy just pretending to be beaten up? He has more than enough stamina and health to launch one final desperate attack… so why isn't he- oh… I see what he's trying to do.

None of the commanders had noticed, but the Fire Hero was pretending to be beaten up, and right now, his eyes are shifting menacingly as if he was a vulture stalking his prey. And once he finally found the weakest commander out of the bunch, he put all of his strength into his legs before bursting next to Zoe.

He tightly held a large shard of his spear's blade in his hand as he pressed it against Zoe's neck. Blood was drawn instantly, causing the commanders to bolt into action instantly… but the Fire Hero opened his mouth.

"IF YOU DON'T WANT THIS WRETCHED THING TO DIE, THEN STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" The Fire Hero shouted at the top of his lungs, causing it to resound around the battlefield.

He drew the attention of the ending battlefield right next to us, and my soldiers weren't happy. Their bloodlust immediately exploded out, but it was nothing compared to the Fire Hero.

As the Fire Hero slowly backed away with Zoe tightly pressed up against his body and the shard digging even farther into her throat, he smiled widely and laughed maniacally.

"HAHAHAHAHA! YOU FUCKERS AREN'T GOING TO LAST MUCH LONGER! ALL YOU DISGUSTING THINGS CAN GO ROT IN HELL!" The Fire Hero laughs out loud, looking down on us with eyes full of disgust.

It seems this was his plan… how boring…

I look at Zoe right in the eyes, and she didn't show a hint of fear. Even though she couldn't move her limbs otherwise she'd get her head chopped off, she still got dragged along calmly.

Our eyes met, and I gave her a slight nod which guaranteed her safety.

Even though I could've saved her instantly… I wanted to toy around with this guy.

Even though he was in such a desperate situation, he continued to look down on us with disgust. It was almost hilarious how cocky this hero was.

I took a few steps forward, causing the Fire Hero to burst out once again.


I continued to take a few steps forward before stopping after seeing the Fire Hero grit his teeth and press the large shard farther into Zoe's neck. Zoe screamed in pain as it was touching her vocal cords.

Once the Fire Hero saw me stop in place, his smile only grew wider until it looked like he completely squinted his eyes. His laugh rung through the dead silent battlefield, but I internally laughed at the hero's stupidity.

Even though Zoe couldn't even look at me anymore, I knew she trusted me, so I slowly lifted my hand up, and before the Fire Hero could verbally stop me, I swung down with as much force as possible.


The force of my hand created a relatively strong wind that cut half of the Fire Heroes arm off, causing Zoe to drop to the murky water below.

The Fire Heroes arm was hanging by a thread, but even as the pain rushed to his brain, he gritted his teeth and tried to grab Zoe by the neck… but she was already gone.

Akito had instantly scooped Zoe up and retreated way back to where the Fire Hero couldn't reach.

"D-DAMN IT!" The Fire Hero fumed in anger while trying to crawl away with his remaining hand.

[Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei]

A white flame coated Zoe, causing the massive cut across her neck to heal in an instant. She had passed out quite a while ago from the pain, so she needs a few hours of rest before she's back in action.

But, Zoe wasn't the only one who was coated in white flames… The Fire Hero started to rapidly regenerate as well. He was confused at what was happening but quickly accepted it after feeling his power swell once again.

My commanders behind me, who had just finished checking on Zoe, looked up and saw me healing the enemy. They were perplexed at what I was doing… until my ear-to-ear sadistic grin sent shivers down their spine.



I slammed the Fire Heroes face into the murky water below, causing an explosion of water, but the most noticeable thing was the clap of his skin against the water. His skin had been ripped off, causing him to bleed explosively… but I used Ichimei once again.

The Fire Hero woke up from his unconscious state, clueless at what had just happened. But he soon saw my glowing eyes and wide grin, causing him to shrink back in fear.

As I sat on top of the Fire Hero, he couldn't move, so he tried to struggle his way out, but I stabbed my fingernail into his right arm. He screamed in pain and tried even harder to get out as I continually lifted it out and slashed it across his entire body.

"ARGGHHHHH!" The Fire Hero screams a blood-curdling cry with tears running down his face.

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