Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 195 Zehar Starts His Training

"Okay, Yin will be teaching you how to use daggers for the next couple of days, and since I have nothing else to do, then I'll plan for the war. I think most of the soldiers have recovered," I say.

"Wait, I thought you were going to teach me?" Zehar asks, his excited expression slightly drooping.

"Nah, I can't use daggers,"

Zehar sighs before glancing over to Yin.

"Prince, we will start with the warm-ups then," Yin says with cold eyes and a cold voice.

Zehar noticed Yin's sudden change in personality, slightly surprising him as he thought he would receive the same treatment as me… but boy, is he wrong.

"The only thing that deserves my respect as of now is that you are the son of Mistress and the prince of this kingdom… but everything else, you're weak," Yin says, clearly looking down at Zehar, who started to sweat profusely.

Yins aura was almost demonic and seemed to take the form of a tarantula with a skull on its back.

"Wait. Actually, I'd like to watch this training for a few minutes as I'm interested in what you can bring to the table as of now," I say to Zehar, who was still frozen in place.

He gave me just a slight nod of confirmation but also had eyes that seemed to beg for me to drag him out of this situation. It seems he only just realized what he had gotten himself into.

"We will first start with 100 laps around the training room without stopping. If you stop, then we'll restart, and you'll have to do 100 laps once more… and don't run out of energy yet, this isn't even half the training that I do," Yin says as she deactivates her soul equipment.

"Huh? 100 laps without stopping? Isn't that too much-"

"Do you want to get stronger or not?"

"I-I do,"

"Then hurry the fuck up," Yin says coldly as she starts to jog on the outer part of the training room.

Zehar clearly wasn't happy with Yin's condescending attitude but had to go with it for now as I was watching. He already knew that if he started to act up and lashed out at Yin, I would stop his training, now allowing him to grow stronger.

"Fine!" Zehar says before gritting his teeth and chasing after Yin.

I could only sigh in disappointment as he's already going all out. With such a long jog, you need to conserve energy for you to last the entire time… should I give him a tip-

"Stop running so damn fast! JOG!" Yin shouts, annoyed by Zehar's stupidity.

Zehar grits his teeth, trying to suppress the boiling anger that started to swell inside of him.

It seems Yin was the right choice…

The next few hours were just painful to watch, and I wasn't even jogging with them. I doubt I would struggle with this one warm-up, but Zehar was most definitely dying with each passing lap.

"We're only on lap 38! KEEP IT UP!" Yin shouts as she wasn't out of breath in the slightest.

"I GET IT, SO STOP YELLING!" Zehar shouted back after having enough of Yin.

"HUH?! YOU WANNA FUCKING GO! I'LL PUT YOU IN YOUR PLACE, TRASH!" Yin shouts, stopping her jog and dashing right in front of Zehar.

Zehar flinches slightly at Yin's almost instant teleportation-like speed.

"THEN LET'S GO! If I win, then we'll stop this stupid warm-up and start practicing actual dagger skills, and if I lose, I guess I'll finish the rest of this dumbass warm-up!" Zehar shouts into Yin's face.

Yin's face, which seethed in annoyance, warped into a slight smile as if she just lured Zehar into her trap… which I'm assuming she did.

"I will set what happens if I win,"

"Then go ahead! I'm not changing my answer!"

"Good, then you'll have to listen to my teachings whenever I say so, and you can't refuse it. No matter if the warm-up is too hard, no matter if the stretching hurts too much, and no matter if the actual exercises feel like they're burning every fiber of your being!"

"Then let's go already-"

"I'll referee this match, and Yin, calm down. You're a strict dictator like you are with the assassin corps… right now. You are his teacher, so be nice but also make sure he learns his lesson if he does something wrong," I say, stepping back into the training room while cutting off Zehar.

"Mom, I don't like this teacher. Can't I have somebody better… I know a man from the Arena of Twilight who is probably 10 times better than this girl," Zehar says, glaring at Yin with the corner of his eye.


"Yin," I cut off my pet, who was about to lash out in anger.

I release my bloodlust, which overwhelmed Yin, causing her to fall to the ground. At the same time, Zehar started to sweat profusely, with his face turning ghostly pale.

"I-I'm sorry, Mistress… I-I acted out of line and deserved punishment," Yin says, kowtowing at my feet while shaking in fear at what punishment she might receive.


As soon as Yin heard me click my tongue, she shrunk even farther, almost curling into a ball.

"Sweetie, you will do the warm-up that Yin told you to do as you need a punishment as well. I told you, Yin is your teacher, and you should be listening to what she tells you to do as it is all for your well-being," I say, reeling in my bloodlust and smiling warmly at Zehar, who just let out a sigh of relief.


I hug Zehar tightly, causing him to blush in embarrassment despite nobody being around us.

"Good, now go and finish those laps with the same rules Yin gave, okay?"

"Okay…" Zehar groans as he starts his jog.

I then look over to Yin, who had raised her head, trying to grasp my overall mood, which didn't change much even after Yin was about to lash out at my new son.

My previous good mood had already overwhelmed the slight anger that came from Yin's actions.

"Come here, and you'll be my chair as I come in contact with Mia. I think we can start organizing the armies once again," I order Yin with the influence of the collar.

Yin immediately scampered over to me after feeling the slight pressure of the collar squeeze against her neck.

"Good girl," I say, petting Yin's head as I sit on her back.

As soon as I found a comfortable position, I used [Grand Mind Magic] while activating my new enhanced senses. I needed them to sense where Mia currently was to connect with her… cause getting up and trying to find her is such a pain.

Suddenly a rush of information invaded my mind but thankfully [Godly Immunity: 5], which had [Pain Nullifcation], quickly dispersed the incoming headache. I felt only a few tingles inside my head as I started to digest the information.

It was just like the skill said… an almost godly experience. It was as if I was a god looking from above, observing the mortals below me.

I could see every detail, inside every house, on every citizen, and every piece of equipment. The range pretty much covered my entire kingdom as of now.

I then scanned throughout my kingdom, trying to find Mia which wasn't that hard as I found her at her desk in the main adventurers guild, which wasn't jammed packed today.

'Mia, do you need a break?' I ask Mia through [Grand Mind Magic].

'Y-your highness! I-I don't need a break. In fact, I think I can push through 2 more all-nighters….' Mia stutters through [Telepathy] while waking up instantly from my voice.

Her voice was cheery and upbeat, but as I could see her face, I knew she was struggling.

'Did the receptionists tell you that you can hire an assistant if needed?'

'Y-yes they have, but I don't feel the need for one-'

'Get one. That's is an order from the queen,'

'A-as you wish… I'll try to find one tonight,'

'No, you will find one tomorrow morning,'

'A-as you wish,'

'Good… Now, let's move on to what I've actually wanted to talk to you about… the soldiers, how are they?'

'They are doing good, and only about 50 are still recovering as they had serious injuries. In fact, they might not even be able to go back onto the battlefield,'

'I see… then keep them out of the battlefield. I don't want any defective resources giving even the slightest bit of morale to the opponent,'

'As you wish. Is there anything else?'

'Indeed, start organizing the troops again. We'll be launching another attack within 3-5 days, so prepare yourselves,'

'As you wish… anything else?'

'Nope, make sure not to fail me and get a good night's rest. No overtime today, and try to find an assistant in the morning. They will make up for the lost time,'

'As you wish,'

After deactivating [Grand Mind Magic], I raise my eyes to where I saw Zehar struggling with his tenth lap.

His body wasn't out of shape, but as he doesn't move around much, his heart and lungs aren't as good as Hades.

"Yin, are you okay?" I ask Yin, who was shaking beneath me.

Yin's reaction made sense as I pushed all my power into the center of her back, trying to push her down.

"Y-yes, Mistress," Yin replied, causing a smile to creep onto my face.

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