Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 196 Personal Maids

"Yin, are you okay?" I ask Yin, who was shaking beneath me.

Yin's reaction made sense as I pushed all my power into the center of her back, trying to push her down.

"Y-yes, Mistress," Yin replied, causing a smile to creep onto my face.

[Day 69]

"Bored… so bored… I want to do something other than watch people fight," I mutter as I sleepily get out of bed.

My legs dragged across the sheets, taking them with me as I stepped onto the hard stone floor.

"We need a carpet as well…." I hear a familiar voice mutter as I rub my eyes and let out a loud yawn.

"Yeah… I guess…" I say to Kumo, who had just woken up.

"Arpious, I have a good idea. How about you look at the kingdoms and empires that the assassin corps has found. You don't need to fight necessarily, but maybe plant some threats that could give us an easier time later… but of course, if you can defeat the entire kingdom, then go ahead. It'll make our lives much easier," Homura says as she hugs me from behind, kissing my neck.

"Okay, after dinner," I say before yawning once more and walking down the hallway.

"Report," I mutter as I take a relaxing bath with my wives, who were still waking up.

The report that a fire harpy maid told me was pretty basic.

The king of the Uxtan Kingdom was slowly gaining even more power, and the grand mage who is sacrificing a bunch of mages has already started to rival my strength.

The other empires and kingdoms have already sent out scouts to see who will win this war, and they'll either suck up to them or take them down entirely…

"It's within my expectations," I mutter.

"What are your highest expectations as of now, Mistress?" The same fire harpy maid asks.

"The King and Sacrificing Mage will grow to about 1.5 times stronger than I am. At this point, I'll have absolutely no chance at winning unless I, myself, evolve and grow stronger. Maybe get an Aether or Nether Stone-wait. That'll be my goal," I mutter the last part to myself.

Yeah, I'll get a Nether or Aether stone for a quick power boost…

"Mistress doesn't have to worry. We have already prepared plans to plant tiny cracks within each kingdom and empire that we have found. We are just waiting for you to give the order," The maid responds.

"Then some of the maids will come with me… well before I pick some, let me ask you something,"

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Did you finally recruit some beastman maids?"

"Yes, we have. And we were even able to fill all the spots necessary. Plus, they all met the requirements to be maids for you, so please do as you wish with them,"

"Why isn't a beastman maid in here?"

"Ah, does Mistress want to see one?"


"Please forgive Lucy and me; we wanted them to get used to the castle, so we spread them around. We also decided on our own that they aren't ready to personally attend to you as of now,"

"*sigh*... Fine… Well, before I go… Yin, you continue to train Zehar while having the assassin corps and the air corps continue what they were doing," I say to the corner of the room, where I received a small nod from a shadow tendril.

I smiled slightly before standing up and stretching a bit.

"Alright, I'm going ahead. I'll have breakfast while I'm on my way there… I want to try some new monsters to see what skills I can get," I say, gesturing for the maids who were attending to me to follow me.

They all bow deeply before following after me, and once we arrived in the changing room, I spoke up once again.

"Bring the strongest elven maid who is not Alexa, the strongest beastman maid, and the strongest fire harpy maid who is not Lucy," I order.

Not that Lucy is the strongest… but just in case. I need her to continue managing the maids as she's done an exceptional job as far as now.

My maids don't respond to my order besides a deep bow.

Three maids left the changing room to bring the strongest of my maids from each race, while the remaining helped me change my clothes.  And as they handed me my jewelry, my wives entered the room.

"You could've at least said goodbye," Kumo says as she hugs me tightly, still slightly wet from the bathwater.

"See ya," I say, hugging Kumo tightly while kissing her.

I then moved onto Aika, then Homura, and finally Treyni, who hugged me the tightest.

"You're not going to say goodbye to the kids?" Aika asks as she starts to change into a beautiful dress.

"I'll visit their rooms before I leave. I assume my maids are still searching for the strongest ones, so this should help pass the time," I say before waving my wives goodbye and walking through the room's wooden door.

"Bye-bye… I'll be back,"

"Bye-bye… I'll be back,"


"Bye-bye… I'll be back,"


"Bye-bye… I'll be back," I say, after kissing the sleeping Zehar on the forehead and exiting his room.

"Mom?" I hear a faint voice from behind me as I leave Zehar's room.

"I'll be back. Mom is just going on a little trip so make sure to continue training," I say leaving no room for Zehar to refute.

I stretch my body once again and patting down my black and white dress before heading towards the entrance of my castle.

As I arrived, I saw 3 maids standing straighter than a toothpick. And once they saw me, they turned towards me, bowing deeply while shouting the same thing.

"We will make sure to take care of Mistress!"

"Hey, hey, hey… It's the morning, so don't shout so loud," I say, walking past them while letting out the last yawn of the morning.

"Forgive me, Mistress!" They all shout once again.


Annoying… they're all so stiff…

"Loosen up and try to relax. Also, try to stop shouting," I say, observing the maids even closer this time.

One thing they all had in common was that they were all slightly taller than me by just a few centimeters, but it didn't really matter.

First, there was a maid who seemed to have evolved into something different, a siren. She has white skin and beautiful fire-red hair that stretched to her waist. Her fire-red eyes were piercing as they even seemed to kinder a flame of joy as I started to [Inspect] her.

Even her massive fire-red wings on her back started to twitch in excitement.


[Name: None]

[Race: Fire Siren]

[Status: Happy]

[Level: 61/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 800/800  SP: 200/200]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 160]

[Speed: 160]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Fire Magic] [Flying Sense] [Concentration] [Spirit Manipulation] [Enhanced Senses] [Greater Enhanced Elven Hearing] [Enhanced Regeneration] [Earth Shattering Blow] [Immovable Mountain Stance] [Earth Shattering Kick]

[Soul Equipment: [Lepída tou Íliou]

[Titles: [Maid] [Hardworker]

Soul equipment, huh? Also…

"Everything is pretty much the same… I guess she's just overall better at fighting as her stats and skills are basically the same as the other maids,"


[Name: None]

[Race: Beastman]

[Status: Happy]

[Level: 49/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 800/800  SP: 200/200]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 160]

[Speed: 160]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Fire Magic] [Flying Sense] [Concentration] [Spirit Manipulation] [Enhanced Senses] [Greater Enhanced Elven Hearing] [Enhanced Regeneration] [Earth Shattering Blow] [Immovable Mountain Stance] [Earth Shattering Kick] [Moon Resonation] [Moon Crunch] [Moon Cutter]

[Soul Equipment: [Lepída tis Selínis]

[Titles: [Maid] [Hardworker]

This beastman maid is wearing the usual maid dress, headpiece, garter belt, tights, and heels. Her light grey wolf ears poke from the top of her head and moving down, you could see her pale white skin and a light grey wolf tail. Finally, her long off white hair reached her waist.

Besides those features, there's nothing else. It just looks like a human with wolf ears and a tail… oh, also those razor-sharp nails that take the form of claws.

Finally, the elven maid, who, in my opinion, was the most beautiful out of the maids. Her pale white skin, long blond hair that reached her waist, beautiful long ears, and light green eyes formed the perfect model.


[Name: None]

[Race: High Elf]

[Status: Happy]

[Level: 52/100]

[HP: 600/600  MP: 800/800  SP: 200/200]

[Strength: 160]

[Defense: 160]

[Magic: 160]

[Speed: 160]

[Luck: 1]

[Charisma: 50]

[Skills: [Body Enhancement] [Wind Magic] [Concentration] [Spirit Manipulation] [Enhanced Senses] [Greater Enhanced Elven Hearing] [Enhanced Regeneration] [Earth Shattering Blow] [Immovable Mountain Stance] [Earth Shattering Kick]

[Body Modification: [Fairy Wings]

[Titles: [Maid] [Hardworker]

"I am delighted to serve you personally. If there is anything you need, I will immediately get it. If there is anybody you need me to kill, I will immediately do it. If there is anything you need with me, I will immediately follow so, please don't hesitate to use me… Mistress," The elven maid says with a face filled with determination.

Loyalty is pretty nice…

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