Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 214 Cyclops

"Follow me as this thing seems to be still forming!" I shout back as the creaking and breaking of rocks could be heard from beside us.

Turning my head, a massive humanoid figure could be seen. It was four- no five times bigger than the original gargoyler, and it was so massive that you could only see half of its body with the remaining half poking out the opening of the ceiling inside the large hallway.

A drop of sweat dripped down my cheek as I could tell just from its presence, and I didn't even need my godly senses to notice… that this thing was much stronger than me.

It was also at least 10 times stronger than the original gargoyler, and I could only admit defeat before flying away with no shame.

"That thing could kill me with one swipe of its hand," I say as we all exit through the open ceiling and fly away as fast as possible.

I didn't look back, but that didn't matter as I felt all the hairs on my head stand up. A chilling sensation ran down my back, and my pupils dilated as a deathly feeling approached me.

"FLY DOWN! FAST!" I shout, which Bella follows, causing a massive gray laser beam to whiz over our head, making my face pale.

Overwhelming… I could only think of the thing behind me to be overwhelming. Something I hadn't felt once since coming to this world.

I was always the strongest. I always got what I wanted as my status as the queen… but as of now, I felt like an ant running away from the footstep of an elephant.

I could only curse my naivety of thinking that I was always and will always be the best, even when I told myself never to underestimate the opponent. Even after fighting my inner demon, I thought I changed… but in the end, I didn't.

Looking back, I saw a massive 100 meter tall smooth stone figure which stands on two legs. It had two arms, with 5 fingers on each and slight cracks that ran through the rest of its body. But the scariest part that I had noticed was its large singular eyeball the size of my castle.

It didn't have any other facial features besides that, making it much creepier.


[A monster that was said to have gone extinct and shoots petrifying gray beams of light that can pierce most types of armor.]

What's the point of piercing armor if it's going to kill you anyway by its massive certification beam!


Suddenly a massive gray laser beam as tall as I was, hit the ground in front of us, making us stop dead in our tracks before hesitantly flying away once again.

We weaved in the air, trying to shake the massive cyclops which slowly walked towards us. But even though each step took about 10 seconds to complete, he was starting to cover most of the ground between us as his steps were massive.


"Can you fly any faster?" I ask Bella, who flew right beside me.

"I-I don't think so," Bella responds, avoiding my gaze due to overwhelming shame.

"Shit," I mutter to myself before looking at my status.

[HP: 519/700  MP: 196/500  SP: 92/500]

That's more than enough…

"The both of you, hold onto me tight unless you want to fall off," I say to Bella and Anna before deactivating my feathered wings and activating my dragon wings.


I take in a sharp breath as my remaining two maids tightly grab onto each shoulder of mine before I flapped my dragon wings once.

I just barely dodged a beam of gray light towards my back, but the space between us rapidly increased as my dragon wings were almost perfect for this.


The cyclops let out an angered roar after seeing its enemy flee before shooting thousands of laser beams right at me.

Wondering where the other laser beams came from, I took a peek back and saw that the cyclops had eyes ridding its body. The black pupils were all directed at me, making my face cringe in disgust as they made a squishing sound every time they moved.


I flapped my dragon wings once more, causing the space between us to grow even larger and larger until I couldn't even see the cyclops anymore.

But as I was still pumped full of adrenaline and saw no cover due to the vast grassy plain, I continued to fly as fast as I could until I ran into a large forest with trees easily towering over 25 meters.

"HUFF HUFF HUFF… Help me remove the petrified skin," I say as we land on a massive tree branch and sit down.

A few gray beams hit me multiple times earlier, and it wasn't due to carelessness which I initially thought it was. And the petrified skin still hung onto my back, producing a very stiff feeling.

"As you wish," My maids respond as they all help me remove my dress.

Thankfully my godly immunities blocked my pain, so carving out the petrified skin wasn't as sketchy as Anna's procedure.

And after a few minutes of Bella carving at my wound with her soul equipment, I felt a warm liquid run down my back, with Amelia signaling that they had finished carving it out.

With one quick activation of [Ancient Fire Magic: Ichimei], the used to be gray flesh had regenerated as fresh new flesh which didn't feel as stiff.

"Phew… so now what do we do? Maybe go back to the kingdom?" I ask my maids, who sat patiently next to me as I began to put my clothes back on.

"If I may speak my opinion, I believe we should head back as I think we've wasted too much time. I don't want Mistress to miss the war as I believe she is needed even if the other mistresses can take over," Amelia says.

"You know what? That's not a bad idea…." I mutter to myself.

My maids tilt their heads in confusion, but I didn't respond as I just had a genius idea that could give me a bit more free time to hone my skills outside of my kingdom.

'Yin, tell my wives that I'll be infiltrating the Uxtan Kingdom, and they'll help lead the front lines of the war. Also, two more things, tell the air corps to help out with the war and after you've done all that, help me get to the Uxtan Kingdom as I have no idea where I currently am,' I say mentally with the influence of [Grand Mind Magic].

After deactivating [Grand Mind Magic], I lay back on the nostalgic scratchy surface before closing my eyes.

I was completely exhausted after so many stressful hours full of life or death battles.

"Mistress, would you like a massage?" Anna asks me.

"Nah, I'm good. Just let me sleep," I respond before using my arm as a pillow, but it seems my maids weren't having any of it as they lifted my head and placed my head on Bella's lap.


[Day 78]

I woke up refreshed and noticed a sleeping Yin right next to me, tightly hugging my arm. She looked like an adorable puppy as she lightly snored.

Sitting up, I noticed Bella, who had fallen asleep with me in her lap, and Amelia and Anna were still standing guard. They didn't look sleepy in the slightest, but I knew they were trying their best not to show it.

"Oh, Mistress, good morning. I have already prepared some gargoyle soup, so please go ahead and have some," Anna responds, waking up Bella and Yin in the process.

"Mistress!" Yin shouts with a smile, lunging at me and knocking me over in the process.

She then proceeded to nuzzle her face into my breasts which slightly weirded me out, causing me to push her back and forcefully have her sit still.

"Stay," I order as I make my way over to the hot pot of gargoyle soup and sitting down right next to it.

"Nothing attacked us last night?" I ask my maids.

Both Anna and Amelia shake their heads side to side.

"*sigh*... whatever," I mutter before accepting the hot bowl of gargoyle soup and begin chowing down on it.

My maids joined in while Yin sat behind me, sulking in the same spot that I told her to stay in. She didn't complain either, which I honestly thought she would've, but I guess that displays some of her improvement.

"Yin, do you have anything to say about the war?" I ask Yin, who looked down with an expression full of sadness.

"J-just one thing… T-they are about to finish gathering soldiers, and if we all go at our top speed on our way back, I believe we could get back before they arrive," Yin says.

"I see... Now come here and have some breakfast before we leave. I'm not really in the mood to explore this gigantic forest,"

Especially after the terrible experience I had which was lead by my curiosity.

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