Arpious of the Planes

Chapter 215 Slave Traders

"*sigh*... whatever," I mutter before accepting the hot bowl of gargoyle soup and begin chowing down on it.

My maids joined in while Yin sat behind me, sulking in the same spot that I told her to stay in. She didn't complain either, which I honestly thought she would've, but I guess that displays some of her improvement.

"Yin, do you have anything to say about the war?" I ask Yin, who looked down with an expression full of sadness.

"J-just one thing… T-they are about to finish gathering soldiers, and if we all go at our top speed on our way back, I believe we could get back before they arrive," Yin says.

"I see... Now come here and have some breakfast before we leave. I'm not really in the mood to explore this gigantic forest,"

Especially after the terrible experience I had, which was lead by my curiosity.

[Day 79]

It was currently the next day, and we were in a large forest, next to the Uxtan Kingdom, which was our main target.

Yesterday was just us flying in the air and following Yin's directions as she knew where we were supposed to go. We even saw a few human caravans carrying useless materials that I took no interest in, so we just ignored them for now.

We didn't want to take any risks of exposing ourselves just yet. Popularity and notoriety aren't a good thing right now. I want to explore this plane without anybody instantly recognizing me… which will eventually cause problems and annoying things to follow.

"Yin, can you stop snuggling your face into my chest," I say as Yin was getting slightly annoying.

In the beginning, she was pretty cute, but now she's just doing unnecessary things that are extremely annoying.

"But, Mistress is so soft," Yin says with an irresistible blissful face.

For a second, I almost thought of taking her as my child but immediately regretted thinking that after thinking of the process needed to get rid of this obedient mindset.

"Alright, get off we're going," I say, pushing Yin from my chest and standing up.

My maids followed me as we exited the pretty basic forest, where we practiced with some of our skills last night. I wasn't here for a dainty stroll but to improve myself, so of course, training came with this trip.

As we all flew out of the decently large forest, we were met by a few caravans of humans who seemed to be selling slaves. And after sensing what was inside it, I noticed it was made entirely of elves and a few humans.

"Hmmm… this might work as I don't want to draw much attention," I mutter to myself before deactivating my feathered wings.

I began to drop to the ground, and upon landing, a massive spiderweb-like crack appeared before me.

My maids saw this, and even though they were confused, they decided not to question it and follow me downwards.

"Yin, is these slave traders going to the Uxtan Kingdom?" I ask Yin, who stood next to me, eyes colder than ice.

"Indeed," Yin responds, probably getting the gist of what I wanted to do.

"Everyone injure yourselves. We're going to get captured by the slave traders so we can get an easy way in without having to draw any attention," I order my maids, but I didn't need Yin anymore, so I ordered her to go prepare for the war.

"Yes, Mistress. If there is anything we can help with then, please call us again," Yin says before disappearing into the shadows a few feet away.

We? That's the first time I heard that…

"Wait, do you have separate names? Not that it matters as I'm still going to call you Yin no matter what,"

"Yes, I am Yin… And I am Ina!" A very calm and cold voice replies with a very excited and almost adorable voice coming out next.

So cute…

I gesture for her to come in, which she happily accepted with a smile and jumped into my chest, nuzzling her face into it.

I couldn't resist Ina's adorable face as she was just like a puppy, so I began to stroke her hair, causing her to melt in bliss.

"Ehehehe… Mistress smells nice," Ina says before I push her off me and gesture for her to leave.

As soon as Yin disappeared, we all took out our weapons and created minor cuts all over our bodies which began to heal at a rapid pace, but the blood was definitely enough to convince the traders that were just a few meters away.

After a few minutes of us laying down on the ground, with just a few splotches of blood, the slave traders finally saw us, and their gazes crawled all over my skin.

It was disgusting, but I had to bear with it for now.

"Oh, these girls might sell for a lot," A man's voice says.

Even though I directed my face at the ground, I could easily tell the shape and features of his body with my godly senses. And thanks to the quick training my maids did on suppressing their overwhelming presence, we weren't suspicious in the slightest… well, slightly.

"Wait, this is suspicious," I hear a younger man's voice say compared to the previous middle-aged voice that slightly disgusted me.

"Come on, no need to be so stiff on the first day. It's alright, plus these seem like high-quality material, so we can't miss out," The same middle-aged voice says.

"I-If you say so," The younger voice withdraws.

The younger voice came from a man and not a boy, and he seemed about 19-20 years old, judging from his height and facial features.

Maybe the light voice is because of his nervous aura? He seems really timid, but why is it working in this line of work… well, whatever. I honestly don't care…

They soon knelt next to us and washed us off with [Water Control], which they took from a glass jar of water the middle-aged man had kept in his pocket.

And once they washed all the blood off us, they began to remove our clothes without hesitation, and if they decided to touch my body inappropriately, I would've instantly killed them, but in the end, they just slipped on some tattered brown clothes for us to wear.

I mean, it was pretty obvious that my jewelry and dress looked expensive, so I guess it made sense. Getting an extra bit of money won't hurt as well.

After a few minutes of the men putting ragged clothes on us, they then picked us up and placed us in their wooden wagon/caravan with what seemed to be slaves.

It would be bad if I scared them off with my eyes so I won't open them… and it's not like they need to be open for me to see anyway.

As soon as I felt the rocky bumping off the dirt road, I sat up but still didn't open my eyes.

Looking around, I saw only women, so I instantly assumed they were sex slaves, but people could use them for other things as well, such as labor.

There were nine elves and three humans who seemed pretty built. They weren't as muscular as some of my soldier women, but judging from their toned abs and large biceps, you could easily pass them off as warriors.

Their faces… they haven't lost hope. I would've thought they'd have the usual dead fish eyes and limp bodies, but judging from their state, I immediately assumed the slave traders had just captured them.

"So, how did you girls get captured?" I ask everybody in the silent, rocky caravan.

Most of them gave me glances of confusion at how I could be so relaxed in their current state, while one human who could easily pass off as a knight commander spoke up.

She was about six feet, pale white skin littered with scars, long brown hair which reached her waist, and finally, dark blue eyes which displayed unwavering determination.

I also inspected her but was severely disappointed with what I saw… the only thing I could think of was,

​ 'Disappointing,'

"My friends and I were labeled as traitors because our king had no use for us anymore," The tall, scar-littered woman says.

"Hmmmmm… You could easily kill those guys out there even without a sword,"

But, even though her status is practically an ant to me when compared to the status of the slave traders out there, she could easily take a few sword swings, grab one of their swords, and then retaliate.

"How did you know I use a sword?" The woman asks, seemingly readying her hands into a flexed position.

My maids immediately jolted up while trying to suppress their overwhelming anger at this woman who tried to threaten me.

"You don't have the right to know… girl…." I say while releasing only a sliver of my bloodlust, causing the woman to retract her flexed hand.

She displayed no fear, and judging from her calm analysis, I could easily tell she still wasn't afraid of me in the slightest.

That's good… She could be a valuable asset later on.

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