Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 138

C138 – Malaria

The road was blanketed in deep snow, causing the group’s progress to be slow. Tang Yue sat comfortably inside the warm carriage, gazing at the world beyond the curtains. He couldn’t help but feel that the current tranquility was merely a mirage, akin to the calm before a storm.

“Let’s make our way to Huian Hall first,” Tang Yue suggested, intending to gather a substantial supply of medicinal herbs as a precaution for unforeseen circumstances. It would be even better if Elder Chen and the others were willing to accompany him.

Since the snowfall began, Huian Hall’s business had flourished, particularly in the sale of cold and frostbite medicines, which were in high demand even among the affluent.

Rumor had it that the State Duke of Lu Prefecture had sought to purchase all of Huian Hall’s frostbite medicine at a high price, but Tang Yue had flatly refused. His initial impression of State Duke Lu wasn’t favorable.

Subsequently, word spread that State Duke Lu had intended to acquire the medicine for the border warriors, but Crown Princess had rejected the offer. This implied that Tang Yue was not considered a patriot.

Tang Yue’s expression remained unchanged. Before winter, Crown Prince Zhao had purchased a substantial quantity of ointments from him to send to the frontlines. Tang Yue had been unaware of this news, so it was no surprise that he viewed State Duke Lu’s intentions with suspicion.

After loading two carts with medicinal herbs, Elder Chen and two others departed, leaving one behind to manage the shop. If more herbs were needed, someone could access the storehouse.

Upon reaching the city gate, they discovered it was firmly closed. Tang Yue personally approached the guards, and it took considerable effort to convince them to open the gate. However, once outside the city, they were unsure which direction to head.

The mountain servant offered a suggestion, “Young master, how about allowing this old servant to take a few individuals and scout ahead? His Highness has a sizable entourage, so locating him won’t be too difficult.”

“That sounds like a good plan. Just exercise caution. If you don’t locate him within two hours, return here.”


Tang Yue instructed the group to rest by the roadside, earning envious and resentful glances from the civilians guarding the area.

Judging by the belongings and attire of these people, they were likely local residents. Upon hearing about the plague outside the city, they had immediately sought to bring their families within its safety.

Regrettably, Ye City had already imposed restrictions on civilians entering the city to prevent the disease from spreading.

Tang Yue had prepared for an overnight stay outside, even bringing pots and pans. Observing the shivering figures around him, he ordered a large pot of hot water to be boiled for their comfort.

An elderly man sipped the hot water and kindly advised Tang Yue, “Young master, you should consider entering the city. It’s not safe to remain outside at this time.”

Tang Yue shook his head. “The situation is uncertain. Old man, please don’t worry too much. May I ask which village you hail from?”

The elderly man mentioned the village’s name. While Tang Yue was unfamiliar with it, someone nearby recognized it and pointed in a specific direction. Tang Yue inquired tentatively, “How long have you been waiting here, sir? Have you seen Crown Prince’s entourage departing the city?”

“I arrived this morning. The city gates have been closed since. I’ve only witnessed young master and his group leaving the city. Yesterday, I heard that a high-ranking official went to Yellow Flower Village. The news of the plague seems to have originated from there.”

Tang Yue inquired about the distance and direction to Yellow Flower Village and decided to await Shan and the scouts’ return before embarking on their journey.

The elderly man noticed Tang Yue’s noble status and friendly demeanor, so he pleaded, “May I kindly ask if the young master could request the city guards to open the gates and allow us entry? We are all trying to enter the city to seek refuge with our families.”

Tang Yue shook his head with a hint of helplessness. “Old man, you give me too much credit. I lack the authority to do that.” Even if he did have the authority, he wouldn’t exercise it. He understood the severity of the plague. All it would take is one infected person among these folks, and the consequences of entering the city would be catastrophic.

An hour later, people began returning one by one, having identified the right direction. Tang Yue boarded his carriage and prepared to depart. Before leaving, he offered a piece of advice to those gathered there: “Remaining here isn’t the wisest course of action. Head back home, prepare provisions for the New Year, avoid going out, and minimize contact with others. Each day, boil some vinegar at home and take preventive medicine to keep warm and protect yourself from the cold.”

“Plague isn’t easily transmitted. Taking precautions and avoiding contact with potential sources of infection can significantly reduce the risk of illness.”

The group resumed their journey. Two hours later, they spotted a gray military camp on the outskirts of Yellow Flower Village.

The guards immediately took notice of them. “Who goes there?”

“The Crown Princess has arrived. Please inform them at once!”

Tang Yue stood by his carriage, gazing at the nearby village. It consisted of a few dozen households, yet there was no sign of smoke rising from any of them. It felt like an abandoned village.

When Crown Prince Zhao received the news, he promptly set aside his work and rushed out to greet Tang Yue. Observing Tang Yue’s troubled expression, he inquired, “What brings you here?”

Tang Yue walked up to him and embraced him tightly. It had only been two days since their last meeting, but the young man had already lost weight, and weariness marred his face.

“How’s the situation here? I heard about the plague, so I brought people and medicine. I hope they can be of assistance.”

Crown Prince Zhao held him even closer upon hearing this news. His fatigue seemed to dissipate instantly. He knew that having Tang Yue as his spouse would alleviate many of his concerns.

“Come inside first.” Crown Prince Zhao led him into the tent. The thin fabric did little to ward off the cold wind, making the tent uncomfortably chilly, lacking even a charcoal fire.

Crown Prince Zhao glanced at Ke, who promptly left the tent. Shortly afterward, he returned with his men, bearing hot food and two pots of charcoal.

“Let’s talk while we eat.” Crown Prince Zhao gently pushed Tang Yue toward the table, providing him with warm cloth to wrap around himself as encouragement to eat.

Tang Yue hadn’t had lunch, and he felt a sense of relief upon arriving. Without asking further questions, he joined Crown Prince Zhao for a meal.

After the meal, Crown Prince Zhao summoned Imperial Doctor Wu, who possessed more detailed knowledge of the situation than Tang Yue.

“Is it truly a disease?” Tang Yue inquired.

Imperial Doctor Wu furrowed his brow and nodded in frustration. “It resembles a plague, but there are numerous diseases with similar symptoms. Initially, I suspected it was a plague, but upon closer examination, I’m not so sure.”

Tang Yue’s expression grew tense upon hearing the word “plague.” “What are the symptoms displayed by the afflicted individuals?”

“Initially, the patient experienced fatigue, headaches, loss of appetite, and a low-grade fever. However, his condition quickly deteriorated with a sudden rise in body temperature, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Even after taking a laxative, his condition didn’t improve,” Tang Yue explained.

“Did anyone succumb to this illness?”

“Yes, unfortunately, one person did. The patient’s abdomen was distended, and his complexion turned red. For now, we couldn’t observe any other specific symptoms. This ailment has appeared before, and there’s little I can do about it.”

“Malaria?” Tang Yue couldn’t help but notice the striking resemblance of the symptoms to malaria. However, malaria outbreaks typically occurred during the summer and autumn, especially in the south, but it was perplexing that it had surfaced on a snowy day.

“Malaria? What kind of illness is that?” This was the first time Imperial Doctor Wu had heard of such a malady. He eagerly grasped Tang Yue’s hand. “Does the Crown Princess have a remedy for it?”

“It’s uncertain. We can make a diagnosis after examining the patient.”

In modern China, severe malaria cases were seldom encountered. His colleagues returning from Africa had shared harrowing stories of afflicted children there, with their frail bodies bloated, evoking profound sadness. Little did he anticipate encountering such an ailment in ancient times.

“Now?” Imperial Doctor Wu was growing somewhat anxious but still cast a cautious glance at Crown Prince Zhao, recognizing that he wasn’t the one in charge here.

Tang Yue also turned her gaze toward Crown Prince Zhao and inquired, “Your Highness, where are the patients currently located? Have they been isolated from the healthy residents?”

Crown Prince Zhao nodded. “I’ve allocated several rooms at the village entrance to accommodate the patients. The remaining residents are instructed not to leave their homes.”

In reality, everyone present understood that if Tang Yue hadn’t arrived today, they would have been forced to remain confined within their homes. Tomorrow, there would likely only be two options for the sick: either succumbing to the illness or being incinerated.

In ancient times, when confronted with the source of an epidemic, this was often the only recourse.

Tang Yue changed into fresh attire, donned a mask and gloves, and turned around. He arched an eyebrow upon seeing Imperial Doctor Wu fully equipped.

Imperial Doctor Wu chuckled. “I’ve seen young dandies dressed like this before, so I picked up the habit.”

“That’s excellent. From now on, anyone entering the village, whether doctors or soldiers, must wear masks and gloves to avoid direct contact with the patients’ skin.”

Crown Prince Zhao also expressed a desire to enter but was halted by Tang Yue. He playfully teased, “Your Highness isn’t a doctor. What purpose would you serve?”

“I will accompany you.”

Tang Yue drew near and whispered, “It’s best if you return to rest and wait for my return.”

His voice possessed a deep, mellifluous quality, and his eyes exuded warmth. His words had a captivating effect.

Although Crown Prince Zhao was inclined to persist, Tang Yue remained resolute. According to his plan, Crown Prince Zhao should hasten back to the city and send other ministers instead of personally venturing into the danger.

While en route to the village, Tang Yue inquired of Imperial Doctor Wu, “Was His Majesty’s intention to send His Highness to handle this situation?”

Imperial Doctor Wu paused briefly, comprehending the implication. He shook his head and explained, “His Highness came because he heard that many nearby villagers’ homes had been buried by heavy snow. Only upon his arrival did he discover the presence of a plague. When the palace received word, this old man was dispatched with a team.”

Tang Yue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Even he couldn’t quite pinpoint what he had been fearing.

In this realm, what was more formidable than a plague was the inscrutable mindset of a monarch. Crown Prince Zhao was still the Crown Prince, after all.

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