Be A Virtuous Wife! So Tough!

Chapter 139

C139 – The Godly Doctor Was the Crown Princess

Soldiers had encircled the entirety of Yellow Flower Village. As Tang Yue ventured along the path, it remained eerily deserted. A simple tent by the roadside rustled in the chilly wind.

“Over there, you’ll find three rooms,” Imperial Doctor Wu pointed towards a row of relatively intact houses.

Inside the tent, Tang Yue caught a glimpse of a small head, quickly yanked back in panic. Frightened murmurs from the adults within could be heard. “Inviting death, we’ll all be doomed if we step outside; there are demons out there!”

Tang Yue couldn’t find the words to explain. Plague wasn’t the same as certain death. At least malaria could be treated. He checked his equipment and pushed open one of the doors.

The ancient wooden door groaned as it swung open. The room was stuffy, enveloped in darkness, with an unpleasant odor permeating the air.

Tang Yue wrinkled his nose and instructed the guard beside him, “Open the windows in these three rooms and let in some fresh air. Patients shouldn’t be kept in such cramped spaces.”

Imperial Doctor Wu offered no objections. Since he couldn’t save these people, he had to rely on Tang Yue.

Soon, the room was illuminated. Tang Yue could finally see the interior clearly.

Rows of patients lay on the floor, bundled up in thick blankets. Some turned their heads when they heard someone enter, while others lacked the strength to even open their eyes.

Tang Yue motioned for Imperial Doctor Wu to step outside. The guards didn’t need to accompany him into the room; their task was to assist with supplies outside. He entered with Xiang Ann and two doctors from Huian Hall.

“Are you afraid?” Tang Yue inquired of them.

“In the past, I would have been terrified. But with young master here, I’m not scared,” an elderly doctor responded with a smile.

This wasn’t a jest. Previously, no doctor would have faced the plague without fear. Yet, after witnessing Tang Yue’s remarkable medical skills, they held unwavering confidence in him.

Before Tang Yue could say anything, Xiang Ann hurried into a shared room and knelt down. Just as Tang Yue was about to call out to him, Xiang Ann exclaimed, “He’s passed away!”

The moment those three words left his mouth, fear swept through all the patients, rousing them from their slumber.

With purposeful strides, Tang Yue approached the patient’s lifeless body. As expected, there was no sign of breath, and the entire form had grown cold. He instructed the others to individually inspect each patient, moving out those confirmed to be deceased.

Panic momentarily gripped everyone. Tang Yue, his voice deep beneath the mask, reassured, “Everyone, remain composed. Regardless of the situation, we’ll do our utmost to provide treatment.”

A distraught woman carrying a child knelt and implored, “Kind sir, please allow me to die alone. Spare my child; he’s not afflicted…” She clung to Tang Yue’s trousers in desperation.

Shan, stationed outside the door, witnessed this and rushed in. He lifted the woman and set her aside, admonishing, “Don’t overstep your bounds!”

Tang Yue intervened, stopping Shan, and instructed, “Shan, gather some people to boil several pots of hot water. Clean the area and have everyone take baths.”

“Baths?” Imperial Doctor Wu noted the unpleasant odor in the room and raised concern, “The weather is cold, and the ground is chilly. Is it advisable to have them bathe?”

Tang Yue had been pondering a dilemma along the journey. If this was malaria, how did the patients contract the parasites? The only plausible explanation was that the villagers unintentionally consumed food contaminated by the parasites, which led to the infection.

“Regardless of the ailment, maintaining cleanliness is essential. Patients should receive treatment in a sanitary environment.”

Tang Yue approached the mother and son, squatting down and extending his hand toward the child. “Young one, step forward for Uncle. Cough, let the doctor take a look, alright?”

In an instinctive act, Tang Yue employed a soothing tone usually reserved for comforting children, which startled the mother and her son.

The woman lunged forward again, pleading, “Master, my son isn’t unwell. He entered on his own. Please let him go…”

Tang Yue scrutinized the woman’s visage closely and confidently stated, “You have a fever.”

The woman’s face had reddened, sweat dotted her forehead, and her legs quivered. Before she could stand, she collapsed to the ground, a clear indication of illness.


Tang Yue beckoned for Xiang Ann and instructed him to fetch some ice cubes. He then retrieved gauze from the medicine box, wrapping it around the ice and positioning it on both sides of the woman’s neck and beneath her arms.

“There are major blood vessels in this area. Placing the ice here will facilitate rapid cooling, but we must be cautious due to the ice’s low temperature. We’ll need to take turns removing it and provide localized massages to prevent frostbite. Warm water should be used to cleanse the other areas…” Tang Yue instructed Xiang Ann as he demonstrated. The others observed and followed suit with great care.

Imperial Doctor Wu examined the situation once and adjusted the temperature for other patients who had high fevers. The rest of the group followed suit, and soon the room bustled with activity.

“Do we have any cooling medication?” Tang Yue inquired of Imperial Doctor Wu.

“I rushed here and used up all the herbs I had brought. The remainder hasn’t arrived yet,” Imperial Doctor Wu replied.

Anticipating this, Tang Yue had Elder Chen prepare a herbal decoction.

“Young master, do you also want some firewood and Hu soup?” Elder Chen inquired, somewhat uncertain. They had previously used the decoction to brew Little Chai’s soup.

After a brief moment of consideration, Tang Yue responded, “You can include the Purple Snow Pill.”

When he turned to see the woman’s son standing still by his mother’s side, Tang Yue spoke gently, “It’s alright. It’s just a fever, and it’s a good sign that the fever has gone down.”

The boy immediately looked up, his face gaunt as a stick of firewood. “Can you… heal my mother?”

“I’ll do my best,” Tang Yue extended his hand to the boy. “Come here, may I assist you in treating your mother’s illness?”

The boy moved away from Tang Yue, still clutching his mother’s garments with one hand while reaching out to Tang Yue with the other.

“Is this… a miraculous doctor?” A young man stared at Tang Yue for a while.

Tang Yue wanted to shake his head, but after a moment’s hesitation, he nodded and replied, “If you’re referring to the person who cured Crown Prince Zhao’s legs, then yes, it’s me.”

If identifying him as a miraculous doctor could boost the patients’ morale, he didn’t mind enhancing his reputation.

“It’s… it’s really him… Brother, Father, we can be saved. It’s the miraculous doctor… it’s the miraculous doctor…” The young man exclaimed with excitement. The patients in the room, who had been numb and despondent, turned their heads when they understood the news, their eyes shining with hope.

A pair of hands reached out toward Tang Yue. “Miracle doctor… save me… I can’t die…”

Tang Yue’s heart raced as he felt a surge of urgency. He tightly balled his fists but managed a reassuring smile as he spoke softly, “Don’t be anxious, and fear not. Crown Prince is here, and we’ll give our all to heal you.”

“Crown Prince… Crown Prince… You’re a good man!”

The young man from earlier beamed with happiness as he continued, “The Godly Doctor is a good person too. The Godly Doctor is also Crown Princess… I even attended Crown Princess’s wedding banquet.”

Tang Yue realized why the young man recognized him; he must have visited Ye City before.

News of Tang Yue’s marriage to Crown Prince Zhao was not widespread throughout the entire nation due to information restrictions. However, Yellow Flower Village, located on the outskirts of Chee-ker City, seemed to have caught wind of this significant event.

With the heart-strengthening medicine, a sense of relief washed over everyone. Smiles even appeared on their faces, and the room’s atmosphere ceased to be so stifling.

As the hot water was prepared, Tang Yue organized his team to clean the room and arranged the patients into three separate rooms based on the severity of their illnesses to prevent further infections.

“I don’t want to be separated from my father… Godly Doctor, let me stay with him. I can take care of him.” The young man clung to his father’s hand, refusing to leave.

Although the young man didn’t appear seriously ill, Tang Yue couldn’t take any chances under the circumstances.

“Rest assured and go to the adjacent room to receive treatment. There are plenty of people here to assist you. The soldiers in this camp are excellent helpers, and I’ve brought a sufficient support team with me,” Tang Yue reassured him.

After successfully convincing them to move, darkness had fallen. Tang Yue rose from his seat and issued orders, “Ensure the rooms are warm and well-ventilated. Don’t close all the windows; leave one slightly open. We doctors will take turns for night watch and administer fever medicine every four hours.”

“Young master, you should return and rest. We can manage things here. The patients are relying on you,” Elder Chen said with a sigh.

Tang Yue held the same sentiment: if he could conquer this disease in his lifetime, his sacrifice would be worthwhile.

Imperial Doctor Wu shared their thoughts, adding, “Indeed, His Highness is waiting outside. If you don’t leave, he might just barge in. Haha.”

Tang Yue glanced out the door, spotting a figure standing beneath a nearby grand tree. The person remained still, their expression concealed by the distance, yet Tang Yue could sense their gaze fixed on him.

A warmth filled his heart. He nodded and remarked, “That settles it then. But should any exceptional circumstances arise, kindly notify me promptly.” It was time for him to return and ponder how to formulate the remedy.

The most effective treatment for malaria involved Quinine and Quinitine. However, these components had to be extracted from the bark and roots of the Golden Rooster Tree. If he recalled correctly, the Golden Rooster Tree originated in South America, and he wasn’t certain if it grew in China.

In clinical practice, Quinine wasn’t the only beneficial substance for treating malaria. It also contained artemisinin, which was derived from artemisia selengensis. In the history of traditional Chinese medicine, artemisia selengensis had been employed for its medicinal properties.

Artemisia selengensis, also known as mugwort, possessed a potent aroma and was sometimes referred to as wormwood. It thrived at altitudes ranging from 1500 to 36,000. Each year, its flowers blossomed before and after autumn, and during this period, all the plants were harvested and dried for medicinal purposes.

Tang Yue was grateful for his previous trip to Qinyang City. In the vicinity of Qinyang City, there were both yellow flowers and artemisia selengensis. The herbs he had instructed people to procure earlier included this particular herb.

He hurriedly left the room and sprinted to Crown Prince Zhao. “Your Highness, please dispatch someone into the city to retrieve the artemisia selengensis from the warehouse and bring it to Huian Hall.”

Crown Prince Zhao took hold of his hand, and the sudden contact with his warm, swollen hand in the cold air caused Tang Yue to inhale sharply.

“I understand. I will have it delivered before sunrise. Your hand…” Crown Prince Zhao observed Tang Yue’s hands, which were red and swollen from the cold. He had recently used ice to lower a patient’s fever.

Tang Yue attempted to withdraw his hands, but Crown Prince Zhao wouldn’t release him, smiling gently. “It’s alright. When you return, apply some frostbite cream.”

Crown Prince Zhao tucked Tang Yue’s hands into his Great Demon Curl and guided him back to their tent.

En route, Tang Yue provided a brief update on the malaria situation. Due to the cold weather, disease transmission was less likely to occur. As long as they remained vigilant, the malaria outbreak wouldn’t expand.

“Is there a cure?”

“Yes!” Tang Yue couldn’t guarantee saving everyone, but for most cases of malaria, he was confident in a successful treatment.

Crown Prince Zhao expressed his satisfaction with this outcome. If not for Tang Yue, the patients in the three rooms, and perhaps the entire Yellow Flower Village, might have perished in flames.

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