Becoming the Luna

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

They spend the next hour or so getting through the workings of the store and bonding over books.

Turns out Jennie is also a big reader which would make it easier for her to advise customers or help them find the books they might like according to their preferences.

He glances at Dream from time to time, noting the ease that he uses to attend to the customers, easily making them smile with his pure and easy charm.

At least until the bell rings again and he sees color wash from Dream's face as he quickly ducks behind the counter, Hayden is quick to check who it could be, maybe Deidre coming to drag him back to the bakery.

He's pleasantly surprised to see Virgil instead, staring directly at the spot the Dream had just vanished from, the bickering teenagers immediately fall silent at his presence, awe clearing written in their young faces.

Dream, on the other hand, was panicking, Alphas had very sensitive noses, he could easily waltz through the day with just a couple spritz of his scent suppressants but an Alpha would easily sniff it out unless he sprayed a fresh layer every couple of hours.

Which is why he immediately ducked, grateful that he had thought to take a bottle of the clear substance with him in the case of emergencies like this, he quickly sprays a little on both sides of his neck, especially his scent gland, the liquid is cold and uncomfortable but a necessary evil.

Virgil frowns when the person behind the counter immediately drops out of sight before he can get a good look at them, he immediately beelines for it.

Hayden would tell him if he hired someone and there was no reason why Hayden would want to hide from him like that.

He leans over the counter at the same time that the person on the other side stands up, unflinching when this puts them face to face.

Dream isn't that stoic. "Ah!" He whisper yells, leaning back as far as he could manage without falling off his chair which isn't a lot so he goes cross-eyed with trying to keep his eyes on the Alpha in front of him.

Virgil's frown only deepens, his electric blue eyes an icy blue. "You're not Hayden." He says simply, something like accusation in his eyes.

"Obviously." Dream huffs under his breath, still shaken. "What do you want with Hayden anyway?" He fires back, staring up at Virgil distrustfully.

Virgil blinks at this, stunned at the turn of events. He had a good memory and would have definitely remembered if he had run into the teenager in front of him, odd, he couldn't catch a scent.

"Who are you?" He asks bluntly.

Dream just gives him a look, unimpressed. "I should be asking you that."

Hayden just watched them from his seat with Jennie, the girl had a firm grip on his hand after putting two and two together and figuring out that Hayden was the popular human mate of the Crimson Pack's Alpha.

Hayden had just colored up at this, worried about the interaction going on with Virgil and Dream, they knew about each other but hadn't met yet.

Virgil just huffs, equally unimpressed with the kid that his boyfriend had hired, blue-gray eyes glaring at him, pink lips folded in a pout, whipping cream smeared on the bottom lip, and crumbs down his top.

He ignores him and pulls out his phone to call Hayden's phone to find out for himself where his calm and pretty boyfriend had gone.

His eyes widen when Hayden's phone rings somewhere on the blonde kid's body and he takes out the familiar device, picking up the call without staring at the screen, placing it against his ear.

"Hello." Dream grinds into the phone. "How may I help you?" He asks tightly. "The 'asshole' is silent." He tags on, full lips in a tight line.

Virgil hangs up in exasperation, unsure of how to deal with a situation like this. "Look, kid just tell me where Hayden is." He says in a calmer voice that's no less cold.

Dream audibly gasps at this. "Who're you calling kid?!" He exclaims in an outrage that just seems adorable to Virgil.

"Is everything okay?" Hayden asks carefully, finally making his appearance with a jittery Jennie behind him.

Virgil heaves a breath of relief, pulling his boyfriend into his arms.

Dream was already talking. "No, everything is not okay, I'm about to throw him out don't hug the enemy!" He cuts himself off when he sees what's going on.

"Um, Dream, this is Virgil, my boyfriend I told you about." Hayden introduces sweetly.

Dream deflates. "W-What?"

"And Virgil, that is Dream." He half scolds his boyfriend, knowing that he probably said something dumb considering how red Dream currently was. "My friend?"

Virgil blinks, pausing in the act of kissing his boyfriend, and turns around slightly. "That's Dream? I thought you said you were the same age." He asks, thoroughly bewildered.

"Keep that up and I'll throw Apple at you." Dream threatened tightly.

"Hi, I'm Jennie." The brunette throws into the silence that followed Dream's threat, a goofy smile on her face.

"And I'm gone." Dream huffs, getting down from the chair to come around the counter, Jennie replacing him.

He walks up to Hayden to give him a hug and glare up at his boyfriend. "Nice to meet you." He grinds through his teeth, stretching out a hand to Virgil for a handshake, he and the Alpha might have not gotten off to a very good start but this is his best friend's boyfriend so he could be the bigger man.

"How is it possible that you're shorter while standing?" Virgil murmurs seriously, ruffling his hair.

Dream sees red at this, face red in anger as he swats away the hand ruffling his hair like he's a baby and stomps out.

Hayden just struggles to keep his laughter in, he would have to apologize to Dream with a boatload of cookies, preferably chocolate chip.

Virgil just looks down at his hand, a furrow between his brows like he's still wondering what he did wrong.

This just makes Hayden laugh harder, throwing himself on Virgil who easily holds up his weight.

"Did you hire someone?" He asks curiously.

Hayden nods. "Yeah, just a couple moments ago, that's Jennie and Jennie this is my boyfriend, Virgil." Hayden does the introduction, although it's not so necessary again.

They exchange pleasantries and Hayden is quick to drag Virgil away before Jennie melts all over her mobile chair.

"Did you come to pay your hard-working boyfriend a visit?" Hayden asks coyly when they settle at the table.

"More like take him on a date." Virgil replies, brushing a lock of hair out of Hayden's eyes.

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