Becoming the Luna

Chapter 208

Chapter 208

"You just wanted me back with you." Hayden accuses Virgil who looks unbothered.

They're sitting in their living room with some rom-com on, Virgil has Hayden in between his legs, a hand up his top to brush against his side.

"It's a date, baby." Virgil insists, leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

Hayden just huffs, not finding it in him to be upset, the both of them didn't really fancy social situations so sitting in their living room with pizza and a movie is actually one of their best kinds of dates.

"Don't you have work anyway?" 

"Hmm? I do but I told Jax I was taking you out on a date to propose so he let me off." Virgil replies casually.

Hayden feels his heart shift and starts to choke on the bite of pizza. "Wh-What?"

Virgil repositions them at this, placing the leftover pizza on the table and propping Hayden against the armrest of the sofa so he could hover over him.

"I've been waiting for this ever since you asked" He starts solemnly.

Hayden makes a dying sound at the back of his throat, looking up at Virgil with plaintive eyes. "So you didn't want to marry me?" He pouts.

Virgil leans down and kisses away the pout. "I did, I just didn't think it was possible or you'd want that."

Hayden's eyes crinkle at this, remembering, it was after Virgil had started coming over and he decided that he wanted to marry him, he had even gone the extra mile with plastic rings, a fancy robe for a wedding dress, and burnt cake.

Virgil cups his face and leans forward so that they're nose to nose. 

Hayden waits patiently for what most likely is a proposal, grey eyes shining expectantly.

He starts to smile when Virgil opens his mouth briefly only to close it up again, his smile only growing wider when his struggle becomes even more visible.

"I love you, idiot, where's the ring?" He finally cuts in when it seems like Virgil isn't getting it out. "It seems like I'm always going to be the one doing the proposing o-oh my God!" He cuts himself off when Virgil brings out twin gold bands one noticeably smaller than the other.

"I love you" Virgil starts when it seems his boyfriend is no longer functioning. "How your eyes light up when you're excited, how you color up when you're flustered and have the cutest sneeze ever, how you forget to be shy when you're sleepy and stick your tongue out when you're fast asleep"

Hayden just throws his hands over his face, overwhelmed, big eyes glassy.

"Your adorable pout and grumpy face, your frustrating humility and how you're just so strong, emotionally" he grins at him at this point but Hayden is too far gone to register the tease, he sobers up quickly though. "The only person I know who's terrified of puppies but effortlessly fixes gruesome cuts like they're nothing, I love you, did I mention that before? I don't think so, I love you, Hayden, marry me?"

Hayden was already full-on sobbing at the end of it, he's a hundred and one percent sure that's the most he had ever heard his quiet boyfriend say at once - wait, not boyfriend anymore

"Y-Yes." He sobs out in a shaky voice, throwing his arms around Virgil who panics.

"Hay, Babe, the rings!" He exclaims when they get knocked out of his hands.

"Shh." Hayden says wetly, placing his hands on the other's face to keep his attention on him. "The rings are fine and you bought wedding rings, crazy person."

Hayden thinks he sees his fiance color up for the first time - well if today wasn't the time for firsts -

"We already had rings." Virgil starts to say, leaning back so that Hayden can comfortably straddle him. "I didn't want to have to take off this one."

"And we're already married but you're proposing again." He murmurs, toying with locks of white-blond hair, nose still red from his brief sobbing fit.

"You wanted an engagement ring?" Virgil asks nervously.

"Of course not silly." He reassures the oversized teddy bear and leans to the side to pick up the box of rings that had rolled to the other end of the bed.

"You're crying again." Virgil points out worriedly after they had exchanged rings, wiping away the salty tears with his palms.

"S-sorry, I-I'm j-just" Hayden stutters lightly, lips glistening wet as his long lashes as he tries to stop the water flow.

"I honestly have no reason why I'm c-crying, I-I'm j-just s-so ha-happy, baby, o-oh G-God, I-I'm so ha-happy" His speech fades into incomprehensible babbles and Virgil just tucks him in his chest, keeping him close.

His thoughts are a gooey jumble and he makes his mind up for the umpteenth time in a day to protect his precious fiance from the world.

Hayden clutches against his shirt as the wave of happy tears calms down. "I look horrible." He sniffs, wiping his face with his left hand, silver and gold sitting side by side on his small fingers. "And I've gotten your shirt wet."

Virgil just looks down at him when he finally raises his head, beautiful grey eyes a pale silver and just as starry as a moonlit sky staring up at him from a reddened face, full lips parted and wet - he squirms slightly, uncomfortable in his right pants.

"You don't." He simply says the awe-filled words that his brain had created being compressed into those two words.

Wet lashes flutter up at him. "Really?"

Virgil just lips down and joins their lips, it was the next best answer to reassure his doubtful lover.

Hayden melts against the kiss, their lips slotting perfectly together like they were made for just this, his wet lashes feel cold against his face but it's only a vague feeling in the background, drowned out by the tongue tangling with his.

He's so happy he feels like his heart would flutter right out of his ribcage like a butterfly and he knows Virgil feels the same way because he can feel his smile against his lips.

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