Becoming the Luna

Chapter 254

Chapter 254

Jaxon couldn't believe how fast Hayden was running, if the situation weren't so dire he would be laughing so hard as he watched him skid down the hallway.

But there was too much as stake and he barely catches Hayden at the door just before the other throws open the door.

"Hayden, please don't." He throws his arms around the other to restrain him.

"Let me go, Jaxie." Hayden says calmly, very out of breath, hair wild.

"Hay?" Jaxon prompts, grabbing his face to look in his eyes and he falters at the terrified tears in his eyes. "Oh God, Hay."

"This is going to help him." Hayden says earnestly, trembling ever so slightly.

"I know but I'm worried about you." Jaxon frowns.

The younger gives him a wry smile. "Give me a little more credit, Jaxie."

"Virgil is going to kill us if he finds out that we let you do this." The Head Beta playa his final card, Hayden was higher ranked than him anyway when it came down to it, they couldn't stop him from doing whatever he wanted -well, maybe Dale could.

Like he could hear him, the other Alpha steps out at this point.

"Hayden?" He frowns. "You shouldn't be here." He says immediately, taking Hayden's hand in his and making away.

"Dale, let me go." Hayden resists, grey eyes the shade of mecury.

Dale glances at him briefly before sweeping him off his feet and carrying him down the hallway again.

"Dale!" Hayden exclaims, outraged. "Put me down, right now!"

"I'm not letting you put yourself in danger." Dale says calmly, ignoring Hayden's pounding fists.

He doesn't slow down till they get back to the other apartment, the twins waiting for them.

Leon heaves out an inaudible sigh of relief, puffs of smoke clouding his face. Now that the Alpha was here they wouldn't have to worry about the Luna's safety.

He takes in a squirming Hayden, lace covered, slender legs kicking as he orders Dale to let him down.

The entire situation was a mess, Virgil had probably not noticed the signs and ruts just kind of just sneak up on you.

Dale makes straight for the bedroom, gently placing Hayden on the sheets, he rolls away from Dale immediately, keeping distance between them and looking in the other direction.

"Hayden, don't be like this." 

Hayden gives him an icy look. "Stop making me feel like I'm being difficult, I can literally hear Virgil howling in pain and knowing I can do a little to help yet you won't let me? Of course, I'll be like this."

Dale relents at this, Hayden wasn't wrong but the risk was far too great, ruts intensified when Alpha's had a fixed want in mind and he doesn't think he's seen any of his or Virgil's previous ruts get intense like this.

"I'm going to regret this but fine, but" He stops him when Hayden is already making a move to hop off the bed.

"What?" Hayden glances up at him suspiciously.

"You have to let him tire himself out first, doesn't matter if it takes days, that's my only request." Dale says simply.

Hayden's mouth drops open in disbelief. "You traitor!"

"Honestly, I would prefer if you don't even go to him at all so it's either this or nothing." He continues decisively.

"Alright." Hayden accepts, lying down again. "I'll take it, thank you, Dale."

"Yeah, Virgil is probably going to kill me." He rubs a hand over his face. "I'll go check on him, okay, please stay here."

"I will." Hayden says quietly, calmer now that he knew he would be allowed to do something to help.

He watches Dale go out and the door clicks shut, pressing his trembling hands together, it wasn't that he wasn't terrified, no, far from that, he was actually scared shitless but his concern for Virgil was greater.

Virgil was always gentle with him whenever they made love and although it was exasperating sometimes, he knows that this would be the direct opposite.

He wasn't a dunce, he knew exactly what they were all afraid of and he has to say that getting fucked within an inch of his life wasn't on his fantasy list.

But hearing Virgil's sounds of pain was enough to give him courage, he could do this, for the one he loved.

The howling continued for a couple more hours, time dragged on so slowly. Hayden couldn't block out the sounds that were going straight for his heart but having to listen was equally as worse.

Eventually the sounds cease and Hayden sits upright in a jolt, waiting for Dale to show up and let him go to Virgil.

'Yeah he's mostly out." Dale shows up not long after. "Don't spend um a lot of time." He mumbles awkwardly, looking away.

Hayden agrees and hurries out, Dale following behind him from a distance with Jaxon.

"This is going to be a disaster." Jaxon mutters forlornly.

"Well, that's one way to put it." Dale replies darkly, watching Hayden open the front door and go in, Leon and Darian were also slowly making their way over.

They would go in and take Hayden out if it came to that, he thought grimly.

Hayden on the other hand was facing a different kind of battle, taking slow but steady steps across the living room.

After hours of constant howling and snarling, it seemed odd for it to be so quiet.

The living room was a mess but somehow he had expected worse, he heard that Leon had taken Apple down to stay with Luke and his grandmother, he was relieved because he knew how upsetting all the noise must have been for the poor cat.

The hallway seems darker than usual which is ridiculous because the lights are switched on so it's definitely all in his head, he wasn't terrified of Virgil, far from it but he knew he needed to be cautious or it would hurt Virgil more if he found out later that he had hurt his mate.

He opens the bedroom door and slips in, shutting the door with a click behind him, the room was sufficiently illuminated and Hayden isn't sure what he's expecting to see.

The bedroom is in a much better shape than the living room and he glances at the bed to see Virgil looking straight at him with familiar, calm blue eyes.

The thick ropes holding him down on the bed doesn't even register as he throws himself on Virgil to hug him.

"V-Virgil!" He gasps. "I'm so glad you're okay." 

A low growl replies him and he glances at Virgil's face again only to see his eyes back to gold, a light snarl settling on his face but those burning orbs are fixed on Hayden, his body twisting like he wanted to wrap himself around the other.

Hayden knew what he had to do, it seemed simple enough but it doesn't take away from the mortification, especially when he's going out to the rest again, red faced and probably limping.

But he asked for this and he would see it through, for Virgil's sake more than anything else.

He put distance between them and he notices Virgil's snarl get harsher, fangs dropping.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm not going anywhere." He says in a calm voice, reaching down to get rid of his shorts.

He had to prep himself and this entire situation was awkward enough, he wasn't about to make it worse so he makes for the bathroom to get ready there.

He's barely out of sight when Virgil goes batshit again, straining against the bonds holding him down, howling and snarling.

Hayden rushes out again, the last thing he needed was the rest coming to take him away, not yet.

"V? Baby? It's okay, I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere" He immediately starts to reassure him, coming closer to the bed.

Virgil instantly falls quiet again, eyes fixed on Hayden, his pupils dilate so wide that his irises almost look a solid black, swallowing up the glowing gold.

Hayden settles at edge of the bed in confusion, Virgil wasn't going to let him leave his sight so as embarrassing as it was, he would have to get the prepping done with here.

He watches Virgil quietly strain against the ropes holding him down, trying to get closer to him and tentatively, he reaches out, heaving a sigh of relief when Virgil calms down as soon as his hand makes contact with his torso.

He leans over quickly to grab the lubricant from the bedside drawer, nearly dropping it a couple times, making sure that at least one of his body parts was touching Virgil, for some crazy reason it kept his husband calm and that was enough.

He settles on the bed again, heart thumping, mouth dry - this shouldn't be so bad - he thinks to himself, looking down at Virgil who still had his gaze fixed on him.

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